Complete text -- "Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Dr. Yuko’s Secret Research and Kasumi"

13 July

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Dr. Yuko’s Secret Research and Kasumi

Dr. Yuko’s Secret Research
00 unit: the success of the Alternative 4 plan depends on this. What is it?
How is Kasumi related to it? And may Sumika be related to it?

Special Missions and Kasumi’s intimate behavior
“Open your mouth.”
New situation unfolds that was not in the previous turn.
Inter-world transition of consciousness and materialization in worlds
00 unit: The key to the completion of the Alternative 4 plan
Everything depends on Takeru’s activity: “I can save this world.”
In that world, there is peace and Sumika that I have given up on until now.
“For me, younger ones are out of gender recognition.
“An Empirical Study of the Multiverse Based on Quantum Theory Causality”
You never know what will happen if you interfere with multiple worlds at the same time.

The eruption of Mt. Tengen and the forced removal of illegal residents
Meiya’s violation of the order and loss of tactical surface fighter in the previous turn
How to avoid lost schedules?
The interest of the Empire, the interest of the UN Forces, and the interest of humanity as a whole

The true identity of Kasumi and the reality of Dr. Yuko’s activities are revealed
Alternatives Plans for 1 to 3
Beta vs. Humans: What have humans done to ensure survival?
Takeru’s judgment to save all, and Dr. Yuko’s judgment

Parallel typology: Interactive Live of Hirasawa
We got an interesting comment by an attending student
I have had many opportunities to think about parallel worlds in my favorite genre, called interactive live. It is a group of live performances played by a musician named Hirasawa. So I have been following Muv-Luv Alternative lecture, comparing it with the parallel world settings of the live performance by the musician.
Though the parallel world settings of the two are pretty much the same, there are some subtle differences. For example, in Muv-Luv, there is an interesting setting where Takeru moved from one world line to another, which caused the balance of the original world line to be lost, but in the case of Hirasawa’s interactive live, the same person from each world line often gathers in one world line to solve the problem. In this case, it seems that not much inconvenience occurs in the world. Maybe it is that the paradox does not occur because the subject who moved the world line generates another world line by his own action. In addition, the world does not try to hold back a person who moves on a different world line, nor does he expend a huge amount of energy on moving onto the other world line. It is enough one directs his intention to move another world line. So the Muv-Luv setting seemed new to me. It seems there are a fixed number of world lines, and the law of conservation of energy or something like that is working in its own way.
Even though they share the same parallel world subject, I think that the fictional aspect varies depending on the work. I hope other parallel worlds subject may be introduced and discussed.

Answer to the comment
In the setting of Muv-Luv, the principle of prohibition that works between worlds is envisaged. Whether or not paradoxes and inconveniences arise may or may not be a separate condition for building disparate parallel worlds. Dr. Yuko likened Takeru to an electron in an atom and predicted the “inter-world principle” that conforms to the laws that govern physical phenomena.
A theory ideologically related to this is “Pauli's exclusion law”. According to this, multiple fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state. However, this principle does not apply to Bose particles. It is predicted that each of the parallel worlds is an alternate universe that obeys different physical laws, but if we assume that there is a law that governs all the parallel worlds, what kind of “principle” should be inferred is a challenge for consideration. The question of how to interpret the facts that have already been told in a possible world as “fiction” must be also considered. The subject of speculation is how human existence or consciousness can maintain its identity in an “inter-worldly” manner, and whether there is a “comprehensive” law piercing all the possible worlds.

As the student submitted a very interesting report on Hirasawa’s interactive live, I will show the link to it for reference.

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