Archive for 09 September 2024

09 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 31: Lecture 6 continued

Lecture 6 continued

Magane finds Mamika on the verge of death.
“No way, no way. I didn’t expect to bump into you here. Life sure is interesting.”
Magane will do anything in order to make things more interesting in her own way. The ability to determine the fate of the world by being present at the critical moment that determines the development of the meaning of the world.
How is the deity phase of Magane to be specified in relation to the evolution of the universe?

Mamika asks Magane to send a message to Alicetaria.
“She’s trying to destroy the world. So stop her. Stop Altair. They were right. Meteora.”
Magane understands everything.
“Meteora must be that nerdy girl with the white hair working with the enemy. I see! This looks like something worth lying about.”

Alicetaria appears in front of them.
“What did you do to Mamika?”
“Does it look like I did something to her? I was just taking care of her.”
Mamika Asks Magane to tell everything to Alicetaria before she expires.

At the instance of Mamika’s death, her body goes away as if the world excludes her existence.
Alicetaria asks, “Mamika’s dying wish. What did you hear?”

Magane skillfully distorts Mamika’s message, conveying it to Alicetaria.
“Yeah, I heard her dying wish. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, but I listened really carefully. So do you want to hear it? Do you want to hear it?”
“If you dare lie to me, just for the sake of my own enjoyment I shall burn you to a crisp.”
“I got it, I got it. Then I won’t lie. I promise, I promise. First, she said she wanted to stop her. What’s she talking about? Oh, yeah, that’s right. Then she mentioned the name Meteora. That’s right. That’s right. I think she’s the nerdy girl you were fighting by the river. And then, she was saying that someone is actually trying to destroy the world. That’s what she said. Dangerous, dangerous. And then I think she said, ‘Altair.’ But I don’t know who that is. Is that one of your friends? Well, she said to help her. If you explain it that way, then everything makes sense. What do you think, Ms. Knight?”

Her special ability seems to work her words to distort meaning and intent.
Alicetaria says, “Meteora. You shall pay dearly for this.”
After Alicetaria is gone, Magane is rejoiced by herself, “Just like I promised, I haven’t told a single lie. I made everything so easy for you. I start to get so itchy when I don’t lie!”
Magane brings disorder, like the god of chaos.
Will she become the embodiment of absolute evil as the source of all wrong, the central enemy of the story, that integrates narrative meanings?

Recheck the scene above.
Will Mamika’s death and disappearance be a distortion solution for the world?
Mamika’s message is conveyed to Alicetaria.
What is the raison d’être and principle of action of Magane?

“So! Things are getting interesting! Magane presents: Extreme Illusion, curtain open! I’m on fire! I’m on fire! I feel so pumped up now.”
While Apollo, the god of the sun, is the god of order, Dionysus is the god of disorder and chaos.

Magane calls Sota up.
“This is a nice world. The food is delicious, and the drinks are good. The sky is deep, the air is fresh and everyone is so stupid! …And Sakagami isn’t here.”
Since the main character, Sakagami-kun, is not present, she can do whatever she wants. She is enjoying the state of liberation from the constraints of the original story.
“Being able to cut loose somewhere without him is good for both body and soul!”

“So let’s get to the point. Continuing where we left off talking in Akihabara the other day. Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about the person you killed.”
Magane continues her skillful way of talking.
“When people are hiding something, they talk about the details and avoid talking about the most critical part. Every single time. But that’s the same as showing everyone exactly which piece of the puzzle it is you’re trying to hide. A liar like me can see that. Well, then, I’m going to tell you what your missing puzzle piece is. This is it: ‘I want to apologize but I can’t.’”

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