Archive for 13 September 2024

13 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 34: Lecture 6 finished

Study of Re:CREATORS 34: Lecture 6

“I thought you were a knight! Come on. Coward!”
At the moment their weapons meet, there is something wrong with the sword of Selesia. It scatters in small pieces like flower petals, and Selesia is deeply wounded. It was Altair’s doing.
“Your destruction is so beautiful. Holopsicon. The third Movement of the Cosmos. ‘Representation Exposition.’”

In the subtitle, the word “Cosmos” is added, and “Exposition” is used in place of “Conversion” or “Transformation”, that might be translated from the original Japanese line.

Primordial pre-existence before it is represented in forms is suggested. For instance, the archetypal story entity before it is made into specific form such as anime, game or manga, may be represented in other forms of representation through the manipulation that is applied to Selesia’s sword. Those are related to the notions of Archetypes and Forms of Aristotle’s philosophy.

Altair triumphantly says, “Flowers are the best parting gift after all. Right, Selesia? Please allow me to make matters more expedient for the knight.”
Kikuchihara arrives.

Selesia collapses. Meteora is unable to move any more.
“Well, then. The stage has been set. Knight. Behead her. Her death is the herald of the world’s revolution.”

Blitz Talker appears. “Doing the dirty work is my job?”
Yuya Mirokuji comes to rescue his ally. “You’re pathetic, old guy. Attacking a girl when she’s down.”
“Enough with the insults. You look like you can barely stand.”
“You never know … until you’ve tried!”
“Then let’s do that.”

Rui Kanoya’s Gigas Machina joins the battle.
“I can’t just stand here watching! If I keep waiting, everyone’s going to get killed!”
Altair seems to have anticipated this, “The time is ripe. It would be interesting to test the pillar.”

Here, I was not able to catch Altair’s line. I am not sure how I should understand the part of translation; “test the pillar”.
Altair’s line, “Holopsicon. The Twentieth Movement of the Cosmos. ‘Factor Mimic.’”

Again, I am not able to catch Altair’s line. Japanese is sometimes very difficult to hear, especially when people murmur.
A duplicate of the Gigas Machina is produced.

Meteora says, “She’s planning to start the collision of the worlds. Get away from here now.”
Sota answers,“I can’t do that!”
Selesia also says, “Yes. Run away now. Even if you can only save yourselves. Buy some time.”

Matsubara exclaims, “Shut up, stupid! What’s up with you? Telling us to run away… Telling us to save ourselves… Anyone could have written a line like that! I didn’t make you into a character who says such useless lines! Selesia! Listen to me. Listen up! The Selesia Upitilia I created… I’m not going to let her die… from something like this! I would never let her get killed by some sketch drawn by a nameless kid! As long as I’m your creator… I’m never going to let you die such a stupid death! Never!”

Matsubara can’t accept the sudden death of Selesia, a character he created. That means he is aware of the intuitional demand that rules the course of creative activity. It is something like ethics though different from one that restrain the real world. The ethics that are supposed to dominate the way of fictional description comes somewhere from out of the region of reason or calculation, like “pilot wave” that rules universal phenomena generation to the teleological effect as the manifestation of its implicate order. Marine had reacted to it before.

Matsubara calls up Marine, “Marine, can I talk now?”
Marine answers promptly, “I received a message from Kikuchihara. What's in the world?”
“I’ll tell you the details later. That drawing from the other day... Yeah, that’s it. You still have the data, right? Can you send it to me?

Meteora says, “It’s impossible, Matsubara. Revising the story…”

“I know! So I’m going to try. I’m going to make the readers sympathize!”
Matsubara updates his tweets with new settings.


“Wow. It’s spreading.”
Matsubara’s new post gained a big reaction on the internet.
“It’s featured on a news site. The Sky’s the limit!”

Yuya is struggling in the battle against Britz Talker.
Britz says, “I thought you would stick it out a little longer. Too bad.”

Just then, Selesia is resurrected in a new form.
Altair says, taking note of the change in their battle aspect, “The physical image is tearing apart at its seams. Just as I thought. If I shake the pillar now, then I would be the one who is repelled by the world. So that’s how it works”

Altair seems to understand the metaphysical implication of the present situation.
Science takes care of the physical phenomena. Metaphysics deals with those subjects which science refused to regard.

The essence of Meteora and Selesia’s fictional existence seems to be metaphysical. The conditions for them to be manifested in the physical real world has reached to the limit.

Blitz and Alicetaria are trying to prepare to cope with Selesia.
Altair says, “Blitz, Alicetaria. The stars are not in alignment yet. This is enough for today. That was a good performance. When the time comes, we shall meet again.”
It seems the disposition of stars reflects the aspect of metaphysical realm in physical world.
Altair’s purpose is somewhere beyond killing her opponents but to cause some metaphysical situations occur.

Selesia falls down and is dying again.
Magane took Hangaku away from Yuya and made it to her own.

How should we understand the existence phase of Selesia previously taken and deserted afterward?

Students’ Comments
I sympathized with the main character’s line that there is not much difference between the real story and the fictional world. I think that sometimes the stories that are created are more moving than the news that we watch on TV or smartphones.

I thought Mamika had a strong conviction.
Alicetaria is living in a religious worldview, so she has more demands for God than Mamika.

Magane reminds of Loki from Norse mythology, as a god who enjoys disturbing the various relationships of the story world. This god also does not seem to have specific cause in causing confusion. If anything, it’s exercised from the point of view of the author’s (or, in the case of mythology, the order of faith?) that is needed for the progression of the story. On the one hand, the author is the one who creates and protects the laws of the world, and on the other hand, he is the one who can freely handle and disrupt what follows the story. This relationship may be reflected in the contrast between Sota and Magane in Re;Creators and in the contrast between harmony and chaos in the mythological system. The fact that there is a meta remark by Magane, such as “End of Part 1?”, seems to represent her specific role.

As for the reflective description of the role of author manifested in the character, there is an interesting example in a work that is very conscious of fictionality. Please refer to the article below.

Fantasy as Antifantasy: 10 Fraudulent Narration: Deconstruction in Antifantasy

We have studied Re;Creators up to the episode 10.

The lecture recordings will be released on the school video distribution server, CLEVAS.
However, CLEVAS’s performance is very poor, and it is not in a good state they can be watched without difficulty. As soon as the video clips are processed, they will be uploaded to Twitter, so for the time being, the lecture supplementary materials will be mainly shared on Twitter.

I will notify the upload status of materials in the course news of Manaba Course. Course attendants are supposed to receive notification by school email, so please check it.

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