Archive for 12 July 2024

12 July

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Many-Worlds Theory

Takeru’s dream -- Dr. Yuko’s explanation
Brain waves are very weak potential fluctuations that occur in a huge number of nerve cells. That’s why it’s usually difficult to observe because the dispersion is too high. When the eye is closed at rest, the synchronicity increases and it becomes possible to observe; in other words, while this phenomenon is usually observed during sleep, when the synchronicity is increased and the brain waves should be easier to observe, for some reason the neuronal network was activated and the dispersion of brain waves increased. As a result, I wasn’t able to capture your brain waves.

Is it because my brain activity was increasing and my mind was back in the “old world”? -- It’s very likely. If your “real dream” is the reality of the “original world” and your mind has shifted from this world to the other world while you were sleeping, then that would explain the state of not being able to observe brain waves at all even when you were asleep.

What was Kasumi doing while Takeru was sleeping?

An apple in the box
Dr. Yuko explained in a trope of “an apple in the Box,” but the content of her talk was “Schrodinger's Cat.” Fundamental entity, which is a bundle of possibilities before occurring as an event in the phenomenal world, is in a foggy state of “probability” in which each contradictory state is superimposed, but thanks to the observational effect performed by the conscious being who directs attention to it, the convergence as a specific “event” is brought about to the foggy state of probability.
If we understand what is called “fog” here as “wave” in other words, we can grasp the phenomenon in terms of embodiment of a “coherent” state that materializes in the phenomenal world as a result of the collapse of the equilibrium of the previous “decoherent” state in which opposite wavelengths cancel each other out. According to Dr. Yuko’s theory of parallel worlds, consciousness, which is able to move through several parallel worlds, realizes this transition through the “synchronicity” and “dispersion” of brain waves.

What the world desires
According to the parallel world theory hypothesized by Dr. Yuko, although the being called Takeru is able to move between multiple parallel worlds, the world that lost its original stable state due to the loss of one of its components, and also the world that lost its stable state due to the overlapping of extra components, both want to retry the element exchange that would bring the initial stable states.
This is exactly because, from a thermodynamic point of view, each space with a difference in energy density has a directionality to return to an equilibrium state, and as a result of the simultaneous progress of the entire world to a final equilibrium state with the passage of time, the “entropy increase law” that is said to lead to a stable state that has no further thermal change factors, that is, “heat death”, is not restrained to the local regions of the world, but is applied with respect to the relationship of numberless possible worlds.

Many-Worlds Theory, Observational Effects, and Conscious Existence as the Subject of Observation
Descartes defended his own field of study called “science” by declaring that he would limit his research to objective material beings in order to prevent interference from the Christian church, and declared that he would avoid any mention of spiritual phenomena, which is the domain of religion. However, as the investigation of quantum phenomena progressed, it became clear that the influence of observational effects on the generation of physical events cannot be ignored. Now, science can no longer exclude the existence of consciousness and spirit, which is the main body of consciousness.
In Muv-Luv Alternative, a hypothesis is postulated that the “self,” which is a spiritual entity that is able to exist piercing through infinitely branched parallel universes, embodies the material-spirit continuity on a cosmic scale. The unknown realm of consciousness that underpins parapsychological phenomena called “altered states consciousness” may indicate a residual sense of perception of another kind of otherworldly “selves” that one is not yet fully aware of. One is tempted to fantasize that the key to solving the mystery may be lurking on the still unexplained phenomenon of dream that lurk behind consciousness.

These speculations were developed in my responsible course Culture Today, and studies of consciousness and fictionality are promoted taking actual instances in anime, game, movie and figurines modeling in the course textbook of it.

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