Archive for 08 September 2024

08 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 30: Lecture 6 continued

Lecture 6 continued

“Everyone is weary of life. Honor is not upheld. This is the horrifying world of the gods. This world is much closer to hell than my world. And there is no one here trying to save the world.”

“This is a very complicated and difficult place. Everyone is a god, so this world can’t be saved by someone who’s just a hero. But that’s why many colors interweave, making it beautiful, like a jewel. I’m thankful to the gods. For creating me. Your world might be a terrible world, but the gods created you and put you there to try to save the world, Alice. And this world is the place we met. I’m very happy that it happened.”

The world of Alicetaria was a world of urgency and without ease.
But Mamika is growing up accepting the richness of information of the real world. With the frame of her story removed, she has manifested her latent quality. Mamika has acknowledged the grace of the creators through the richness of qualia filled in the world.

“Hey, Alice. I like you, Alice. …I just wanted to make sure I told you that.”
Mamika has set a flag.

“Just like I believe in you, I want you to believe in me, too, no matter what happens in the future.”
Mamika’s essence has not changed. One of her capabilities has attained a phase out of many other possible ones.

“Maid Cafe, Warming Heart. How about it? You over there with the straight face.”
Magane in a maid costume, approaches Sota.
“Even I was shocked and amazed. I’ve never heard someone gloss over so many things at once.

“Magane knows anything and everything.”
Even though she doesn’t take sides on either party, she is everywhere and eavesdropping on information. She is weirdly capable. There is a part that implies divine authority and attributes.
She knew Sota’s name from Meteora’s line just before.
“Anyone could find that out just by listening carefully for a bit.”

A kind of ubiquitous existentiality is her specific ability.
“That reminds me, you were talking to the enemy magical girl in secret in a cafe the other day too.”

Her position is one of a sarcastic criticizer.
“Beautiful stories are nice, aren’t they? They are so soft and fluffy, without even the slightest hint of responsibility. But you … You’re not the main character of a story like that, right? Do you think you can get off that easily? In a world that’s as messed-up as this … Well, that doesn’t matter. But it was fun listening. Even though you were mincing your words.”

“I’m talking about something you want to hide no matter what. If you wouldn’t hide it, your wounds would get exposed. Your open, pus-filled wounds. Your wounds.”
She can guess everything by her strange omniscience.
“For example, that friend you were talking about. I wonder where that person is now and what she’s doing. What if she doesn’t exist anywhere anymore? What if she doesn’t exist anywhere anymore?

In many ways, she contrasts with Sota,who is a being in real life.
“‘How does she know?’ That’s what that look on your face says. I love looking at dumb faces like that. Don’t worry. I haven’t the slightest intention of spreading negative gossip. Would you believe me? Oh, you have no choice but to believe me. Oh, that’s right. As a mark of our friendship, how about going on a lovey-dovey date with me?. We have to exchange contact info. So that we can stay connected anywhere, anytime.”
While Sota is negative in everything, Magane is positive anywhere.

Mamika confronts Altair.
“I have been thinking about this for a long time. Are you lying to me? Or are those other guys the ones who are lying to me? It’s true that there are gods in this world? It’s probably also true that the gods can change our worlds. But you hid something very important from me. We can’t increase the strength of creation by disturbing the yoke of the world. Disturbing the world only increases the distortion in the worlds that collided. Right? Altair.”

Mamika is talking about what Meteora told by the word “great destruction”.
“You finally learned that name.”

“They told me. From one of the people you call ‘the enemy’. That’s why I came here. If you’re trying to destroy this world, then I must stop you. Because I’m Magical Slayer Mamika. Because I’m the main character of the story I love.”
Her essential attributes have not changed but are manifested now in more complex conditional co-ordinates.

“Why didn’t you keep quiet about joining the side?”
“That would be dishonoring my friends. Altair, you’re my dear friend too. That’s why I want to save you. What you’re doing is revenge? A promise with the god you loved, the god who loves you. But the revenge you’re planning is so sad. This world connected you with your god. Trying to end this world out of revenge … An ending like that, it’s so sad.”
“I hate all of you. I hate your stories. I feel like throwing up when I think of the abhorrent gods that created you. Spitting out stupid stories. Everything in this world is vile. This world rejected my ally. All she wanted was a place to belong. Only a tiny humble wish. But the world humiliated her. They ignored her existence.”

“They ,spat on her and laughed at her. They treated her like she didn’t exist. Just like it was easy for them, doing this is easy for me too. I will destroy everything, including you. Destroy, and destroy, and destroy more, until everything in this world disappears. That is the reason I’m standing here today.”
“Isn’t that just a story she gave you? It’s not to constrain you.”
“What about you? Now that you’ve been released from the yoke of your story, why do you wear the mask of a hypocrite?”
“It’s not like that. I used to be a character who was designed that way. But after coming to this land, I changed. I chose this life. I saw a lot of things after coming to this world. I met Alice and you. I decided to become Magical Slayer Mamika again.”

Mamika chose to live in this world after being freed from the yoke of her story… She chose the way of living as Magical Slayer Mamika, at her own discretion.
But Altair also chose it by her own way.
“She was abandoned by this world. I will never forgive the merciless story that gave her a role like that. I am not merely following a plot outline written by someone. This is something I decided myself.”

“I heard what happened to that girl. But I’ll show you that I can accept your sadness. We all carried pain and sadness with us in our old worlds. I’m sure I can accept your sadness too. I want to save your soul. And … Setsuna’s soul.”

Mamika’s body is pierced by Altair’s sabers.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know what it feels like. You don’t know what her sorrow feels like. Her wailing, her resentment… You don’t know what it feels like. You don’t know. You have no idea!”
Mamika activates her move.
“Magical Splash Flare!”

Altair bears strong resentment against God.
Mamika loves the world that created her.

Magane Chikujoin has no anger against anything. What is the spiritual state of her?
She has a trait of some deity. Jester, the god of clowns?

Mamika is mortally wounded and goes to Alicetaria.
Magane sees her.

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