Archive for 05 July 2024

05 July

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Parallel and serial -- Specific examples

Parallel and serial: Specific examples
Let’s try to contrast the opposing concepts of “parallel” and “serial” by replacing them with related words and phrases in other fields. You will be able to see the specific problems that each concept of “parallel side” and “serial side” suggests in the integrated interpretation of the universe.

Parallel Serial
Polysemy Uniqueness
Superposition Single Existence/Phenomenon
Decoherence Coherence
Wave Particle

It seems that the actual image of “human intelligence” and the existential attributes of the fundamental field of the universe are not necessarily “serial” as has been believed from the existing scientific point of view. Meta-Structure of fictionality The backdrop of Muv-Luv Alternative, which involves traveling back in time and leaping into other parallel worlds with time lag embodies an interesting meta-structural peculiarity in that the in-game setting also incorporates the external structure of the game player’s interaction and re-experiencing the game world. Not only does the player gain a strategic advantage by accumulating information about the development of the game by repeatedly replaying it, but the structural characteristics that increase the level and combat power are directly reflected in the fictional world by reflecting experience points directly in physical strength. Particularly interesting example is Yu-No, The Girl Who Chaunts Love at the End of the World, where this meta-structure provided a positive strategy in the game playing by saving the progress of the development and intentionally moving to the save points. Focusing not only on the story, but also on the structure of the method in terms of how the game is played, and considering the structural characteristics of each promoting system, we are sometimes able to make valuable discoveries on metaphysical cosmology. While living in the present state in the second turn, at the same time, Takeru is aware of the meta perspective of perceiving himself and the surrounding environment from the viewpoint of the player who watches the game work from outside of it. However, a similar sense of detachment from reality is something that we have actually experienced in a similar situation. This kind of “meta-consciousness” may sometimes be the source of transcendental sensations that can predict the future or guide the course of fate working as an “inner voice.” Currently, the necessity to consider the nature of “consciousness” from the integrated perspective of physics and psychology is postulated. Examples include James Beichler’s theory of cosmological consciousness, which is the root of everything that pervades the entire universe, and Jack Sarfatti’s “meta-consciousness,” which extends from the future to the past.
Below is the extract of the argument developed in the study of anime Madlax. This mechanism that causes events generation conforms to the understanding of Post Quantum Mechanics, which enterprises the explanation of the first cause of the universe, that had been once described as God’s stroke, because there had been no other means to describe the event horizon of the tremendous energy generation that caused the Big Bang; introducing the metaphysical notion of “universal consciousness”, and depicting the process of the universe as autonomous evolution of it. Many physicists are now trying to assert the existence of original consciousness called “Fundamental Awareness”, as the necessary factor, which allows the construction of the unified theory that is able to describe the holarchy of universe where time and space are all united. This hypothesis that bears some similarity to “universal life force”, embraced by ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius, seems to be a significant enterprise to be able to integrate ancient wisdom and scientific attainments, in its design to depict the development of the universe as an autonomous evolution of the ubiquitous consciousness or “panpsyche”. After the superstring theory has come to the dead end in its attempt to set up an integral theory that would be able to unify the description of four strengths of nature, the research of awareness often called as “consciousness study”, is now taking over the rank occupied by that theory as most promising hypothesis. Representative one of these theories is Neurocosmology, posited by James Beichler in his paper “The Emergence of Neurocosmology” (2016) and other series of research documents. Jack Sarfatti and Federico Faggin and others are similarly attempting to promote the reconstruction of new cosmology through the philosophical study of intuition and qualia. These Physicists’ attitude interestingly overlaps the metaphysical contemplation Romantic philosophers had adopted, endeavoring to describe the essential truth of the universe through the notion of a nerve extending into space. The fact that many of the ancient philosophers such as Lao Tzu and Parmenides were able to develop cosmological ideas long ago that share the similar insight to the ones modern post quantum physicists have discovered, espouses the basis of the metaphysical design that demands reexamination of the relationship between the holarchy of the universe and the peculiar function of consciousness, which is supposed to be able to grasp the meaning of everything through the ability of intuition.
09:35:08 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Serial and Parallel

Serial and Parallel
The difference in system-theoretical qualities between AI and human intelligence was “parallel” and “serial”, that was referenced in a conversation between the protagonist Takeru Shirogane and Dr. Yuko about the improvement of the tactical surface fighter operation program. Peculiar differences between the algorithmic mechanism of parallel and serial were pointed out, and the significant difference between the in-game environment, where a finite range is defined as an object of observation and response, and the real-world environment, where infinite abnormal divergences are assumed, was discussed.  In fact, these are things that can be easily confirmed through the application of familiar computer function.  In the folder organized by orderly hierarchy, if you give simple sequential numbers such as 1, 2, 3 …, when it contains a two-digit 10 or a three-digit 100, the computer will not be able to recognize them as numbers it can judge as a series of quantitative differences. It is because when the number of the units is within 1000, it is necessary to unify all the files in the folder by the information constrained as a three-digit number, such as 000, 001, 002, …999, in the end.  Since human intelligence corresponds to infinite, it is possible to construct thoughts without hindrance by referring only to partial information and extrapolating it, without gaining the whole picture of the data. In this way, it can be understood that human intelligence practices a unique way of thinking that is completely different from the arithmetic algorithms performed by computers. If we look back at the various existing arguments from the viewpoint of systems theory, as confirmed here, we should be able to make various interesting discoveries. As an application, it will be interesting to reflect those concepts such as “linear” and “scalar numbers” in further discussions.
 Please understand the difference and relationship between “parallelization,” which is adopted as a means of social management measure, and “parallelism,” which is one of the models of thinking algorithms. As for parallelization pressure the administrative organization extends to the inhabitants of the society, it was discussed in the study of the anime Ergo Proxy.

For an organization that manages a highly regulated system such as Romdo City, the more the structure of the system and the phases of the components contained in the system can converge into something as simplified and centralized as possible, the more efficient the “management” work itself will be, and the easier it will be to achieve the goals of the effort, and the more desirable the evaluation of the work content. It can be assumed that the reason why parents, schools, the Ministry of Education, the state, etc. want to “parallelize” children, students, schools, and citizens is because of these dynamic factors. However, the entire system, in which such a parallelization process is promoted to the extreme, lacks flexibility (sensitivity) and prevents the system itself from being modified autonomously, and in the event of a sudden change involving the entire system, its crisis response capacity will be extremely low. However, since the management system will recognize all interference and influence outside the management system as undesirable and should be eliminated, it is expected that it will not only ignore such internal system modification factors, but rather move in the direction of eliminating them as dangerous elements. A typical example of the result of mechanical action as seen here can be understood as the construction of a “dome,” an autonomous system isolated from the external “wasteland” structure. Concepts such as “science", “reason” and “cosmos” can also be understood in various phases as correlates of this “dome” system. What seems to be a phenomenon equivalent to escaping into the “wasteland” or “chaos” outside the dome, or “erosion” of these into the inside of these domes, should be able to be pointed out and verified in various ways from existing concepts and historical facts.

In addition, please pay attention to the systems-theoretic concepts of “open systems” and “closed systems”. Those ideas were developed in the study of consciousness against the background of all-encompassing cosmology, focused on the argument of fictionality applied to the implication of magic and the supernatural, as below.

As examples of further implication of the argument between Dr. Yuko and Shirogane, you can also consider the relationship between the functioning of the human cerebrum and the cerebellum, diencephalon, and other neural tissues, as well as the collaborating relationship between the knight and his Fatima when controlling a Motarheadd as depicted in Mamoru Nagano’s Five Star Stories. 

09:23:21 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks