Archive for 28 August 2006

28 August


 佐倉セミナーハウスで開催の英文学科公開講座の内容を紹介致します。9月9日の前半は、映画Finding Neverlandを題材に講義を行う予定です。以下にテキストを公開します。

ネバーランド(Finding Neverland)




I won't go to bed, I won't.
Nana, It isn't six o'clock yet. Two minutes more. Please.
You know fairies, Peter?
Yes. But I know they are all dead now. You see, Wendy. When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about. And thatユs the beginning of fairies. And now every new baby is born, its first laugh becomes a fairy, so there ought to be one fairy for every boy and girl.
(ピーターの語る妖精の誕生に関する説である。これは従来のキリスト教的解釈と比して、どのような世界観を暗示しているだろうか?→“Peter and Wendy読解メモ”53)
Ought to be? Isn't there any more?
Oh, no. Children know such a lot now, soon they wouldn't believe in fairies. And every time a child says "I don't believe in fairies," there's a fairy somewhere falls down dead.
(ピーターによれば、子供達の信仰を失った時妖精は死を迎えるという。“妖精”と呼ばれるものは、我々人間存在とどのような関係にあるものとされているのだろうか?→“Peter and Wendy読解メモ”54)
Who is that? The redskins were defeated? Wendy and the boys captured by the pirates? I'll rescue her. I'll rescue her. Oh, that's just my medicine. Poisoned? Who could have poisoned it? What, Tink, you drank my medicine! It was poisoned. And you drank it to save my life? Tink! Are you dying? Her light is grown faint. If it goes out, that means she is dead. Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying. She says she thinks she could get well again if children believe in fairies. Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands. Clap louder. Thank you, thank you.
(子供達の信仰とその意思表示によって、ここでは実際に妖精の復活がなされている。では、「ピーター・パン」という物語は、このような奇跡を語ることにより現代人に明るい夢を提供してくれ、伝統の中にあった心の平安を見失った人々の魂の救済を再び約束してくれるものなのだろうか?→“Peter and Wendy読解メモ”169)


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