Archive for 11 September 2024

11 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 33: Lecture 6 continued

Lecture 6 continued

Sota confesses to Meteora that he abandoned Shimazaki.
“I felt she deserved what she got. Shimazaki hadn’t changed at all. I wanted Shimazaki to … But it wasn’t true. I was just frustrated that I didn’t measure up. I made her die!”
Sota represents the complicated and cluttered part of the real world.
Re; Creators is not a very popular anime. Some viewers will criticize this kind of fictional representation as a creative flaw because it does not give them ease of mind.
The aim of this anime lies at the quite different plane than giving the viewers pleasant feelings. It tries to delve into the metaphysical relationship between fictionality and reality, constructing various concrete examples that manifest phases of conflict between them. However, is the real world an incomplete world full of shallow critics and readers who talk about their fractious judgements? Nerdy viewers who watch Magical Slayer Mamika, may be quite different from this kind of loose head pedagogue.

“That time, I knew there was something you were afraid to talk about. I thought I was being kind by not asking you about it. I was careless.”
Meteora regrets that she was not sharp enough to fathom Sota’s current situation.
However, Meteora is unfamiliar with the subtleties of human feelings.
Sota tells her that Mamika is also dead now.
“Sota. If you are aware that it is your fault that you hurt someone, then you must not forget about it. You must not use pleasant words to forget about it. Do not look away. Continue to ask yourself what you can do. In other words, that is the reason for your living. The world requires choice and resolution. Embrace it, and face it.”

Can this axis of meaning, which governs Meteora’s fictional world, also apply to the real world? Does the real world equipped with similar ethical principles that regulate Meteora’s?

Magane is skillfully dodging Yuta’s attacks.
“Is that the kind of weapon that bad boys use? Wow, interesting! It looks just like a normal wooden sword. Is that a souvenir from some hot spring resort?”
“I don’t have to tell you anything!”
“It wouldn’t be fair! Are you the type of character that likes picking on girls?”

The battle between Yuya Mirokuji and Magane Chikujoin.
“In a fight, it doesn’t matter if something isn’t fair!”
“Oh, what strong power! But it’s nothing. This is no match for me. What do you think, bad boy?”
“I’ll show you! I’ve never met a girl who was fine after getting hit with this!”
Yuya administers his special move. But Magane has been waiting for it.
“It turns inside-out on itself.”
“What did you do?”
“Yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it. You look like a cat that’s been run over. I just love seeing that look on your face. … You’re as stupid as you look.”
Meteora cautions.
“Be careful, Mirokuji. Her power is to reverse cause and effect by making the person under her spell deny what she asks.”
Yuya’s next attack also has no effect on Magane.
“Once laws have been bent, they stick.”
Magane’s ability is to bend the existing physical laws.
“Attacking Magane with Kuroganemaru won’t work anymore. Probably not until Magane dies.”
“I hate it. I don’t like spoilers. Whenever I see someone having fun giving away the secret behind a magic trick, it spoils the fun! I hate it when people do that.”

Yuya summons up Hangaku.
Magane asks Meteora.
“What do you think, nerdy girl? The plan I gave Sota fell through. But instead, how about making a deal with me? A project for destroying Altair. It’s a bargain! You don’t want to talk to me? Or are you scared? You don’t want to lose an argument with me? Even you, Meteora, ‘The seeker of a Thousand Truths’.”
“Provoking people and taking advantage of their vulnerabilities, it’s your same old trick.”
Meteora understands well of Magane’s ways.

“Oh, well. Trying to destroy each other would have been fun. But I hate forcing things. People should live freestyle. Or else they won’t become happy!
“That trick bag is so full of herself.”
“Oh, that’s right, that’s right. Meteora. I know I just said that it’s too bad that you won’t play with me. But it looks like there are other people who want to play with you too. See?”

Alicetaria appears.
“I have been searching for you. Meteora!”

end of episode 9

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