Archive for 03 September 2024

03 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 25: Lecture 5 continued

Lecture 5 continued “But I won’t give up just because of something like that. Changing the impossible through one’s own strength is an act worthy of veneration. All that nonsense those old women at the riverside were talking about, after reading this now it all makes sense. My miracle Great Emperor plan stumbled on some roadblocks. It’s all part of life. I’ve just got to regroup. The lie is running strong.” Magane has a positive spirit that knows no refraction. Nakanogane and Matsubara are talking. “They gave me referrals for six different psychologists. When I told them that I saw my characters in reality, well, it’s natural for them to think that.” “So, that means the other Creations haven’t shown themselves yet.” “At least not among my friends.” “We don’t know who’s going to appear, or where, or when. This is a tough one.” Marine says, “I have some good news. Right, Sota?” “The middle-aged guy with a gun Meteora was talking about. I found about who he is.” The identity of the gunner is revealed. He is a character in the manga Code Babylon. “He’s a mercenary who uses gravity bullets. His name is Blitz Talker.” “The author is Shunma Suruga. He draws really crisp lines and draws really cool pictures.” Meteora and Kikuchihara are searching for the characters that may be revealed in the world. They have gathered no information as to the character yet. Nakanogane has some idea about the Military Uniform Princess. “A weird cavalry hat, ponytails, a double breasted coat, and armor. I feel I’ve seen that somewhere before.” “She must be a really minor character.” However, Sota hasn’t told anyone about Altair. “But the condition for a character to appear in this world is that it must leave a lasting impression on a lot of people, right? … If it’s correct then she can’t be a minor character.” Matsubara expresses the creators’ honest feelings. “Our hands are full making our own stories. Marine is a little different. “I make an effort to look at a lot of things. I don’t want my drawings to look outdated” Marine talks to Sota. “Sota, I heard you draw! I want to see! Show me next time!” Sota is hesitant to show his drawings. “Well, the drawings aren’t good enough to show others.” Matsubara encourages Sota, saying, “Take us. The reason we show other people isn’t because we think our work is perfect. We just do it.” Nakanogane also agrees, “We have deadlines, so it can’t be helped. Since we do it for work, we get harsh criticisms all the time.” His words remind Sota of something he doesn’t like to recall. Marine tries to encourage Sota. “I understand that it can feel embarrassing. But showing other people your drawings is the first step.” Sota asks for leave and goes out. Nakanogane says, “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. It could be a movie, or a music video, or a foreign language novel. A character from one of those could appear in this world. But we haven’t seen anything like that yet.” Matsubara also had the same doubt. “I thought about that too.” “And I thought about it. Assuming that the Military Uniform Princess is at the root of everything, out of everything she is able to perceive, or everything that her creator is able to observe, maybe she is only able to summon the characters that have received “Approval.” Conditions for “Revelation”. Observation, perception and approval. The princess in military uniform can only summon characters that are approved by her range of perception or the observation range of the author who created her. “If that’s true, then it would explain why the genres of the Creations tend to be similar.” “That’s an important clue! In other words, the person who created the Military Uniform Princess is mainly interested in anime and video games.” The genre of creation is specified. “But that’s still not much to go on. We don’t even know her name or what story she’s from. All we can do is guess.” Marine made a montage and did an image search. “Based on our discussion I created a montage and used it as input to a search engine.” The search result was not very fruitful. “There are millions of characters with those same characteristics.” By Meteora, the death of Kurakuma Tenkyu, the author of Night Window Demon Record, is reported. “I have bad news. Kurakuma has been killed. It’s probably Magane’s doing. We were too late.” “We don’t know what the Creations are going to do to inflict harm.” The Murder of the Creator by His Creations are told in some myths and legends. “God slaying” is a standard form of ancient tradition. Mamika contacts Sota. Magane happened to see them at the station. Mamika seems to have grown up since she first appeared in this world. The cafe Mamika and Sota entered is “ufotable”.
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