Archive for 24 August 2024

24 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 17: Lecture 4 continued

Lecture 4 continued

“I admit I’m the one who did the character design … but he’s a lot more trouble than I expected.
“‘Kanoya’ has shut up himself in. There’s no way I ‘can know, yah’? Get it?”
Meteora’s jokes are lame.

Raid from the outside there.
A group of organized people rush in the house.
Rui calls up his Gigas Machina.

Meteora is not agitated.
“Silence! We won’t resist! Lower your weapons! Kanoya! Shut off the Gigas Machina auto drive!”

They are a unit of the Self-Defense Forces.
“I apologize for the rude greeting. I am Major Magaki from the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force… Central Readiness Force Special Forces Group.”
“What is the reason for this warm reception?”
“We are operating under a special disaster discovery order from the Cabinet. We request you that you accompany us to the Special Situations Countermeasures Council where this situation will be discussed.”
“I will agree only under the condition that all of us will go together. I will not allow anyone here to be interrogated separately.”
“I do not have the authority to approve your request. However, I shall notify my superiors.”

Encounter between the Self-Defense Force and otherworld characters.
Gate — Thus the JSDF Fought There!

Council meeting
What are the titles of the officials present at the meeting?
The moderator is Aki Kikuchihara, the general coordinator.
“I’m the General Coordination Officer of the Special Situations Countermeasures Council, Kikuchihara.
This is novelist Takashi Matsubara, real name Takeshi Ohsawa. This is scenario writer Masaaki Nakanogane. This is Sota Mizushino from Metropolitan Kissui Highschool. Illustrator Marine, Real name Ayano Koura.”

“I apologize for bringing you here suddenly.
Meteora responds, saying, “You should have sent a private driver with your business card to greet us instead of guns.”

How did Meteora guess the identity of the intruders and was she able to prepare for the conflict? Answer this by describing her possible abilities of magic or relating technology.

Kikuchihara states at the council. “To be honest, we have no idea where to start in order to deal with this abnormal situation. We were intending to contact you in a more delicate manner, but when the giant machine appeared, we decided we had no time to waste, and we took emergency measures. The reason we requested your presence today is to request your cooperation in ‘Special Disaster Case 105’, designated by the government.

On August 23, the Meteorological Agency detected radio interference and abnormal magnetic fields of an unknown cause. This council has concluded that this phenomenon was most likely the start of the situation. After that day, the police and fire departments began to receive a large number of reports describing ‘sightings of unusual persons’ and ‘sightings of flying people’.

At that point we still thought that these were just rumors or that it was a hoax. On November 18, we detected a second instance of radio interference. At 20:34, at Otaguro Park in Suginami Ward, we received reports of an incidence of violence and fighting. Out of two victims, one victim inflicted damage to the park using a weapon sword. The other victim flew in the air and escaped after firing an object similar to a gun.”
Kikuchihara reports the detail of the battle between Yuya and the middle-aged gunner in glasses.

“The guy with the wooden sword must be the guy that helped us at Sunshine.”
“So, there are other people like us out there.”
“The other one.”
“The old guy who sided with the enemy.”
“Do you know the suspects?”
“Uh, yes. I don’t know who the person with the gun is, but the guy with the wooden sword is Yuya Mirokuji from Exclusive Underground.”
“It’s serialized in Media Talk’s ‘Monthly Surprise’… Uh, I bet you don’t understand what I’m talking about…”
“What is the name of the author?”
“Ryo Yatoji.”
“Verify his safety immediately. Arrange to have him taken into custody.”

“Thank you for your cooperation.”
“Um… Did something happen to Yatoji?”
“He may be in danger.”
“Naoya Takarada, manga artist. His penname was Gai Takarada. Did you know him?”
“I know him. He’s an artist for Monthly Tuesday.”
“On November 20, at 21:00, Takarada made an appearance at the Ogikibo Police Station. He said he was being threatened and submitted an application for protection. After they received the application, while the officer was interviewing him, …”

“Takarada was abducted while consulting with the police. The suspect is Alicetaria February from Scarlet Alicetaria.”
“The incident was reported as a fire inside the police station. It sounds so ridiculous. The reporters couldn’t wrap their heads around it. … We don’t know his whereabouts even now. This is the suspect in the police station attack. From Alicetaria of the Scarlet, serialized in Kogakusha’s Nonthly Tuesday, Alicetaria February. After this incident, our understanding began to shift. Upon considering the reports from the various ministries, the Cabinet urgently summoned this Council, the Countermeasures Committee. Although it’s difficult to admit, fictional characters who don’t exist in real life and who possesses abilities from anime and manga suddenly appeared in the city. This is our conclusion.”

In spite of being government people, Kikuchihara and others are able to quickly respond to the abnormal incident properly. A fictional work is entitled to describe such an extraordinary occurrence.

Fortunately, damage has been limited to the attack on the Ogikubo Police Station for now. However, we are faced with a situation which leaves no room for mistakes.”
“The reason we decided to exercise emergency measures is that there was another incident, in addition to the Ogikibo Police Station attack incident. On November 10, supplies that were issued by the Self-Defensive Force were stolen from Camp Jujo.”

Meteora has been sighted by the camera.
“The objects that were stolen include; 6 ATM5 anti-tank missiles. 1 MINMI multipurpose machine gun and 1 cartridge. MK26 hand grenades. All 6 of the ATM5 missiles were used on November 17 at Yoyogi Park during the fight. Correct?”

Meteora answers, “I needed to show her that I was willing to use force. However, I am not well versed in attack related to magic, …”
This is a good example of the depiction of the conflict between reality and fictionality, it even mentions the prices.
“Therefore, I decided to borrow a few things.”
“1 ATMS costs 26 million yen. The cost is completely funded by taxpayer money. 6 missiles total 156 million yen.”
“I request that this incident be pardoned as an emergency evacuation.”
“Furthermore, the stadium and park facilities that you destroyed are classified as Damage of Property under the Penal Code and according to the Civil Code, are subject to a Compensation for Damages Claim.”
“I’m sorry for using them without permission. I apologize.”
Meteora has to acknowledge her faults.

“Yes. I wish you would have said that first. I wasn’t trying to be mean. In consideration of the security of our citizens and the protection of information, please refrain from doing things like this.”
“If you grant me voluntary discretion, I promise to notify you in emergencies.”
“Actually, related to this topic… You and um… Selesia Upitiria you are a ‘Creation’ of Matsubara, right?”
“She’s not an object. Don’t talk about her like that.”
Matsubara didn’t like the way Kikuchihara referred to Selesia.
“I apologize. This is an unprecedented situation for us as well. Even if you are fictional, you do exist here, we will respect your individual personalities and human rights. Back to the main topic. We have no information about the opponent you fought at Yoyogi Park.”

Details of the way adjusting between reality and fictionality is scrupulously described in this work, for instance, Kikuchihara talks of human right of fictional beings, and afterward, driver’s license is actually issued for Selesia.

“Do you know who she is?”
“We are the ones who want to ask that question.”
“In any case, we want to request your cooperation. It’s still just a hypothesis, but we think she has a grand plan for this world.”
“I’ve never heard that before. Can you explain more?”
Meteora explains. It generates a turmoil at the conference.
“I can’t believe it. We must summon a council of experts. This is unheard of.”
“The Great Destruction?”
“The moment a ‘crack’ appears that’s obvious to anyone. That is the moment when it has already become too late.”

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