Archive for 23 January 2023

23 January

Cosmological Implication of Fictionality and Consciousness

I shared "Cosmological Implication of Fictionality and Consciousness" on Academia.

This is a selection of the first and last chapters of Fantasy as Antifantasy 2, the comprehensive study of The Last Unicorn. These parts were originally conceived as an argument on the implication of fictionality, against the cosmology based on the idea of oneness supported by post quantum mechanics.

Finding italicized parts are not correctly shown in the previously shared files, and some of the cited parts are corrupted, I reedited the papers modifying the font and text format. As the first and the last chapters of the comprehensive study of The Last Unicorn were originally written in one as a study of the influence of the quantum mechanics on fantasy literature, I decided to share them as in one file under the title of “Cosmological Implication of Fictionality and Consciousness”.
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