Archive for 05 September 2024

05 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 27: Lecture 6

Study of Re:CREATORS 27: Lecture 6

“Approval” and “Observational Effect”
In Re:CREATORS, it was said that in the process of the configuration of the setting of the fictional world, “acceptance” by the audience/reader is necessary.
This is exactly the same process as the mechanism by which the latent ambiguous state in the quantum phase is materialized as a real event in the real world through observation by the subject of consciousness.
It is inferred that as to the process in which possibility materializes as reality, the fictional world and the real world may not actually have a definite difference.

For specific argument on observational effects in quantum mechanics and the interpretation of possible worlds understood as “parallel worlds,” please refer to the note of Culture Today tenth lecture.

Culture Today tenth lecture, video recording:
Quantum Mechanics in Anime, Game and Figurines

The singularity that deviates from the conventional concept of existence postulated by quantum science has been captured by “Double Slit Experiment”, that opened the door for facing the problem. This subject is introduced in various anime works as their key concept.

Anime Study Re:CREATORS episode 8

Interactive occurrence of information existence between consciousness and primordial archetype.
The essence of fictional characters is captured as an information entity.
The conceptual identity of heroic spirits and “servants” in Fate/stay night is considered in Game Study, which is developed in parallel with this course in the second semester.

Game Study Fate Stay Night Twitter Lectures

Deviations and phase shifts revealed by fictional characters such as Hatsune Miku, Asuka, Rei, Senjogahara Hitagi, etc., have been examined in Culture Today, developed in the first semester.

Culture Today Twitter Lectures main

Those three courses are thematically closely related.

Anime Study, Game Study, and Culture Today form a thematic correlation as complementary lectures.

The conversation between Mamika and Sota is eavesdropped by Magane Chikujoin.
How should we grasp the ontological phase of this character?

Mamika has grown up since she was manifested in the real world.
Is it the result of departing from the framework of a children’s program and being influenced by the complex conditions that make up the real world?
The coordinating power of the world asserts influence on each of the fictional beings.

Nakanogane has succeeded in identifying the Military Uniform Princess.
Altair is a fanfic character, in the derivative work World Etude, based on Shirotsumekusa from the social game, Eternal Wars Megalosphere.

“She looks totally different from her.”
“That’s right. She turned into a completely different character.”
“So in other words, Shirotumekusa and Altair are completely separate people, right?”

How should we understand the identity of a character in a derivative work?
An argument on the identity of fictional beings. Isotopes, variants and isomorphs.

Phase shifts and transformations of the characters in the alternate stories.
Archetype and derivatives. A new axis for considering identity is required.
“Saying that they’re separate people isn’t totally accurate. Altair is a really well-made secondary creation. A lot of secondary creations are just parodies. But a secondary creation with a plot that goes past the original story sometimes gets accepted as a secondary story in its own right.”
“So if someone other than Matsubara wrote a different story about me, does that mean another me that’s not me would be born?”
Meteora is prepared for this kind of speculative argument, that constitutes metaphysics on fictionality.
“That’s not quite true. If the changes in the new story fit into storyline of the original story, then the stories would still be consistent.”

Some kind of trans-world law may be speculatively predicted, “They all converge in consistency.”
Mamika’s transformation is one of the concrete examples of them.

As for this kind of speculative argument, I have developed one taking up the novel Peter and Wendy and the derivative work of it, the movie Peter Pan.

Identity and Individuality of Derivative Fictions

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