Archive for 09 October 2024

09 October

Study of Re:CREATORS 57: Lecture 9

Lecture 9

By the way, the Japanese word “Sugoi” originally meant “horrible”or “gruesome”. But nowadays it is very often used meaning “fantastic”, “wonderful”.
When contrasted with the English subtitle, the background meaning of the Japanese scenario emerges more definitely. The ability to comprehensively grasp the pluralistic connotations of words cannot be acquired by mechanical learning of “studying foreign language.” “Weird” discovery is hidden in all things.

Awareness of the existence of different languages gives you deeper understanding of everything. What present educational system is trying to do is exactly the opposite to the genuine teaching.
Centered on the subject of each consciousness, one can gain a multifaceted perspective that eventually leads you to the grasp of the meaning of the universe as a whole.
The universe is a field made up of countless perspectives. To gain comprehensive perspectives is the purpose of the existence of the individual consciousness. This is the teleological interpretation of the universe which consciousness creates through varied qualia formations, including delusional images produced in fiction, that are definitely different from reality. The conversation between Selesia and Sota offers an interesting suggestion on this subject.

14:30:48 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

Kenji Miyazawa’s Mindscape Sketches and Science of Resonance shared

Kenji Miyazawa’s Mindscape Sketches and Science of Resonance

This is a selection from “Cosmological Implication of Fictionality and Consciousness” that discussed Japanese poet Kenji Miyazawa’s activity of “mindscape sketching”, which is also a selection of the first and last chapters of Fantasy as Antifantasy 2, a comprehensive study of The Last Unicorn.

These parts were originally conceived as an argument on the implication of fictionality, against the cosmology based on the idea of oneness supported by post quantum mechanics.

After I published the study, I learned Franco Ivaldi and others have accomplished a persuasive study of the nonlocal structure of the universe and consciousness in their “Science of Resonance”. As I find their achievement will afford a good resource for understanding Kenji’s thoughts, I have modified the part I discussed Kenji’s hyper-scientific speculation/activity with notes on Science of Resonance and relating topics.
11:30:26 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks