Archive for 11 July 2024

11 July

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Modal logic and many-worlds interpretation

Modal logic and many-worlds interpretation
Modal logic is the process of converting the assumption “if A is B” into the descriptive form “in a world where A is B” and replacing the syntax of the assumption with a description of virtual many-worlds. Apart from the interpretation of the superposition phenomenon of the existence of elementary particles obtained from experiments of quantum mechanics, there is a hypothetical many-worlds interpretation constructed as a system of linguistic description. An infinite number of worlds, including minute deviations, are assumed to describe the individual modes of each being. Abstract logical thinking is the act of creating an infinite number of parallel worlds in conceptual space.

Possible worlds
Any world that can be theoretically conceived is called a “possible world”. Anime, games, novels, movies, manga, and doujinshi which have no climax, meaning, or punchline are just a few of the countless possible worlds in terms of form. By omitting, adding, or substituting certain items in the elements that make up a world, we can understand them all as pseudo-existence in the same order. Therefore, the game work Muv-Luv Alternative, which depicts a special case of parallel world travel, is also one of such actual examples of possible worlds.
As an extension of the theme of the course, “Culture Today” I developed, which examined the countless variations of Hatsune Miku as a “possible personality” and its description in matrix diagram, we will be able to understand the relationship between phenomenal examples of manifestation and the archetypal existence in “Possible Worlds that are called Fiction.”

The Muv-Luv world itself contains a myriad of deviations and parallel descriptions.
Each game work is considered as one of a bunch of several parallel worlds. The following links summarize the actual situation of this phenomenon.

Muv-Luv series explanation page

Muv-Luv World Events Timeline

The man from the Imperial Ministry of Intelligence
Tama’s father was an important person at the United Nations.
Who is the suspicious man came next?
He. knows something about Takeru Shirogane. 
He is a member of the Imperial Ministry of Intelligence.
His name is Yoroi, Mikoto’s father.
His business is concerning the XG-70 issue.
What if the “Strategic Study Group” starts its activity?
Does it have anything to do with the coup d’état that took place at the previous turn?
His main subject is the highest priority order issued to both the Imperial and UN forces, not through the regular route.
The first time was on November 10, addressed to the Imperial Army General Headquarters, the day of the Beta landing.
The second time was on November 28, addressed to the North American Command of the United Nations Space Force, monitoring the HSST of the UN forces.
He is investigating the involvement of Dr. Yuko.

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