Archive for 02 September 2024

02 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 24: Lecture 5 continued

Lecture 5 continued

“No, if we keep going, my stick won’t last.” Mamika’s special move has a limit of its own.
“Alice, run away! This one’s strong! Run while I hold him off!”
This time, Selesia rescues Mamika from Yuya’s attack.
“That’s far enough. Do you enjoy hurting children?”
“Hey, hey. I helped you out and this is how you pay me back for the favor?”
“You just want to fight with that old guy, right?”
The aspect of their battle is getting complicated.
Just then, Rui Kanoya’s Gigas Machina lands.

Gigas Machina, which is too huge and tremendously powerful to participate in a battle, is like a nuclear weapon. It shows that this anime does not try to depict the compound battle joined by various combatants with different abilities. The difference of their worldviews made it impossible for them to participate in a battle sharing a purpose. The presentational axis is set in quite different a plane.

Blitz Talker utters a strange line before he leaves the battle ground.
“We don’t have that much time left.”
Do Blitz’s words anticipate the catastrophe that Meteora spoke of?

Kikuchihara reports that she keeps Yuya in custody.
“Custody? What kind of word is that? I’m not in Kindergarten. I came here on my own will.”
Even though he seems to be freely acting as he likes, he has ample self-control.
“If I follow you guys, I bet I’ll be able to face off with that old guy again.”
Meteora says to Kikuchihara, “Either Selesia or I should keep watch over him. If something happens you won’t be able to handle it.”
However, he doesn’t get along with Meteora.
“I’m not going to go out of control. Who do you think I am? Just make sure I don’t get bored.”
Meteora also repels him.
“I do not like cheap nicknames.”
What does he have in common with the girl in the black sailor suit, and what are the differences between them?
Kikuchihara asks, “Did you find out who the girl in the black uniform is?”

The name of the girl in the black sailor suit turns out. According to Sota, it is Magane Chikujoin, who appears in the light novel Night Window Ogre Record.

“Her weapon is her words. By using deception and lies, her power is called ‘infinite Deception of Words’, the power to bend reality.”
It seems to be some kind of “conceptual magic”.

“The author’s name is Tenkyu Kurakuma.”
Selesia says, “That would be fine if all she did was walk around and play. But she would kill people for the fun of it.”
Yuya remarks, “So you mean to say that hunting down that Magane girl is the next game? … I’ve changed after coming here. Even this guy changed. Let’s put it this way, it is not that I changed.”

Yuya’s line implies a very interesting notion that is set up in this anime.

Yuya’s analysis of the current situation.
“Some parts of the character description had been hidden because of the plot, started to reveal themselves because they lost their purpose and constraints. Something like that.”

Yuya actually explains the thematic axis of this anime. In spite of his wild behavior, his line betrays his high intellectuality. He shares this trait with Meteora. As they are very alike in some respect, they are repulsing each other.

“So that Magane girl could be changing too. Or she could be searching for another purpose now. That’s what I was thinking.”
“Mirokuji, you’re so smart.” Rui admires him. “I wish my character description was like this too.”
“Well, yeah. I am pretty cool. Your Gigas or whatever is pretty cool too. Give me a lift on that thing next time.” Yuya and Rui get along very well.

Magane seems to have broken into someone’s house. Tasting milk, she is rejoiced.
“I don’t remember milk being this delicious. A complex taste. Goes down the throat smooth. I’m super satisfied.”

But she has committed a ferocious act again.
“If this person seriously changes the plot, I could fly. I could make everything I touch turn into gold. I could fill the streets with monsters and phantoms like a horror movie. I could have been the character of my dreams, or so I thought. Well, I guess things aren’t so easy.”
It seems she has killed her creator.

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