Archive for 21 August 2024

21 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 14: Lecture 4 continued

“I will continue to be reborn eternally within all of the copies of Avalken produced. As long as there are people playing the game I will continue to pass on the secret of Zalkazan to the hero. To save a collapsing world. Forever.”
Meteora was able to accept herself as a fictional being, and as such she was able to ascertain the raison d’etre of her existence.
What will be our decision to do against God, when we find out the creator somewhere in the universe in future, and has found how seriously he made us, or not?

And I thought about it. Now that I know that eternity, can I accept my world and my role, the person that created that world? I’m proud to be able to say this: I can accept it.”
“The things that my Creator bestowed to me, I mean, bestowed to my world, are things I can believe in.”

What is the purpose and motivation of the military uniform princess?

“I played so long I forgot to sleep and eat. It’s a little early, but I want to request dinner.”

Description of their dinner, subject of conversation and background.
“‘Great Destruction.’ Is that the goal of the Military Uniform Princess?”
“If I had to guess the reason for her actions, then that is the optimal answer.”
“If she does that, then wouldn’t she disappear with everything else? Isn’t that a conflict of motivations?” Matsubara expresses his doubt in terms of story setting.

“Yes. Something would happen to her story world too.”
Marine’s “Moe” in seeing Meteora and Selesia playing “Pocky Game”.
The description of dinner is full of multifaceted information.

Marine puts forward her question, “What if ‘that woman’ didn’t care if that happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“If she didn’t feel any attachment to this world or herself. In other words, if she’s the kind of person who doesn’t care if she dies or not. Like killing someone and then killing herself!”
Selesia likes her coffee very much.

Very impressive directing is performed over the talk of serious subject and enjoyment of eating, together with other factors in everyday life. It depicts the complex state of reality full of contaminant information.

Meteora estimated the love and commitment of the creator to the world.

Persuasive example in detail description is achieved.
The subject and describing method are beautifully in sync.
The achievement testifies the scenario writer’s and director’s observation of ethics in fictional presentation.
Pointing out the message and warning in the fictional work does not necessarily reflect the sincerity and love of the creator.

“For better or for worse characters in stories are often ‘exaggerations’. It also applies to Selesia and I”
Meteora is referring to herself as a fictional being, appreciating ice cream.

Matsubara remarks, “Well, it would be boring if I wrote you to be normal.”
“Sorry for not being normal.” The created retorts the creator.

“But I think that if her ‘character description’ said that she was someone who didn’t think straight she wouldn’t have proposed such a complicated plan to me. Her manner, attitude, and words…”

Each of them has different gesture of appreciating the taste of coffee.
Description of details matters very much in fictional presentation. Empty theme is nothing in true creation.

“Her manner, attitude, and words had a very unusual sense of sincerity. It is clear she intends to destroy the world. But I cannot guess her motivations. However, she doesn’t seem like someone…”
Here, each of the three holds the coffee cup in a different way.

“…who would plan to destroy things without a motivation.”
“That’s enough about the true intentions of the Military Uniform Princess. There’s something I want to ask you to do. Selesia. With you here, we have a way to resist her. I will do everything I can so that you can return to your world.”
“I’m not sure if I can be a substitute for your hero, but I’ll do whatever I can.”

“Mr. Sota, Mr. Matsubara, Ms. Marine. I think that ultimately I will need the help of you, the Creators. The more that characters with abilities that contradict this world appear in this world, the faster the cracks will start to form. The time we have left will decrease faster and faster.”
“Do you mean we should find all the other ‘Creations’ other than you guys?”
“But how? Unless that woman is making it happen, I don’t understand how people get transported to this world.”

Here, “Genkai” is translated in two ways, “appear” and “transport”.
“If they’re near, we can find the ‘Creations’ by sensing their unique aura and presence. But for now, we have no choice but to wait. The important thing is to preserve the normalcy of this world. We must stop the contradictions from getting any bigger. And the key is to separate the collided world again. There’s a clue. The one thing connecting all of us is the Military Uniform Princess. And she is a Creation too. She is not from this world. Then in that case… ”

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