Archive for 19 August 2024

19 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 12: Lecture 3 finished

Lecture 3 finished

Meteora’s explanation
“By connecting information organically, an accelerated chain reaction occurs. That’s the process of recollection. A tremendous amount of calculations are performed subconsciously.”
Mental activity in the region of the unconscious is referred to, that is expounded in Plato’s idea of “anamnesis”.
Meteora is talking about the activity of the unconscious against the background of the whole universe.

There is all information in the world of ideas, and the unconscious “recalls” reality from that realm.
Genuine creative acts need unconscious backing.
It has been called “inspiration” for artists.
Selesia doesn’t know these affairs.
“That’s amazing. I’ve never experienced it before. I’ve just been battling my whole life. It’s probable his fault that I’m battling.”
Marine replies, “But it’s a really good story! I’m glad I could be involved in this story. You and Charon are both so cool!”
“Charon. I wonder what he’s doing now.”
“It must have been hard being betrayed by your best friend.”

Marine is talking about something that will make “spoilers” in front of Selesia. “I would never guess that Hydla was connected to the Avalon Brigade.” “Wait! Is what you said about Hydla true?” “Hydla killed Nics. “Nics dies?”
As Selesia was called out from the anime, she doesn’t know what the original story is about.
This makes a typical metafictional structure. But this anime’s aim is more overall metafictional challenge on the concept of fictionality.

As Selesia is from the anime world, she doesn’t know the description in the original novel.
Selesia declines the offer of Marine to read the novel. “Seeing into the future just for fun isn’t quite… I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that just now.”
“Now that I think about it, everyone knows about me. Why did things turn out like this?”
Very serious mental situation of Selesia is depicted. She is forced to experience the reversal and leaping over the time axis. But Meteora has her own comprehension.
“Things didn’t turn out this way. They were this way from the beginning. The relationship between cause and effect was flipped in what you just said.”
Meteora takes the nonlocal view of the universe where local direction of cause-effect chain is not sustained but can be reorganized in higher manifold dimension.

Matsubara has finished writing that describes Selesia’s new ability.
Marine is excited. “Selesia goes to save a child who was caught by the Avalon Brigade! What an exciting situation!”

Meteora understands the state Marine is now in. “A smooth transition to the state of flow.”
“Flow state” is a spiritual mode of immersing into the unconscious. Taking a bird’s-eye view of everything in the universe in all directions, one is able to synchronize with it. Mysterious relationship between the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness is suggested.

A sculptor would say he digs up a figure out of marble with a chisel.

Selesia exclaims. “That’s so amazing! The drawing will be done in no time!
You’re watching closely.” Sota is admiringly watching the illustrator’s creative act.

Selesia did not know the taste of coffee.
“In this world, I can really sense smells. That’s the biggest difference from my world. I like this smell. It blends with the smell of the sunset. It’s really nice.”

Selesia is having the sensation of “synesthesia”, a leaping sensory articulation that transcends the normal dimensions of the real world, suggesting hidden variables.
Parallel worlds, fictional worlds, and the Realm of Ideas.

As for synesthesia, the subject is explored in my study of anime Canaan and Mardock Scramble.

Selesia’s kind attentiveness
Sensing Sota’s anxiety about drawing pictures, she gives a proper advice.

“You have a lot of time left ahead of you. So just do things one step at a time. You used to draw, right? You said you don’t do it anymore, though.”
Character Description of Selesia Upitilia that provokes audience’s sympathy and helps causing “flow” in the collective unconscious.

“The smell of the sunset”, an instance of synesthesia.
Arthur Rimbaud conjured up colors in vowels.

Intuition grasps the hidden relations in the latent state before it materializes in the actual world.
The act of creation is deeply concerned with intuition and “Dynamis”.
Selesia and Sota are able to understand each other.
Meteora says, “Like a rhinoceros horn, walk alone.”
Selesia says, “Charon said the same thing once. You can do it. You’re the god of this world.”
Here, one of the created characters is encouraging one of the creators.
Where should we find the fictional semantic axis and acknowledge the “context” of the anime Re:CREATORS?

A game has a context of its own to reach to the last stage.
The context of the anime Re:CREATORS is hidden in these conversations relating to creating stories and characters.

Marine has finished drawing.
“Is this me?” “I got into the flow and redesigned your weapon and costume!”
The result was an accomplishment that was not calculated before.

“Additional information has been added. If the amount of information was the problem, we’ll know for sure with this.”
However, the new setting for magic spell did not take effect.
“The fact that Selesia’s personality was constructed with enough depth that she’s able to argue with the author, demonstrates that Mr. Matsubara created highly detailed description of Selesia’s world view. I’m awestruck.”
Meteora acknowledges Mr. Matsubara’s creative ingenuity, in a circuitous phraseology.
But she seems to be ready to deeply reflect on the significance of creative acts as an explorer of all truths.
Are real-world philosophers and logicians up to this level?

“I hope that my world was also constructed with such passion. That is something that’s very important to me. The failure today was not caused by insufficient information or a lack of seriousness. Now we know that there’s another factor. That discovery can be considered progress. You two, thank you for your cooperation.”
Meteora astutely evaluates the result of the experiment.

“It might be the impression. Mirokuji was talking about it today.”
Sota points out the effect of “Impression” told by Yuya Mirokuji, as the condition of their manifestation.
“It has to leave an impression on the readers and the fans in order to be accepted.”
Here “Genkai” is Translated as “appear”. It’s better than “transport”. But more appropriate translation must be adopted that will cover all the cases used in this anime.

Their modifications to the setting have not reached the readers or the fans.
“You’re talking about how readers have to be able to identify with the story.”
Manifestation of an event needs the presence of observers.
Observational effect by the collective unconscious.

Marine has a way to introduce them to Titan Digitalsoft, the production company of Avalken of Reminisce. Meteora will be able to meet her creator.

The accumulation of coincidences condenses meaning.
The inherent implication of fictional structure is fundamentally different from the real world, that is gained according to scientific interpretation.
Is the real world actually meaningless and purposeless?

Marine invites Selesia and Meteora to her room for the night.
“I was planning to sleep outside or spend the night in a diner. I appreciate.”
Meteora’s ability to adapt herself to everything, including the way to live in the real world.

“I’m sure there is a reason that we met. Everything is decided by fate. A destiny that has been determined. If it was destiny the Military Uniform Princess opened the yoke of this world.”

“Yoke” is adopted in Japanese to translate the specific notion of “complementarity” describing the relationship of physical phases, for instance, between velocity and position. Those are each manifested phases of primordial state connected with a “yoke”.

The relationship between “position and velocity” in a moving object is “complementary”.
The speed is calculated by the time an object takes to move between two points.
Speed = Distance / Time

Therefore, at the instance you determine the location of a certain point in motion, the velocity cannot be calculated.
There is a complementary relationship between particles observed as “units of existence” and waves observed as “phenomena”.

“If it was destiny the Military Uniform Princess opened the yoke of this world, then the fact that we met is also destiny.”
“So that’s why you should stay here longer, Sota. Until the right time, until the right opportunity.”
Meteora is referring to the idea that accepts inevitability and fate in a meaningful universe.
That suggests the mechanism of the fictional context where mere “contingency” does not exist.
Is this real world one of meaningful possible worlds that have destiny, and guarantee meaning of individual existence?

Is “reality” a possible world in which there is only meaningless information that is no more than accumulation of contaminants, as science insists?
How should “destiny” be interpreted in meaningful cosmology that discovers context in everything?
Now, researchers of Quantum Mechanics are trying to present new understanding for the interesting issue that is cleverly represented in the anime Re:CREATORS.

“This is fate. I’m sure there is a reason that we met.”
Japanese word “Enishi” is translated “fate”, here.
It was used in Altair’s words in the form “Kien”=“Strange fate”, translated before as “A truly curious development.”
The story of Re:CREATORS develops on this notion as the axis that guarantees the fictional meaning.
Is there any inevitable connection between individual experience and phenomena that arise as the sum of the world as a whole, in which each individual consciousness is able to recognize its own particular meaning?

Altair is talking to Setsuna, “Setsuna, I met him. Yes, I met Sota Mizushino. It’s strange, isn't it? I didn't think he’d be involved in our destinies again.
“Yes, it’s too bad. But don’t forget. He’s a part of the world that banished you. Setsuna. Until the end of this world, I’ll always be your ally.”

The magical girl Mamika and Alicetaria are allied with Altair in accord with her plan. But it is dubious whether it was her real purpose to reedit the description of the character settings of them.

Various fictional works of art, such as books and Blu-ray discs, are depicted.
They are followed by scenes of the characters in them, enjoying everyday life in the real world.
What kind of fictional meaning will the interference between the fictional works depicted suggest?

Characters from different fictional works appear together.

In the case of Fate/stay night, the spirits of hero are summoned up from myths and legends, but one of them Sasaki Kojiro was fully aware that he was one of characters in a fictional work.

In the case of Re:CREATORS, they are not fictional existences in the real world, but fictional characters in a fictional world.

Multiple characters from various literary works are introduced in a novel, Henry Brocken, written by Walter de la Mare.

In the case of Re:CREATORS, the existential traits of pure fiction within fiction beings are very meticulously described, forming a unique context of fictionality, together with the subject of “Approval by the Unconscious”.

Anime Study Re:CREATORS Course Concept

What significance will the act of depicting fictional existences and talking about the fictional world assert, as the study of the essence of consciousness and cosmology?
#Fictionality #Consciousness #Cosmology

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