Archive for 27 September 2010

27 September

佐倉セミナーハウス文化・教養講座 テキスト公開




To Heart

Sakura petals are falling like a dance in the skies
Everything is so brilliant
In the changing seasons
Our memories remain in the skies
All your expectations and worries are sent to the heavens
It’s not a sad thing… but
It’s rare to feel like crying
Hello, love heart
Spread out your wings
How do we go?
Anywhere in the skies
Hello, love heart
Can’t wait to win the person that you want
And your feelings will be known

Blade of the Immortal (不死身の刃)

A                 B
愛洒落上手に舐めないの       愛され上手になれないの
You are not good at love jokes.  I must not be able to be good at love…                     
雪溺ら私いけないの         不器用な私 いけないの
I must not drown in the snow.    I’m just useless, of no value.
帰依飼うのに会う          絹の似合う 
I see you to keep my devotion.    That silk becomes you.
あの時いいの          あの娘がいいの
Was it good that time.      That girl was good, wasn’t she?
赤地仇命令背負うが         私は駄目でしょうか
Burdened with the red past grudge,   I’m horrible aren’t I? But still.
赤い目の兎             赤い目のウサギ
The red eyed rabbit       The red eyed rabbit
逃げて行くのを           逃げて行くの
Almost slips away        Runs away and comes back.
舞えるほどあなた          甘えるほど 貴方
Because I loved you       I have spoiled you so much, my darling.
愛したのに             愛したのに
It left like flying         I still loved you.
涸らし意図私            悲しいと 私
When your desire withers     I’m so sad now…
死んでしまうの           死んでしまうの
Should I die?          Maybe I should just die.
あなたのせいで会う兎を       あなたの好きなウサギを
Rabbit, we met because of you   That favorite rabbit of yours…
月にいないたらの兎         月にいない ただのウサギ
Rabbit, what if there is no moon?    It’s not on the moon, it’s just a rabbit.

Blue Drop


I wonder if it’ll be alright… shifting into high speed so suddenly;
although, I really don’t want to think about it.
As for this meeting, I was called upon very abruptly, and they didn’t even bother to consult with me beforehand.
Furthermore, they said that it would be for peace negotiations, but truthfully they want something similar to unconditional happiness.
I don’t know how events will unfold after this.
That is quite a pessimistic way of thinking…
Eh, that’s mostly because…No matter what we do the opponent is, uh, quite different from us.
There’s nothing to worry about.
“No matter what blade you possess, it is impossible to cut…
a single flower that blooms in the wilderness that has become my home.
What does that mean?
A prayer for good fortune. It’ll be alright.


Let’s take off those heavy chains
We can become free and fly away from here
I wander with a song towards a world I’ve never seen
Let me shake off your hesitation and take your struggling hand
And carry you away as far away as possible
I love you
Don’t leave me
I’d fall to pieces

重たい鎖を 今外したあらましょうを
Now I’ll remove Your heavy chains
自由になったらここを 羽ばたいて行けるを
If we can be free Then we can fly off here
あたしはさまったり 歌ってきたまだ見ぬ世界へ
I disturbed you And snatched you away to a world still unseen
躊躇うのなら振り払って あげるその腕を
If you hesitate I’ll shake off your arms
Then I’ll go far away, go as far as I can
“I love you”, “please don’t go”
Because I’ll break.

ef : A Tale of Melodies


A Tale of Melodies

Look, I got a feeling
If you put your trust in me
I know what my life had been
Oh, you are all I ever need
I tried to hear what he said,
Too, I pray.
But you’re fading away
Done wrong, and when I found your heart
We won’t fall apart 
Losing my only star
I wandered for my discoverer
Following you so I can relieve you
All the things you have in mind
I wish I could see your insides
My love, you got to feel it
Even more I’ll just see you and me
You know our love is fooling me
Oh, you well know what I believe

Love, I’ve got to feel it
If you put your trust in me
I know what my life would be
Oh, you are all I ever need
I try to hear what you say
So I pray.
But you’re fading away
Don’t go and break my fragile heart
We won’t fall apart
‘Cause you’re my only star
I wonder why my tears come at night
Calling you, so like a little child
All the things you have in mind
I wish I could see your insides
My love, you’ve got to feel it
And if we put our trust in you and me
You know what our love would be
Oh, you are the one I believe

 日本語も早口だと聞き取るのが大変。Bはかなり頑張っているが、ミスも残っている。 アリプロの自信作も歌詞は聞き取り困難。

通常には 星屑 落ちるは 奈落の底
  One would think that normal  Stardust falls down into nothingness
幕開きし暗黒 グラン・ギンヨル
  Where a grand guignol raises the curtains
かなたすとえらすげ 手を取り踊り巡る
  On the other side it takes its great hand and begins a fearsome dance.
欲望 からなたる 誰もが 胸の中
  Desire to be alive  I wonder who’s inside?
孤独に耽り 行けない夢を見る…
  Dwelling in solitary unthinkable dreams
今は廃屋 おどおどの遊技場で
  Hiding in an abandoned playground
甘き追憶 独語のがんかみさくる
  Sweet memories come back to her as she recites them out loud
錆びつく短剣を 拾い上げ この胸に
  Raising a rusty dagger to her chest
向けてかざす度 足掻く 位置が 生きる 痛みに できる
  Holding it over her head she knows the pain of struggling to be alive
  To a dictator a six-year olds Paradise is but a garden
  Time flows only one way, that’s for sure
黒部すくな町に 守れる 君は王女
  In this darkened town you are the Princess I must protect
少女さえ繰り返す 同名な翼で
  You, the only girl who goes on spreading her wings in unison
無垢なる魂 締盟を 向うのよ
  And uniting our unsullied souls

頭上には 星屑  落ちるは 奈落の底
  Stardust high in the heavens  Falls into the abyss…
幕開きし暗黒 グランギニョル
  Where a grand guignol raises the curtains to end the darkness.
タナトスとエロスが 手を取り踊り巡る
  Thanatos and Eros dance and throw their hands around.
欲望 カルナバル  誰もが 群れの中
  In a carnival of desire…  Everyone in the middle of the crowd…
孤独に耽り いけない夢を見る…
  becomes obsessed with solitude and sees unachievable dreams.
今は廃屋 黄金塔の遊戯場で
  Now in a deserted golden tower of a playground.
甘き追憶 独語の眼窩に探る
  I look for sweet memories in the socket of a skull.
錆びつく短剣を 拾い上げ この胸に
  Every time she raises a rusty dagger to her chest…
向けて翳す度 赤き血が 生きる痛みに 滾る
  And every time she holds it over her head, her red blood boils over the pain of living.
極彩の楽園 独裁者の庭園
  To a tyrant a park is a richly-colored paradise.
時は一千一夜 魔の都
  Time is 1001 nights, the devil’s capital.
グロテスクな街に 眠れる君は王女
  In a grotesque city, when you are sleeping, you are a princess…
少女サクリファイス 透明な翼で
  …and a young girl to be sacrificed on pellucid wings.
無垢なる魂 黎明を迎えよ
  A purified spirit goes out to meet the sunrise.
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