Archive for August 2019

27 August

Workshop at Kudan Forum

アニメの英語翻訳研究 − 『Re:creators』

 アニメやゲームには、様々の専門分野の核となる重要な発想が、具体例を用いて語られています。どんな文章も、背景としてある概念同士の連関を理解しなければ、本当の理解は得られません。これらの真の把握を可能にしてくれるのが、確かな意味を伝えてくれるフィクション作品です。  英語学習は、勉強のために画一化された惰性的な練習問題になってしまってはいけません。しかしアニメの英語訳を通して、言語を学ぶことの本当の意味を再確認することができます。一つ一つの単語が、立体的で複雑な関係を背後に備えているからです。様々な状況とその表現について深く考える機会を提供してくれているのが、アニメやゲームに描かれたシチュエーションなのです。さらにこれらを語る用語や文章がいかに翻訳されているかを検証してみると、言語と言語の間にある関係について様々な発見が得られます。  翻訳作業は、言語の持つ秘められた意味を再認識する機会を与えてくれます。直訳するとどうしても反映することができないのが、文章の中のそれぞれの言語が持つ文化と思想と歴史を反映する意味の繋がりです。異言語間ではこれらの意味の連繋があるいは共通項を持っていたり、あるいは一部においてずれを生じていたりします。これは大変面倒なことのように思えますが、むしろこれらの事実を総合して、世界全体の繋がりとそれを語る意味のありかたを、改めて考えることができるのです。本質的には翻訳不可能なものとしてそれぞれの言語を認識することをきっかけにして、異質の体系からなる言語を翻訳することの意義性が、改めて認められることにもなります。そのような類似と相違を表現するそれぞれの変化形として種々の言語があり、だからこそそれらの関連を立体的に把握することができる知性の本質的な機能を再確認することができるのです。
 この状況を引き起こした首謀者の名は、アルタイル(Altair)。これはわし座α星(Alpha Aquilae)に付けられた名前。英語の読みはどうなる?
 フィクションの中の概念存在が現実世界に出現する過程は、“現界”という言葉で語られている。英語版では “transport”, “appear” など場面によって訳語が異なっているが、いいのか。
 それを可能にするためには、人々の無意識による了解が必要。この条件は“承認”という言葉で語られている。英語訳では “acceptance”, “approval”など場面によって訳語が異なっているが、いいのか。
 出現するキャラクターは、それぞれの作品世界の背景設定を背負って実体化する。彼等の力を裏打ちするのは、その存在を受け入れる現実世界の人々の“集合的無意識”(collective unconscious)。
 これはゲーム『Fate/stay night』で魔法を用いて召喚される英霊達と同じ原理。  概念存在が具象化するメカニズムには、量子力学と深層心理学に関連する理論的根拠がある。
 意識の主体による“観測効果”によって波動(概念)が収束し、実体化する。 観測効果:“observation effect” 、波束の収束:“wave convergence” ユング心理学の原型理論的解釈  “原型”としてある原情報の概念存在が“思念”の力で具現する。 “archetype” の “materialization” 英語メモ  マンガ、アニメ、ゲームの作者は “creator” ⇔ “創造主”、“創作者”。  創られたフィクション存在は “creation” ⇔ “創造”、“創作”、“被造物”  神が姿を現す現象は “reveal”。 “revelation”(顕現)は、宗教画の画題として様々に描かれてきた。  幽霊の出現は “apparition” と記されることが多い。⇔ “materialization”  “recreator”:英語の読み。“レクリエイター”か“リクリエイター”か? ⇔ “represent” “レプレゼント”と“リープレゼント”で意味が違う 日本語せりふを翻訳する際の問題点  同音異義語(homonym)に注意。同じ読みでも漢字表記によって意味が異なるのが日本語。 「しょうにん」:“承認”、“商人”、“証人” 「ばんり」:“万里”、“万理”「万里の図書館」⇔「万理の図書館」 「かこう」:“描こう”、“佳肴”、“加工”、“仮構”、“下降”、“火口”、 “囲う”、“河港”、“加功” 「らんしょう」:“濫觴”、日本語の意味が分かるか? 関連リンク 研究資料ブログ Fantasy as Antifantasy Daily Lecture 初音ミク論:Figure, Fiction and Identity: Ceci n'est pas une figurine Fate/stay night 論:Identity of Summoned Heroes: Aspects of Psyche and Phases of Persona in Fate/stay night

Re: Creators
Episode 1 (Advertisement displays) Monomagia モノマギア SURPRISE comic 最新号好評発売中
[ “Surprise” is reminiscent of “Sunrise”] Surprise comic latest edition on sale now! もう一度この空に蒼の色を 追憶のアヴァルケン Make this sky blue once more Avalken of Reminisce 緋色のアリステリア 激闘、決着 Fierce battle concludes Alicetaria of the Scarlet (station) Announcement: 1番ホームにご注意ください 電車が通過します Passengers on platform 1, please be careful. The train will pass through 黄色い線の内側までお下がりください Please, stand behind the yellow line (A girl wearing glasses jumps in front of the approaching train) Sota (voice over): 記憶しておこうと思う。僕の身に起きた出来事を I’m going to memorize them. The things that happened to me 僕はあなたかもしれないし、違うかもしれないけど I might be you, or I might not be 近いところにいるのは確かだ But I’m sure I’m somewhere close to you “わが愛しき兄弟”、彼女の言葉を借りるなら、そういうこと。 “My dear brother.” If I were to use her words, that’s how I would explain it. [ borrow ⇔ use] そう、結局のところ、彼女が主人公であったのだと思う That’s right. After all, I think she was the main character. 最後までその中心にいたものが主人公であるなら、という意味合いだけど。 That is, if “the main character” is what you call the person at the center of events. That’s what I mean. 僕はあくまでも狂言回しだ。だから語ろうと思う [puppet player] I’m just the narrator. So that’s why I’m going to tell the story 信じられないかもしれないけど、隠すことなくすべてを You might not believe me, but I want to tell everything without hiding anything. 今言えることがあるとしたら、確かに奇跡はあったし If there’s one thing I can say now. It’s that I’m sure there was a miracle. 物語を超えた物語は、あったのだ。 And that there was a story that surpassed all stories. (In a room) Sota: 今週分まだだった。 This week’s episode isn’t out yet. (TV show) A soldier: 待ってください、一人でなんて無茶です Wait. Going alone would be suicide Selesia: 大丈夫よ。あんなやつら、フォーゲルシュバリエで! I’ll be okay. I’ll defeat them with Vogelchevalier! Sota: うわあ。、、、ちょっと。なに? What? …What is this? Selesia: この・・・あいつはいったい。 You…what on earth is that? カロン、カロン!…強い。 …このお〜! Charon, Charon! ……It’s strong. …You bastard! Altair (A girl in military uniform): そう、私のよき人はあなたもお気に入りであったようだ。セレジア・ユピティリア殿 Yes. My master liked you too. Your Highness Selesia Upitiria. 君はまだ余の力を正しく理解していないようだね [haughty way of calling oneself] It seems you do not truly understand my power yet. 余の持つホロプシコンの力を教えて差し上げよう Shall I show you the power of my Holopsicon? その身に刻んでいただければ幸甚(こうじん)だ。 [using condescending way of speech] I would be much obliged if you could carve it into your body. Selesia: これは… This is… Altair: ホロプシコンは万有の力。万物流転、神界転生の力。 [“one thousand” means “omni”] The Holopsicon is omnipotent. Everything flows, the power of eternal reincarnation. 塵は緑に、緑は灰に。而(しこう)して再び世界はここへと立ち戻る Dust to life. Life to ashes. Thus the world returns here once more. Selesia: 訳のわからないことを。フォーゲルシュバリエを失ったくらいで、私は Such nonsense. Just because I lost the Vogelchevalier…I… (Sota had been watching them in the display of his terminal, but he is now drawn into the show) Selesia: (Finding Sota behind her) 君、伏せて! You. Get down. (Altair is astonished at seeing Sota’s face. Selesia and Sota comes back to Sota’s room) (Scene changes. Sota is taking a drink out of refrigerator in the kitchen) Mother: そうたー? Sota. Sota: 母さん、居たの Mom. I didn’t know you were there. Mother: 騒がしかったけど何やってたの I heard a lot of noise. What were you doing? 何かあればお母さん相談に乗るけど [an instance of Japanese collocation] If there’s something you want to talk about, I’ll listen. 落書きばっかりしてないで勉強にも腰入れなさいよ an instance of Japanese collocation Don’t spend all your time doodling. You need to focus on your studies. Sota: うん、わかった Yeah. I got it. (Sota comes back to his room, and finds Selesia in his room) Sota: やっぱりいた She really is here. Mother: ちょっと、そうた、ドンドンしない! [Japanese use much onomatopoeia verbs] Hey, Sota. Don’t make so much noise. Selesia: 仲間なの?あいつの仲間なの? Are you an ally? Are you one of her allies? Sota: セレジア・ユピティリア。うそだね [Literally translated gives “It’s a lie.”] Selesia Upitiria. This can’t be real. Selesia: どうして私の名前を知ってるの?カロンはどこ? How do you know my name? Where is Charon? 敵の波動詠唱にこんな転移能力はないわ。 [here, ‘転移” is translated as “transport”] The enemy’s Wave Chant doesn’t have the power to transport people like this. 私たちはどこにいるの?あの壊れた機械がなに?あなたは誰? Where are we? What is that broken machine? Who are you? Sota: はい!水篠…水篠颯太です。信じられない。 Yes! Mizushino…Sota M―Mizushino. I can’t believe this. Selesia: 意見が合うわね。アースメリアへ帰して We have the same opinion. Send me back to Earthmelia. Sota: アースメリア?フォーゲルシュバリエの舞台か、、、 Erathmelia? The setting of Vogelchevalier. [stage ⇔ setting] そうか。セレジアさん。本当に僕は関係ないんです I see. Selesia. I really have nothing to do with this. 僕は番組見てただけで。今期の番組で一番おもしろくて I was just watching the show. It’s the best show of the season. 第三話の重機鉄塊との立ち回りはすごくて The fight with the heavy machinery iron clump in episode three was amazing. Selesia: いったいなんの… What the world are you…? “重機鉄塊”、 アイゼンガヴァリエのことね “heavy machinery iron clump”, you must be talking about the Eizenkavalier. どういうこと? What does all this mean? あの時あそこには私とカロンとのあのアイゼンカヴァリエしかいなかったはずよ At that time no one was there except for me, Charon and the Eizenkavalier. 波動詠唱にそんな遠視能力があるなんて聞いたこともない I’ve never heard of the Wave Chant having the power to see far away. どうしてあなたが知っているの? How do you know about it? Sota: あなたは、、、その、僕の見てるアニメのキャラだから。 Because you’re a character from the anime I’m watching. Selesia: はぁ? What? Sota: 設定を見てください。これ、これ、これです Please, look at the synopsis. This… this is it. Sota: これ、あの、あなたは、この物語の、、、 This. You… you’re… from this story… Selesia: なによこれ What is this? Sota: 原作、原作も、ほら。よ、読みます The original story. I also have the original story. Look. Let me read it. 迷ったら俺の背中を見ろ。そしてお前が俺の背中を守れ! [ Idiomatic expressions using “back”] “if you’re not sure, then follow me. And then you be the one who protects my back.” Selesia: そ、それカロンがあたしに言った、、、なんであなたがそれ知ってるの!? That’s what Charon said to me. How did you know that? Sota: ここに!ほら!フォーゲルシュヴァリエはめちゃくちゃ人気があるんです It’s in here. See? Vogelchevalier is really popular. アニメも原作もすごいし、メカもキャラもすごくて! The anime and the original story are amazing. And the mecha and the characters are amazing. 僕も、僕もいつかこんなお話作ってみたいなって。そう、そう思ってます!本当、嘘じゃないんです! I wish I could make a story like that someday. That’s my wish. Really. I’m not lying. フォーゲルシュバリエすごく面白くて、あの、その Vogelchevalier is really good. And…And… Selesia: 分かったから、ちょっと落ち着いて、ね? I understand. So calm down a bit. Okay? Sota: はい Yes. Altair:(Coming up in front of the window) 混乱もこの程度で済むとは Your level of confusion was quite mild. さすがは精霊奇想曲フォーゲルシュバリエのセレジア・ユピティリア。よきかな。 I expected nothing less of you, Selesia Upitiria of “Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier”. Impressive. [ Altair is using condescending manner of speech (上から目線)] Selesia: あなた、何者なの Who are you? Altair: 余の名前などが君の求める答えかな? Would my name be the answer you’re looking for? [ haughtily continuing conversation] Selesia: 答えなさい。アバロンブリゲイドの魔道士 Answer me. Magician of the Avalon Brigade. Altair: アバロンブリゲイド?あぁ、なるほど。君の世界で君たちが戦っている敵の勢力だね Avalon Brigade? Oh, I see. The enemy forces you are fighting against in your world. 結構。私はアバロンブリゲイドに与(くみ)したものではないし、 That’s enough. I am not affiliated with the Avalon Brigade. この世界にアバロンブリゲイドは存在しない。 And the Avalon Brigade does not exist in this world. そして最も重要なことだが、ここは君の世界などではない。 And this is the most important thing. This place is not your world. しかし、ここに現界するとは真に奇縁だ [現界is different from “転移”(transportation)] However, being transported to this world is truly a curious development.     [she is shocked discovering an instance of synchronicity] Sota: 君は You… Altair: セレジア殿、知りたいかな。君の身に何が起きたのか Your Highness Selesia. Do you want to know what happened to you? Selesia: もちろん Of course. Altair: 君を現界せしめたのは、他ならぬこの余だ The person who transported you to this world is none other than myself. 余が召喚し、君の顕現を促した            [顕現―現界―具現] I summoned you and induced your manifestation. ようこそ、享楽の神々どもの恐るべき世界へ Welcome to the horrific world of the gods of pleasure. 余と共に来たまえ。ひいては君のためにもなるはずだ。それは追々説明しよう Come with me. It’s for your own good. I shall explain later. Selesia: 断る!与していい相手とは思えない I refuse. You’re not someone I’d want to team up with. Altair: Why do you think so? どうしてそう思う? Selesia: そんな笑い方をする人間で信頼できるやつを見たことがないからよ I’ve never seen someone who laughs like that who I could trust. Altair: 今少し会話が必要かな We are in need of a little dialogue now. Selesia (to Sota): 跳ぶわよ I’m going to fly. Sota: (in panic) おちる!おちる! I’m going to fall! Selesia: おとなしくしなさい Calm down. (Street) A car driver: マジ、マジ。試乗した日にBTIばしっと     [decided without hesitation] Yeah, for real. I bought the BTI on the same day as the test drive, with a single payment― (something hits his car) MDY、マジで No way… Selesia: 借りるわよ I’m going to borrow it. Sota: セレジアさん Selesia. Selesia: 乗って Get in. Sota (to the driver): すいませーん! I’m sorry! Driver: がくぶる Gakuburu… Sota: 運転できるんですか? Can you drive? Selesia: たぶんね。フォーゲルシュバリエに比べたらシンプルな操作系だし Probably. Compared to Vogelchevalier, it’s a simple control system. Sota: たぶん? “Probably”? Sota: ねぇ。 Hey. Altair: なるほど。面白いわね。わかった!これが武器ね! I see. This is fun. I got it. This is the weapon. Sota: あっちへ向かってください Head that way. Selesia: なにかあるの? Is there something over there? Sota: いいから!           ⇔[「もういい」(no more)] Just go. (They get in the express way) Selesia: ごめんね。その傷 Sorry. About that cut. Sota: あぁ、いえ。こちらこそ、助けてくれてありがとうございます Oh, it’s nothing. I’m the one who should say thanks for saving me. Selesia: 君には色々と聞きたいことがある。あいつのこと。 There are a lot of things I want to ask you. About her. Sota: だから、違いますよ。僕は仲間なんかじゃ No, it’s not like that. I’m not her ally. Selesia: わかってる。でもあいつ、君のことを知っている風だったわ I know. But it seemed like she knew about you. 知ってること、なんでも話してちょうだい Tell me everything you know. (Sota recalls Altair’s words at seeing Sota)   Altair:   真に奇縁だ   Truly a curious development. Sota: ぼ、、、僕は I… (Someone shoots missiles at the car) Selesia: このっ。 You… (Altair appears in front of the car. The car crushes) Selesia: 怪我は? Are you hurt? Sota: 大丈夫です I’m okay. Altair: 手を焼かせないでほしいな、セレジア殿 [idiomatic expression using “hand”] I wish you would stop causing me so much trouble, Your Highness Selesia. 私が勝ったらお前を好きにさせてもらう。とでも言えばいいかな? “If I win, then let me have my way with you.” Is that what I should say? 余はそのような短絡的な取引は嫌いだ [短絡(たんらく):shortcut] I despise such simple negotiations. だが君が順序を踏まねば得心いかぬというのであれば、よいだろう But if you must insist on following the proper protocols, that is fine with me too. [ 順序:order、踏む:step] 余は作法を合わそう I can change my customs to suit you. Selesia: 癪に障るやつ You piss me off. (通行人、携帯で通報) はい、今なんかすごい音が。はい、空中で何か。ドローン? Yes, there was a loud noise just now. Yes, there’s something flying in the air. A drone? (Selesia and Altair fights in the air) (Sota is watching news by cell phone) 代々木上空に謎の飛行物体?警察が周辺住民に警戒呼びかけ Mysterious flying object over Yoyogi?! Police urge residents to use caution. (Selesia and Altair keep fighting) Selesia: 答えなさい、ここは何、あなたは誰! Answer me. Where is this? Who are you? Altair: 言ったじゃないか。ここは神の世界だよ。セレジア殿 I told you already. This is the world of the gods. Your Highness Selesia. Selesia: 何を世迷言を! What nonsense. Altair: 世迷言?余が冗談を言っていると? Nonsense? Do you think I’m telling a joke? この世界は紛うことなき神代の地だ This world is unmistakably the land of the gods. 胡乱(うろん)な創造主のひしめきあうおぞましい別天地さ A hideous world in which dubious creators throng about. 君にもすぐに分かる、私のいうことの意義が You will soon understand the significance of what I am saying. 我らが世界に変革を。神々の地に制裁を。 Revolution to your world. Punishment to the land of the gods. (A girl in a magician’s robe appears with missiles) Altair: メテオラか。君の創造主はまだ見つからんか? Is that you, Meteora? Have you still not found your creator? (Meteora attacks Altair with launcher missiles) Altair: まぁいい。君も余も現界したとはいえ、力もなければ駒も足りない [駒(こま):chess pieces] Never mind. Even though you and I have both been transported here we still lack sufficient strength and manpower. 騒乱こそは我が望むところだが、頭数がそろわなければ交響曲の雑味が多い A riot is precisely what I wish for, but she symphony would not sound harmonious without the correct headcount. [ Number of soldiers is counted by heads] 荘厳(そうごん)な曲は弾き手が揃ってこそ A glorious song requires the presence of all the players. またご挨拶を、セレジア殿 I shall pay you another visit, Your Highness Selesia. 穢れたこの世界になり代わり、歓待申し上げる On behalf of this foul world I welcome you with all my heart. (Altair disappears) Selesia (to Meteora): まって。あなたも私と同じなの? Wait. Are you the same as me? 世界の外から来たの?彼女の言っていたことは本当なの? Did you come from outside this world? Is what she said true? (Meteora nods) Selesia (to Sota, by gesture): [Sorry for the wound. Bye] (Selesia goes away) Sota (narration): 始まりは、でたらめで唐突だった The beginning was haphazard and sudden. (電光掲示板ニュース:代々木公園周辺で謎の爆発) news: mysterious explosions around Yoyogi Park Sota: その夢は束の間で The dream was short-lived. 揺るがない日常のなかにやがて融けていくものと、僕は思っていた I thought it would melt away into the routine of daily life before long. (携帯ニュース:代々木公園で謎の爆発事故?原因未だ不明のまま) しかし、世の中のトラブルというものが大抵そうであるように、 However, just like most of the problems in the world, 動き始めたものはもう止まらない things don’t stop once they have been set in motion. (Sota comes back home. Finds a note on the door of his room) (from Mother): 立川へ寄って帰ります。夕飯は外で。母 I’M GOING TO TACHIKAWA BEFORE COMING HOME. PLEASE EAT OUT TONIGHT. MOM Sota: 音をたてて世界は変わる The world makes noise as it changes. Selesia and Meteora: おかえり Welcome home. Sota: そう、一秒あれば世界は変わるのだ That’s right. All it takes is one second for the world to change. (タイトル:#01素晴らしき航海) “I will remember everything that happened to me.” (エンドロール) (Ending bridge. At a drugstore) Employee: いらっしゃいませ Welcome. あったかいものと冷たいものはお分けしますか? Would you like the hot and cold items separated? Meteora: スナックポテトのマヨめんたい味はありますか? Do you have the mayonnaise mentaiko flavor potato snacks? Employee: すみません、うちは扱ってなくて Sorry, we don’t carry that here. Selesia: えーと、そこにあるなんだか分からないものも I’ll have one of those things over here, whatever those are. Employee: からあげ塩味、はい、一つ Salt-flavor karaage, one piece. Meteora (to Sota): お金を Money. Employee: ありがとうございましたー Thank you. Selesia: ごめんね。君に迷惑をかけるつもりはないの。でも私たちは足がかりすらない Sorry. I don’t mean to trouble you. But we have nowhere else to turn. Meteora: ありがとう、ごちそう様 Thanks for the meal. 学生のあなたには少々痛い出費だったかもしれないが、証明の一助にするなら安いもの As a student, that must have been a little expensive for you but it’s a cheap price to pay for proof. 今の事象を君がまだ疑うのなら、次に疑うべきは店員の存在とコンビニの存在 If you still doubt the phenomenon just now then maybe next you should doubt the existence of the employee and the existence of the store. または、君自身の行動が君の認識から乖離し、把握が不可能である可能性。 Or the possibility that your actions have dissociated from your cognition and are impossible to comprehend. それらは独我論、存在論の領域に入る。もしくは After that, we enter the realm of solipsism and ontology. Or the only…. Selesia: 何言ってるかわからないわよ (because she is talking with her mouth full or talking metaphysics) I don’t understand what you’re saying. Meteora: ごめんなさい Sorry. もしくは君が社会生活に復帰不能なほど、重篤だという可能性しか残らないけれど Or the only other explanation is the possibility that your condition is so severe that you won’t be able to return to life in modern society. そこまで疑うのならばもはや、医療機関へ相談することが最善。 If you doubt that much, it would be better to talk to a doctor. 私たち妄想(もうそう)に言われて、もうそうするべきかどうか [ intending to make a pun] Even if you think we’re delusional, whether you should go or not is a separate issue. [ 妄想(もうそう):illusion、もうそうするthen, do it] Sota: シャレ? Was that a joke? Meteora: あなたの心を解きほぐすべく、ダジャレを試してみた。心晴れやかになったはず。 I tried telling a joke to relax your heart. Your heart should feel light now. [ダジャレ:silly pun] Sota: それはないです It doesn’t. Selesia: 今のは…ひどいわ That was bad just now. (Announcement of the next episode) (#02 ダイナマイトとクールガイ) Next: “….that wasn’t funny.” Episode 2 (Sota’s room) Meteora: この世界では、彼女も私にも同じように私たちを記述した媒体が存在する In this world…media exists…that describes her and me. 極めて個人的な経験まで記述したもの It even describes extremely personal experiences. Selesia: そう、話し合ったのよ、昨日君と別れた後にね That‘s right. We talked yesterday after you left. 彼女もまた私と同じように彼女を描いた物語が存在していた A “story” exists that describes her… just like there’s one that describes me. Meteora: 私の名はメテオラ・エスターライヒ My name is Meteora Osterreich. ラストテーブルランドの最果てにある万理の図書館クンスト ブンダーカンマーの司書 I’m a librarian at the Library of a Thousand Truths, Kunst Wunderkammer, at the end of the Last Tableland. ⇔[万里の長城(Great Wall Castle)] Sota: 追憶のアヴァルケン、最終エリアの直前だ “Avalken of Reminisce.” That’s right before the last area. 図書館以降はセーブできなかった After the library, I couldn’t save my game. あの時メテオラはこう言った、「もし成し遂げられるなら、もう一度この空に蒼の色を」 Meteora said: “If you are able to succeed…Make this sky blue once more.” Meteora: その言葉を私も覚えている I remember those words too. あの時の勇者はあなたでもあったのですね。よき旅できしたか?勇者 That hero was you too. Was it a good journey, hero? Sota: 勇者じゃないよ。でも面白いゲームだったな I’m not a hero. But it was a good game. Meteora: それはよかった。とはいえ I’m glad to hear that. But even so… 私自身はあなたの娯楽に寄与しているつもりはまるでなかったし … it wasn’t my intention to contribute to your entertainment… その自覚もなかったけれど … and I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. Sota: ご、ごめん Sorry. Meteora: 私は人の機微に疎いところがある I’m a little dull when it comes to the subtleties of human emotions. 険のある言い方に聞こえてしまったかもしれない。私の方こそ謝罪を I might have sounded a little harsh. I’m the one who should apologize. Sota: いやぁ、そんなんじゃ。でも、本当にメテオラ…さんなんですね No, that’s okay. But you really are Meteora, aren’t you? あの最果ての賢者、万理の探究者 The Sage of the End of the World. The Seeker of a Thousand Ttruths. Selesia: そうね、彼女のおかげで、なんとなくだけど、この世界のことを知ることができたわ That’s right. Because of her……I kind of feel like I understand this world now. Meteora: 愛しき私の魔導書をこの世界に持ち越せたのは僥倖(ぎょうこう)だった My dear Magic Book. I’m lucky I was able to bring it to this world. この世界の把握は容易だった It was easy to understand this world. 大地の在り様、歴史、生物分布、物理法則 The lay of the land… history, biological distribution…laws of physics… 政治構造や思想 わが創造主に、感謝すべきなのか … political structure and thought…We must be thankful to our Creator. 彼女からあなたの事を聞いた I heard about you from her. あなたを最初の拠点と位置付け、そこから探索を開始しようと We will think of you as our initial base…and start again our search from there. Sota: ぼく? Me? Slesia: きみ、私のことをすごくいろいろ知ってたでしょう? You know a lot about me, right? じゃぁ、知り合いってことで構わないじゃない Then you shouldn’t mind if we become friends. Sota: ちょっと待って、僕は… Wait a second. I…. Meteora: 私の事も知っていた。情報は双方向であるべき You knew about me too. Information should go in both directions. Sota: で、でも But…. Meteora: あなたに迷惑をかけるつもりはない We don’t mean to cause you trouble. もし私たちがあなたに助力できることがあれば、もちろん協力させてもらう If there is something we can help you with…we will cooperate. 宿題とか、おつかいとか Like homework, and errands…. Sota: いやぁ、そんなのは別に No, it’s okay. Meteora: 協力はバーターでなければいけない、どうか Cooperation must be a barter. Please. Sota: じゃぁ、じゃぁ、この部屋どうにかできますか? Then…. Can you do something about this room? Meteora: 復元魔法を施した I used Restoration Magic. 部屋の修復については、とりあえず一時間ほど待ってほしい Please, wait around one hour for the room to be restored. Sota: う、うん Oh, okay. Meteora: ただ、この世界の施設にどのくらい作用するのかは未知数 However, how much my magic affects this world is still unknown. もし効果がゼロなら。。。 If the effect is zero…. Sota: ゼロなら? If it’s zero? Meteora: 私が何とかする I’ll do something about it. Sota: なんとかって? Something about it? Meteora: なんとか。 Something. この先のため、私の見解を話しておきたいと思う To get ready for whatever happens next, I’m going to tell you my thoughts on this matter. 私たちは一つ一つの物語に描写されてこの世界に存在している We exist in this world because we are described in stories. [ fictional entities each corresponding some aspect in archetype] 仮説はいくつか立てられるが I have several hypotheses. そもそも独立していた私たちの世界とこの世界が相互に共鳴しあい Our world and this world used to be independent, but started to resonate with each other. それが誰かの思考として発露した結果 This is the result that manifested as someone’s thoughts. この世界で架空の物語として描写された、という考え方もできる These events were described within a fictional story in this world. This is one way to explain things. [each fictional world virtually corresponds to one of parallel worlds] Waiter: 店員: お待たせしました Thanks for waiting. Meteora: だけど私は However, I…. Selesia: どれだけ食べるのよ [literal translation gives “how much do you eat?”] You eat so much. Meteora: ごめんなさい Sorry. この世界の食べ物は、味が重層でとても美味 The food in this world has such multilayered flavors and is very delicious. 情報量が多いせいだと思う I think it’s due to the large amount of information in this world. 私の世界ももちろん、世界を構築するにふさわしいだけの情報量を持っていたはず My world also had enough information to construct a world. でもこの世界の情報はすべて重層的 But all of the information in this world is multilayered. どんなつまらない情報も単数では書き表せない複雑性を持っている Even trivial pieces of information… are so complex that they can’t be represented by a single number. 桁違い A difference of several orders of magnitude. この世界における膨大な情報量が別の世界を可能性の結露として誕生させることは The enormous amount of information in this world… gives birth to new worlds as manifestations of possibilities. 十分に可能だと思う I think that’s definitely plausible. Selesia: なに?ここの連中が遊びで考えたことが私の世界を左右してるってこと? What? The things these people thought up just for fun….Are you saying these things determine our world? ばっかばかしい How stupid. Meteora: あなたの懸念はわかるが I understand your concern… それはあなたの存在理由の確定にまつわる不快感にすぎない … but it’s nothing more than your displeasure at discovering your reason for existence. それに先の夜にあなたを誘ったあの存在も And the being that summoned you here the other night…. Selesia: あいつが、なに Her? What about her? Meteora: 彼女が私にもたらした情報はそう多くはないけれど She didn’t provide me a lot of information… 私に協力させるために彼女は自らの計画を語った … but in order to get me to cooperate with her, she told me about her own plans. Selesia: 計画って? Plans? Meteora: 私が現界したときあなたの時と同じように When I appeared in this world, just like she appeared in front of you… 私の前に彼女は現れ言った [現界should be translated with some other word differing from appear] … she appeared in front of me, and told me this: この世界を知れば物語世界から来た者は If people from the worlds knew about this world… 反感や不安を持つのが自然 [反感(はんかん):antipathy] … it’s natural that they would feel resentful and scared. 彼女は私に逆に創造主たちへと影響力を行使し She proposed that we should try to exert influence over the Creators… 私たちのいた世界を作り替えさせようという提案をした … and get them to try to remake our worlds. Selesia: 提案としては悪くないわ It’s not a bad proposal. ま、創造主に文句が言えるなら、確かに一言くらい言ってやりたいもの If it is possible to criticize my Creators…I have a few criticisms of my own. Meteora: 本来なら想像力から可能性として生み出された世界は Normally, the worlds that were born as possibilities created by imagination… [ Fundamental Awareness gives birth to many universes] 分岐し確立した瞬間からこの世界とは … would exist as independent worlds from the moment they split off from this world… 直接因果関係を持たずに独立するはず … without any cause-and-effect relationship. Free will is able to make reference to independent possible worlds without cause and effect relationship 存在すら認知することもできないはずの世界の軛(くびき)を彼女は超えた She transcended the yoke of her world… even though we are not supposed to even be able to recognize its existence. そしてすべての世界の濫觴(らんしょう)であるこの神代の地への突破口を開くことで And then by breaking through to the land of the gods, the starting point of all worlds… 他の物語世界と、この神代の地を衝突させる事に成功した … she succeeded in making the story worlds and the land of the gods collide. Selesia: 衝突させた?繋げたってことじゃなくて? Made them collide? Don’t you mean she connected them? Meteora: 衝突。言葉のあやじゃない。 [“言葉の綾”:figure of speech] Collide. It’s not a mistake of words. 彼女は自分の口で私にそう言った That’s what she told me in her own words. それが何を意味するかは But as for what that means… とにかく、彼女は何か別なところにその意図を隠し持っている Anyway, she’s hiding her true intentions somewhere else. そういう相手と組まないあなたの見立ては正しかったと思う I think your decision not to team up with her was correct. Selesia: まぁ、それもどっかの誰かさんの設定のおかげかも、だけど Well, that might be part of the story made by someone else somewhere. Meteora: 否定しない、むしろその可能性が高い I do not disagree. Actually, I think the possibility is high. Selesia: あの女は何者なの? Who is that woman? あんまり言いたかないけど、どの世界から来たの? I don’t really want to say this, but which world did she come from? Meteora: 一切語らないし、おくびにも出さない She didn’t say anything, and didn’t give even the slightest indication. 名前さえわかれば、そこから辿ることもできようけれど If we at least knew her name, we could start from there… 慎重で用心深い … but she is very careful and cautious. Sota: いろんな作品見てますけど、あんなキャラ僕も見た覚えがないんです I’ve seen a lot of stories, but I’ve never seen a character like that. Selesia: でもあいつは君のこと But she seemed to know about you. Sota: 本当なんです。本当に知らないんです It’s true. I don’t know anything about her. Meteora: 彼女の本当の目的を見定めることは Discovering her true goals… 私たちがそれぞれの世界に帰るための加功(かこう)となるはず … would help us to return to our own worlds. でもその前に、私にはどうしても叶えたい目的がある However, before that…I have a goal I want to achieve… no matter what. Selesia:(watching Sota searching web on a tablet) 便利ね How convenient. Meteora: 私たちの制御機にも似たような機能はあるけど Our controllers have a similar function. 私の魔道書にだってこれくらいのことはできる、なんとなれば、これ以上のことも Even my Magic Book can do easy things like that. And harder things too. Selesia: 部屋を修復する魔法はダメだったのに? Even though the magic for restoring the room didn’t work? Sota: メテオラさんの目的の創造主はこの会社ってことになりますけど Meteora, this company is the “Creator” you’re looking for. どうやって行くつもりですか? How do you plan to get there? Selesia: 飛んでいく? Fly? Meteora: 物理法則をかき乱すような行動はできるだけ避けたい。 I want to avoid actions that would disturb the laws of physics. 行くなら電車か路線バス。自転車がお借り願えるなら、なおありがたい I would go by train or bus. Or I would appreciate it if I could borrow a bicycle. Sota: 違いますよ!そういうことじゃなくて That’s not what I mean. I wasn’t talking about that. 普通は関係もない人間に突然会ったりしないし Normally, you don’t go meet people you have no relationship with. 会うならそれなりの理由がいりますよ You need a good reason to meet someone. Selesia: 人情がないわねー、神様の世界とやらは The so-called land of the gods has no empathy. あのさ、私の創造主とやらも検索できるの?それ Hey, can you search for my Creator… with that? Sota: できると思いますけど I think I can. (Searchs for Elemental Symphony Vogelchevalier) Sota: どうしたんですか? What’s wrong? Selesia: あのね、そうたくん。自分の知らないところで見世物になって Hey, Sota. How would you feel if you were put on display… 四六時中覗かれてて、楽しい人っているかしら … and watched 24 hours a day without you knowing? Sota: ですよね You’re right. Selesia: こいつらが私たちの創造主ってわけね。どうしようかしら So these people are our Creators. What should I do? ごあいさつでもさせていただいたほうがいいのかしら Shall I go pay them a visit to say hi? なんだかそんな気になってきたわ I’m starting to feel like that’s a good idea. Sota: セレジアさん Selesia. Meteora: そうた殿 Sota. Sota: はい Yes? そうた殿は私の世界のようなゲームやセレジアのようなアニメはお好きですか? Sota, do you like games, like my world… and anime, like Selesia’s? Selesia: 好きなんでしょう?そう言ってたもんね You like them, right? That’s what you said before. これ What’s this? Sota: やめてください!これは古い絵なので Stop! This is an old drawing. Selesia: じゃぁ新しいの見せて Then show me a new one. Sota: それは、、、 That’s…. Meteora: そうた殿もどこかの世界の創造主でおありか Sota, are you the Creator of a world somewhere? ここにあるものはそのための蔵書である気がした The things here, I feel like they’re references for that purpose. Sota: でも、最近は書いてなくて But I haven’t drawn anything recently. Meteora(Reading the book Vogelchevalier): 修練を一度止めれば、得た技量は倍の速度で錆びていく If you stop training, the skills you acquired will get rusty fast. まだ生まれぬあなたの世界はこれからいく万の作品 Your unborn world… is waiting for you… 銀河のような星々の群に加わるべくきっとあなたを待っている … so that it can join the millions of stories in existence, like the stars in a galaxy. そのためにも研鑽(けんさん)を Continue your training. (Find the article on the author of Vogelchevalier) なるほど。そう、個人ならば。 I see. That’s right. For an individual…. (Scene changes) Editer: (Matsubara’s Office) 先生、進捗のほうはどうでしょうか? Hello, mister. How is your progress? Matsubara: なんかねー、こう、パッとしないんだよなぁ I don’t really feel inspired. なんだ、こいつ(Finding a mail from Selesia) Who is that? Sota: (Lounge in a building) 本当にくるかなぁ I wonder if he’s really going to come. Meteora: 未知数だけれど、会社に比べれば個人に絞れるだけ確率が上がる That is unknown. But compared to a company, the probability is higher…since we identified an individual. それに松原氏に関するインタビュー記事を複数読んだ And I read several interviews about Mr. Matsubara. 無節操で好奇心が強いタイプ He’s an unscrupulous person with a lot of curiosity. Selesia: 私の立場としては、自分の創造主がそこまで不用心なバカだと思いたくはないんだけど As for me, I would like to think that my Creator isn’t such a careless and stupid person. Meteora: きた。 He’s here. Selesia: 不用心なバカだわ A careless and stupid person. Meteora: バカみたいであることは否定しない I won’t deny that he seems stupid. Matsubara: はじまめして Nice to meet you. Selesia: えぇ、どうも、はじめまして Yes, thanks. Nice to meet you. Matsubara: 最初はコラだと思ってたんだけど、すごいな… At first I thought that picture was Photoshopped, wow. 外人さん?でもないよな。ハーフなんですか? Are you a foreigner? No, you’re not. Are you mixed? いや、それにしても、その服、映画の小道具並みに気合入ってますね Anyway, your clothes…Just like a costume from a movie. 俺がイメージしてたまんまだ。ちょっと気持ち悪いくらいですよ You’re exactly like I imagined. So much that it’s a little scary. Selesia: えぇ、そうでしょうね。本物ですから I bet that’s for sure. Because I’m real. Matsubara: いやぁ、もうほんと。まるで本物みたいです Yeah, really. You look like the real thing. Selesia: みたいじゃなくて、本物よ、松原さん。いいえ、創造主さん I don’t look like the real thing. I am the real thing. Mr. Matsbara. No, Mr. Creator. Sota: ちょっと Hold on. Meteora: 彼女は本物。ハロウィーンでもコスプレイベントでもない She’s real. This is not Halloween or a cosplay event. Matsubara: なに?あんたら誰? What? Who are you guys? A boy: ねぇ、見てママ あれマミカだよ Hey, look, Mom. It’s Mamika. Mother: えぇ、さっき下でやってたわね Yes, they were doing a show downstairs just now. Boy: ねぇマミカ、あれできる?マジカル・スプラッシュ・フレア Hey, Mamika. Can you do it? Magical Splash Flare? A girl: 光るやつ!ぴかーって!やってみせて!ちょーやってみせて! That shiny one! That sparkles! Show me! Show me! Mamika: ここだと私の正体バレバレなのか、参っちゃったな Everyone here knows my true identity. Oh, no. Sota: マジカルスレイヤー・マミカだ。メテオラさん It’s Magical Slayer Mamika. Mereora. Mamika: みつけたー!あなたたちね。えっと、なんだっけ?せ、せれじゅ、そるじゅ I found you. You guys. What was that again? Se―Seleju―Soluju― Selesia: ごあいさつね。名前も憶えないで来るなんて Are you trying to greet me? I can’t believe you came without remembering our names. [Selesia is accusing the careless manner of Mamika] Mamika: そっちのあなたは。めてお、やてお、めておすさん? You over there. Meteo―Yateo―Meteos? Meteora: おしい、でも違う Close. But not quite. Mamika: ごめんなさい! けれど!私、あなたたちを説得しにきたの Sorry! But…I came to try to convince you guys. 私はマミカ、キラメキ・マミカ I’m Mamika. Mamika Kirameki. 微笑みの力を奪うアクマリンを倒すために In order to defeat Akumarin who steals the power of smiles… マジカルスレイヤーに変身する力をもらったの …I received the power to transform into a Magical Slayer. えーと、そのー。力をくれたのは永遠の国の妖精ミリミリで And…The person who gave me that power is the Fairy of the Land of Eternity, Mirimiri. Matsubara: ちょっと。これあの、どういうこと?マジカルスレイヤー・マミカ? Hold on. What’s going on? Magical Slayer Mamika? Mamika: え?こんなおじさんまで私のこと知ってるの? What? Even old men like you know who I am? Matsubara: おっさんが番組見てて悪かったな What’s wrong with an old guy watching the show? Selesia: で?マミカさん。何の用? So? Mamika. What do you want? Mamika: 聞いたわ。軍服の姫君から I heard about it. From the Military Uniform Princess. この世界は私たちの世界を作っている大元だって She said that this world is the place making our worlds. 私たちの世界で困ってる人や苦しんでる人を The people in our worlds who are in trouble or in pain… ここの人たちの力で救えるって …can be saved with the power of the people in this world. Selesia: あいつから何を吹き込まれたのかはなんとなく想像がつくけれど、 I can imagine what kinds of things she said to you… あなたが考えているほど単純には済まないわ …but it’s not as simple as you think. Mamika: どうして?あなたの世界だって、みんなが戦いあってるひどい世界なんでしょ? Why? Isn’t your world…a terrible world where everyone is fighting? そんな世界を作る神様なんて私は許せない I can’t forgive gods who would create a world like that. Selesia: そこまでは同意だけど I agree with you about that much. でも、私たちの神さまがどんなやつなのか、それは私自身で判断するわ I’ll decide for myself about what kind of a person our god is. Mamika: どうしても、わかってもらえないの? Why…? Why can’t you understand me? マジカル・ドルチェ・パティシエール Magical Dolce Patissiere! マジカルスレイヤー・マミカ。お友達には内緒だよ Magical Slayer Mamika. Don’t tell you friends. Matsubara: まじかよ No way. People: あれマミカじゃん。ショーでも始めんのかな。ほんとかわいいね It’s Mamika. Is there going to be a show? She’s so cute. Meteora: セレジア、騒ぎは控えめに Selesia, don’t cause a commotion. Selesia: あの子に言って Tell that to her. (Mamika and Selesia start fighting) Passers by: なんかすごい音がしたぞ There was a loud noise just now. Selesia: めちゃくちゃじゃないの This is messed up. Matsubara (to Sota): おいおい、お前。お前の連れてきたあいつら一体 Hey, hey. You. Who is that woman you brought here? おい、こんなんウソだろ。ありえねーだろ、そうだろ This can’t be real. No way. This isn’t real. Sota: あの、僕もこの間までそう思ってました Until recently, I used to think the same thing. Mamika: 逃がさないわよ I won’t let you get away. Sota: セレジアさん Selesia. Matsubara: フォーゲルシュバリエはここにないのか。生身じゃあれが限界だ Vogelchevalier isn’t here. Without it, that’s as far as she can go. Selesia: 一か八か It’s all or nothing. Mamika: マジカルスプラッシュフレア Magical Splash Flare. Mamika: (shocked by the tremendous effect of her own power) 大丈夫?あの、痛かった? Are you okay? Did it hurt? Selesia: 痛いに決まってるでしょ Of course, it hurts. Mamika: おかしいな。こんな。普通血なんて出ないのに That’s weird. No way. Usually there’s no blood. Selesia: あなたの世界ではね In your world. でも痛みに関しては、ここは、私のいた世界に近いのよ But it terms of pain…this place is similar to the world I used to live in. でも、、、これで分かってもらえた?分かったら But…Do you understand now? If you do understand― Selesia: 殴り倒して許しを請わせるって? You’re going to beat me up and make me beg for forgiveness? 続けなさい Continue. あなたの物語じゃ今までそんな筋書きはなかったかもしれない。けど、私の物語では違う In your story…that might not have been part of the plot…but my story is different. 正義を力で成すのなら、きれいな夢なんか見ないで If you’re going to do it in the name of justice, don’t chase idealistic fantasies. 最後まで力で押しなさい。覚悟を決めて See it through to the end with force. Make up your mind. Mamika: 意地張らないで。あたしはただ Don’t be so proud. I just― Selesia: あなたの物語はきっとみんな物分りがよかったのね Your story was probably filled with reasonable people. よく覚えておきなさい。力ずくで正義を説いても Remember this one thing. If you use force to serve justice… 誰もあなたの夢見がちなシナリオなんかに沿わない …no one is going to follow your idealistic scenario. 納得なんか絶対にしない No one’s going to agree to that. Mamika: やめて。傷を負わせるつもりなんてなかったの。そうまでして戦うことなんてしたくない Stop. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t want to fight if it means having to go that far. Selesia: 甘えないで Don’t so spoiled. Mamika: おねがい。おとなしく話を聞いて。じゃないと Please. Please, just listen to what I have to say. Or else… Meteora: セレジア Selesia. Mamika: マジカルスプラッシュフレア Magial Splash Flare! Sota: セレジアさん! Selesia! Mamika: だれ? Who are you? Yuya: いちいち名乗んねぇといけねぇのかよ、お前のお話じゃぁよ Why does everyone have to say their name in your story? 神木・黒薙丸。それとこいつは、俺の相棒だ Sacred Tree Kuronagimaru. And this is…my companion. 女にこいつを振るうのは気が引けるが、お前の脳天に I don’t like to use this against girls…but I’m not the type of guy… こいつを叩き込むことができないようなキャラでもねぇんだな、俺は …that would stop himself using this to smash in your brain. 言っとくが、俺ぁ強いぜ?元居た世界じゃ俺はラスボスらしいからよ I’m warning you, I’m strong. In the world I used to live in…apparently I was the final boss. よぉねぇちゃん 大丈夫?大丈夫じゃねぇか Hey, little girl. Are you okay? You’re not okay, are you? Selesia: 誰 Who is that? Matsubara: あいつは、ひょっとしてあっちから来たやつか? Did he come from “that one”? Sota: あれは、彼は確か、弥勒寺優夜です That’s…. If I remember correctly….That’s Yuya Mirokuji. 閉鎖区Underground-Dark Nightに出てくる He’s from “Exclusive Underground.” 主人公のライバルです The main character’s rival.
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Constructing Anime Data Archive

Talks with TheLilacWoods on The Last Unicorn Cels

The Last Unicorn will unmistakably play a tremendously significant role for building a new cultural bridge between America and Japan. TheLilacWoods, an admirer of Peter S. Beagle and enthusiastic cel collector of the anime, sent me an interesting message. As I think her comments and questions are so nice for other supporters of the work to make their comprehension sound, and the questions many other cel collectors will raise may give splendid encouragement for the staff of Topcraft providing their comments on their ingenious workmanship, I decided it would be best to share our exchanged mails and call for collaborators to our scheduled project.
I ask everyone to contribute to our enterprise sending their data equipped with their own personal comments and questions on the cels together with other materials they have collected, in order to build up a web archive of The Last Unicorn, because I believe, true value of artistic works should be acquired through personal exchange of subjective opinions. That forms the ground of my theory on the meaning construction attained by cosmically developed consciousness, which is reflected in the fantasy work through the mysterious working of magic.

A message from TheLilacWoods
こんにちは!私の名前はKaylianaです。私は日本語を話さず、アメリカに住んでいるのでGoogle Translateを使っています。私が言うことが翻訳者のために紛らわしいならば、私は謝罪します。私は小さな女の子の頃から、ラストユニコーンの小説とアニメーションを愛しています。 私は現在、米国でGeekify Inc.を介して正式に認可されたラストユニコーン商品を少量制作するのを手伝っています。私はまた、本やビニールレコードなどの珍しい記念品から35mmフィルムやプロダクションセルまで、たくさんのものを集めています。 Amazon Japanで本を見ました。ラストユニコーンについて書いたと思います。『アメリカの傑作ファンタジー「最後のユニコーン」の知られざる真価』。 私の夫と私はラストユニコーンと日本の両方に非常に熱心です。私たちは数年以内にその国に引っ越すことを計画しているので、私はその言語を学ぶことに取り組んでいます。日本語を読んで翻訳する練習をするのを楽しみにしています。日本のスタジオが映画をアニメ化して以来、私はその映画が日本語に翻訳されなかったことをとても悲しんでいます。 私は個人的にはこの映画に関してできるだけ多く保存するために一生懸命働いています。私は現在、The Last Unicornに関する公式作品と、ぬいぐるみ、アートワーク、彫刻などのファンの作った美しい作品の両方で構成された自分のコレクションをカタログ化しています。 私はあなたが投稿したすべての絵コンテやセル、記念品に非常に感銘を受けました!私はあなたがこの美しい物語に関してどれだけの仕事をしているかを大いに尊重し、そして賞賛します。私たちが日本に引っ越しをしたとき、私はあなたに会い、あなたの保存されたアイテムのコレクションを見ることができるかもしれないことを願っています!!!!

My answer to TheLilacWoods
Thank you for a very interesting mail. I am glad to be able to have contact with an enthusiastic lover of Peter S. Beagle. It is very nice to hear you are trying to learn Japanese. I have taken up several anime shows in my lectures for the discussion of philosophical and psychological subjects in fictional works. And now I am planning to construct a series of teaching plan to lecture Japanese for English-speaking students through various subtitled anime works. I will very gladly help you with your Japanese study if proper occasion can be accommodated. Could you show me the catalog of your production, so that I may use them for better promoting Beagle’s works? I have some exhibition plans to introduce and discuss Beagle’s works in Japan. I hope we would be able to work together for furthering appreciation for the work we admire.

From TheLilacWoods
I greatly appreciate your response. I have only just begun learning Japanese with my husband. We are currently learning hiragana and katakana as well as a few beginner phrases and grammar structures. Thank you for your kind offer to help. Things are very busy here, as my husband will be graduating next spring before we begin looking into moving to Japan in a few years. Your work sounds very interesting! I think many English-speaking students would be interested. Because of my hectic schedule, I am still working on finding a way to host my gallery and documenting information about my collection. I am beginning with the cels and douga I own. I have been using a free website in America to host images, though I hope to have my own website soon if the costs are not too great. You can see 50 out of my 60 or so cels at this gallery link. I have not posted any douga yet. I would be very honored to work with you to spread joy of this beautiful piece of work to more people!
Here is the gallery link I am using at present.
It is a work in progress. The cels are listed under this folder:
They are in chronological order based on appearance in the film. More information about the cel and the scene it is from is available when you click the link to each picture. I will be adding more over the summer and fall. If I change websites, I will inform you.

To TheLilacWoods
Thank you for the link you sent to me. I have watched the contents of your beautiful collection of The Last Unicorn cels and have been very much impressed. Several other collectors have made access to me after I shared the information of our March exhibition and let me watch their treasures. One of the admirers of the anime even came to me from US to have a talk with me on Peter S. Beagle’s wonderful accomplishment. I wonder if all of you could share each of your collection on a synthesized platform with your comments and summarized commentary made by the staff of the production. One of the directors is very willing to give his comment as a storyboard maker. How do you like the idea?
I have been preparing some teaching plans to be practiced in America. One of them is watching comprehension and making comparative language study through anime works. Concrete details of my teaching plan at English-speaking countries are as follows.
Students are expected to submit to me materials to be examined, discussed and used for further alternative creation. Examples of good job, dubious ones, evident cases of failure are also welcome for discussion, together with requests for further explanation concerning the cultural background. Translation checks of fan sub as subculture study and writing tips, through anime viewing and paper reading on Japanese subculture will be pursued. Prearranged key topics are as below.
Where Americans fail to grasp the meaning of some anime lines
Different cultural backgrounds
The culture of tacit assumption and specialized convention of speech presentation
Peculiar expressions characteristic of Japanese language
Contrasted ways of presenting statement
Unfamiliar structure of Japanese characters and meaning construction of them
Comprehension of the metaphysical subjects in highly intelligent fictional works
Through these we will be able to cultivate various perspectives that construct fictional worlds, and grasp the psychological phase of “fictionality” as one of myriad possible worlds. If you ask me any question concerning the anime fan sub, I am much obliged, as it would contribute constructing effective material for my lecture.

From TheLilacWoods
I love the idea of many people coming together to share their collection in one place online. It is my hope that my preservation of such beautiful works will allow future generations to enjoy them. Is the director you mentioned in your last letter one who works at the school? Your coursework sounds very interesting! I have been learning a lot about Japan’s language and culture over the last few years but there are still things I do not understand and would love some insight on. I hope it is alright that I still ask these questions now. Please do not hesitate to ask for clarification if my questions are difficult to understand.
I have noticed on signs or documents in anime that some words use Hiragana, some use Katakana, and some use Kanji. As a foreigner, the mixing of three written language styles is a little confusing. Is there a general reason or rule to be able to understand when one written language should be used instead of another?
Often in anime fan subs they say someone talks in a formal manner or speaks like a feudal lord. Is there a particular dialect or manner of phrasing being used in the conversation? For example, in America we might say "thou" or "thee" for demonstrating archaic language. I am curious if there are archaic forms of Japanese words or tones being used? As a reader, I feel that I am missing audio clues particular to Japanese history. At times a character states their name and then which Kanji are used and what they mean. I cannot think of an example at the moment, I am afraid. I am very curious as to the reason they might do that or why they need to make the distinction since it seems important. In America, very few people care to know what their name means. Do meanings of names or the Kanji used to spell the names have special meaning in Japan?
When translating literally from Japanese to English, the translation can sound very basic. What are some nuances in Japanese that can be hard to translate into other languages? English writers often break the language and grammar rules in poetry or descriptive writing because they feel something sounds better than if they stick to the rules. Do Japanese writers do something like that, and if so, how?
There may be minor or major changes in dialogue or names when something is translated for a foreign audience. In Pokemon, for instance, “Saito” is changed to “Ash”. “Onigiri” was called a “donut”. I know some things simply do not translate at all into other languages. Do you feel there are times that important context is lost or that it might be disrespectful to the writer when things are changed during translations to appeal to foreign audiences?
A name might have important meaning for a character or there may be a play on words/a joke that only makes sense in the original context. For instance, in The Last Unicorn the unicorn is called “Amalthea” because it references a one-horned goat in Greek history. “Schmendrick” means “fool” and is symbolic of his character’s incompetence. If these names were drastically changed, the symbolism would be lost. These are all of my questions at this time. I have given much thought over the last few weeks when I received your message as to what I would ask. My husband is also very interested in your answers as he is majoring in Communications.

My answer to TheLilacWoods
Thank you for the very suggestive evidences you pointed out from fan sub study. I found each of them would make good starting point not only for anime study but also for comparative language/culture research. I understand all the import of your suggestions.
I have been very busy grading students’ reports. But I am now free from school chores and able to start constructing creative plans for furthering Beagle study promotion. An international cultural study organization Popular Culture Association offered our university to hold a symposium together centered on the study of Peter S. Beagle in the year 2020. But we found it is rather difficult to practice an international convention during Olympic games. We decided to postpone the event to 2022. As we have full two years for the preparation for the enterprise, I am going to submit several plans to be performed during the period in order to win academic reputation for our respected author and the animated film. One of them is constructing a web archive introducing the data that testify the process of the creation of the anime The Last Unicorn. Your questions/suggestions on fan sub translation will amplify the depth of the archive, together with your beautiful cel data of the anime. Several other cel collectors are going to assist our plan. The director is one of the staff who drew the storyboard at Topcraft. He is now free and willing to give comments to the cel data shared on the web page so that we can compile really substantive data archive. Could you give us suggestions about this plan?

Now, for the questions you submitted.

Katakana use
Usually Japanese sentences are written with Kanji and Hiragana. Katakana words are introduced to represent foreign adopted notions, such technical terms as academic, sports and art etc… But sometimes the scenario writer may use katakana for representing emphasis of the feeling of the speaker. Katakana use may be interpreted as surprise, doubt and other various feelings, but as they may be resorted to without any definite methodology, the user may not be very sure of the logical structure of the expression.
So if you try to classify katakana uses and furnish each instance with proper psychological definition to be categorized, it will make a persuasive study subject, especially when some modes are used mixed, because the writer himself might not be very conscious of the differentiation or methodological structure.

Feudal lords diction
Eager game players or anime otaku in a closed gathering sometimes adopt them, when they are assuming fictional characters. Like at cosplay events, they talk as if they were some characters from a game. The gathering itself is functioning as a scene of some fictional setting where archaic speech is common. Some kind of tacit assumption must be built in these cases. For a novice new to the society, these backgrounds are difficult nuts to crack whether he/she is a foreigner or a native Japanese. We have many class-differentiating dictions as Japan has a long history. The mode of speech alone may represent the speaker’s class, job, age and the relationship to the others involved in the conversation.

Kanji characters used for names
We have several different representations for writing a name. For instance, my name “Makoto” may be written as “誠”, “真” or “真琴”. The kanji character “誠” represents “honesty”, while “真” represents “truth”, and “真琴” is a girl’s name meaning “true lute”. As there is no determined rule for the application of kanji characters or even for creating a new name, some might choose to express his name “Makoto” as “魔個斗” for instance, explaining the meaning of each character “devil”, “alone” and “fight”. One is not actually explaining the meaning of his name but telling how his name is written in kanji, like Western people try to explain how they should spell their names.

Translating delicate nuances
There may be very many instances found indicating the difficulty of translation. And you can also discover not a few ingenious examples of good translations as well. As Japanese syntax is quite different from Western languages, sometimes you have to choose different part of the sentence as subject in order to reflect the original nuance of the speech. Other necessities for the need of paraphrasing may be classified in several patterns; the conventional difference of idiomatic omission, habitual stereotype collocation and expressions reflecting different social customs or opposite backgrounds in some peculiar concept etc.
We have both highbrow kanji words and simple easy words for almost every similar object. One stands for the academic notion imported from China, and the other indicates commonly used expressions in Japanese everyday life, though these may indicate almost the same object. As you have both Latin and Greek origin words and parallel common words indicating almost the same thing, as found in the examples like “canine” and “dog”, sometimes the problem how to reflect in translation the contrasted nuances of long-term rigidity and easy familiar expression will be a challenge to a translator.

Intentional grammar breaking
Good example of grammar breaking may be exemplified in a famous popular song Ozashiki Kouta, in the phrase shown below.


The snow falling on the crest of Mt. Fuji, and the snow falling in Kyoto Ponto-town.
It’s not there’s no difference. All the same when melt and running

It actually must go “雪に変わりがあるじゃなし”, if they mean “there’s no difference”. This psychological instance may apply to French use of “ne”, in its rule breaking diction.

J'ai peur qu'il (ne) soit en retard.

Many Japanese people will often say.

We have to go before it does not rain.

As we have no subjunctive mood in our grammar structure, Japanese people tend to use negative in place of indicative mood. Walter de la Mare developed this kind of naïve speech in order to express “matter of truth” instead of rigidly following “matter of fact” logical description, while Edgar Allan Poe sought for the disruption of logical reasoning itself attaining meta-manipulation of language. Peter S. Beagle must have learned this technique after Poe and other classic authors. Nowadays some Japanese anime try to attain this kind of metaphysical goal through their storytelling itself, where even more ambitious enterprise surpassing grammar breaking is attempted.

Name changes in translation
This occurs in many instances translating the name of goods. When we were not familiar with “tissue paper” some sixty years ago, it had been very difficult to translate the word. Translators had to be very careful replacing foodstuff and cooking recipe names. In one typical instance in novelist Dazai’s story “Anymore Human”, Japanese recipe “mitsumame” was translated into “pudding”, in order to describe the poor state of the household, “the ingredient of the menu were not specifiable, some of them were poor substitutes”. You can detect many other interesting instances in fan sub and game translation.

Character’s names and their background
The name Amalthea must reminds of “cornucopia”, while Schmendrick is a Yiddish form for Schlemiel, which naturally reminds of Peter Schlemiel, the eternal wanderer in the story Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte written by Chamisso. You can detect deep bearing with the motif of shadow through these character names. Very interestingly in this case it is not very decisive to comprehend the full scope of the meaning construction of the work, whether you are a native English speaker or not. It all depends on the liberal attainment of the reader. But you have to take uttermost care when you have to change names in your translation. That’s why I didn’t like the idea to translate The Last Unicorn (there had been an offer), because I was not able to find a good Japanese word fitting for the word “old”, very often introduced in the original work. Instead I decided to make an annotation book of the celebrated novel.

Please try to gather concrete instances from anime, when effectively compiled and properly analyzed they will make persuasive research achievement on various fields of academic study.

From TheLilacWoods
I have taken quite some time to read over what you have sent me. I apologize for the length of this response. I feel greatly honored to have met you, as you are a wonderful teacher. The answers to my many questions were very helpful and easy to understand! While I am still very new to learning Japanese, I did take a few French classes... Understanding how some phrasing/grammar is equivalent to using the French "ne" really is helpful. I found all your answers giving me much to think about and absorb.
I am especially grateful to your explanation about Kanji and "meanings" when people are spelling their names. In English, we might clarify when spelling our names by using a word that starts with the letter. In my name, there is an 'n' which can be misheard as 'm' so I may spell my name and say 'n, as in NANCY'. Since there are so many ways to spell a name with Kanji, as you pointed out with your own name, it makes sense you would wish to clarify which Kanji should be used. All of your answers will be very useful as I continue to learn the language. It is incredibly valuable to have someone who speaks the native language explain these things!
The plans for the symposium in 2022 are very intriguing! I am glad to hear other cel collectors will also contribute. I will think very hard on any suggestions for the archive. An archive that functions in both English and Japanese would be wonderful, since I know many English speakers would also be interested in viewing such a resource.
I will be watching more anime with a notepad in order to write questions down as I think of them so that I can give specific references and questions. When I have a few more, I will contact you again with them.
I did not realize the connections you had with the director and storyboard animators. This is very exciting to me! I have wanted to ask so many questions that are difficult to find answers to in America regarding the creation of the film. I do not know what all you have compiled already as I have yet to be able to read your work on The Last Unicorn so I apologize if you have already done what I am suggesting.
I would love a section on the archive that talks about the history of Topcraft Studio and the people who worked on the film. For instance, there is often confusion in America on which artist did certain character concepts (whether it was Hidemi Kubo or Tsuguyuki Kubo) because the signatures are only "KUBO". Conflicting information is found on the internet due to the confusion. It is also hard to find information on the background artists who painted such lovely scenes like the Unicorn's lilac woods and the tapestry.
Biography pages of the team members who worked on various aspects of the animation along with specific examples linking or showing their role on the film could be very beneficial. If they would be so inclined, perhaps a short video documentary/interview could be added to the page?
When I first got into collecting cels, I realized there was so much more to the process than I ever believed. Perhaps the archive could showcase the transition from conceptualization to the finalization of scanning the movie for film? Character concepts, storyboards, genga/douga, cel painting, etc. Information about those steps in creation for the film would be lovely additions. I know that Peter Beagle has given a great deal of interviews about the book and film, which could be compiled and added to various pages where they would benefit.
It was fascinating to learn that you had decided not to transcribe the book due to issues such as the word ‘old’ being difficult to properly convey in Japanese. Do you believe it would be difficult to translate the film into Japanese for the same reasons? After all we have discussed so far with translations in anime, I am curious what your thoughts are on the matter.
I have thought for a great many years what a shame it is that it was never voiced by a Japanese team and would love to see that eventually transpire. I wonder if ITV Studios would be willing to find a way to make this happen if they knew there was interest. I will continue to give thought to this and pass on any suggestions I have, whether they end up being viable or not.
I am greatly interested in hearing the results of the symposium when it is held in 2022. How I wish I could meet the director and artists in person!
I did not get a chance to say so before, but I was raised by my paternal grandmother who acted as my mother until she unfortunately passed away when I was only 9 years old. She discovered The Last Unicorn on VHS tape in a grocery store and bought it for me to watch. Unicorns were her favorite creature and we watched the film together many times. I would not discover it was a book until I got my first job in a bookstore and found it by pure accident while stocking the shelves.
I am so very passionate about preserving this wonderful film both for the incredible story and artwork as well as in honor of my grandmother and those happy times we shared in my youth. Thank you for all your hard work preserving the film and sharing its joys with others, I am so glad to have met someone else who shares my enthusiasm!

My answer to TheLilacWoods
Thank you for nice suggestions for augmenting the scope of our web archive. Your concrete requests will make persuasive clue for enriching the comments on the cels and other materials. I have been trying to compile various research materials for some while in order to have the film issued in Japan. But it seems we have to exert a little more endeavor before everyone in Japan gets interested in the work and demand the publication of Japanese voiced edition.
I have already translated the scenario of the anime The Last Unicorn and published it together with an argument on the shadow motif of the work under below title.

A study of the animated film The Last Unicorn研究-アニメーション-Last-Unicorn-黒田/dp/443416399X/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&keywords=アニメ+the+last+unicorn&qid=1566100421&s=gateway&sr=8-1

The argument on the shadow motif part can be read by the link below
Shadow Motive in The Last Unicorn: Metaphysical Visual Expression Adopted in an Animation Film

Concerning the role Topcraft accomplished in the making of the anime and some other details, I have compiled a data book containing scenario, storyboard and other relating materials, which is now available as e-book by Amazon Kindle.

『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価 アメリカの傑作ファンタジー
Unacknowledged Virtue of The Last Unicorn

We are now trying to construct a web archive in order to complement and augment the value of those data most effectively. I hope your contribution will furnish superb attainment.
I am preparing for several other projects that would successfully promote our enterprise, one of which is a workshop plan to be practiced together with English speaking native teachers, on the translation of the anime Re:creators. I attach the teaching plan and the text for the course as I hope you will be interested in them. And I would like to include your messages in the data to be submitted to the school, since they will most eloquently explain what we are intending to do. May I share our exchange mails so that people will be able to comprehend the scope of the enterprise we pursue? I wish you took the role of co-promoter of our scheduled symposium.

From TheLilacWoods
I appreciate the links to various compilations you have written and I look forward to reading them soon. I believe they will prove very enlightening and it will help me understand what questions you have already answered through your research. I will read the PDF and download the e-book versions that I can so I can access them more quickly.
I hope that efforts to get The Last Unicorn recognized by the people of Japan will be successful. I believe that it is a film that plays a very unique role in both Japanese and American cultures. It was the very first Japanese animation I ever watched, though I did not know it, since it is a Rankin-Bass production. When I became older and began looking into the history of the film I was surprised to learn it was animated by a Japanese studio (Topcraft). Considering the connection between Topcraft and Ghibli studios I think it should be considered a treasured work of art culturally.
I am glad that you have translated the film. I worried it would be difficult after our last conversation when you told me about the difficulty in translating the book.
I am definitely interested in reading the teaching plan for the workshop! I think it sounds like a very interesting program. I will include my personal email address at the end of this conversation; it is the best way to reach me.
Please feel free to use anything we have discussed in helping promote conversation and promotion of the archive and symposium. I am very grateful to be included in any capacity and am dedicated completely to help however I can to achieve our mutual goals.

19:27:40 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

18 August

Anime The Last Unicorn data book on Kindle

Data book of the anime The Last Unicorn is available on amazon Kindle.

Scenario, storyboards and other materials are contained in the book below.

『最後のユニコーン』の知られざる真価 アメリカの傑作ファンタジー
Unacknowledged Virtue of The Last Unicorn

14:03:51 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks