Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 32: Lecture 6 continued"

10 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 32: Lecture 6 continued

Lecture 6 continued

“That’s what it is. When someone hears something they don’t like, when they don’t want to apologize, when things don’t turn out how they wanted, you can always tell from their behavior.”

Magane’s observation of Sota’s actions.
“Their shoulders get stiff, they don’t look away. But you … That wasn’t true for you. In other words, it’s not that you don’t want to. You can’t, even if you wanted to. If you can’t, you can’t see that person, that person isn’t there.

If you blamed the other person, then you’re the one who created the reason you can’t meet anymore. In other words, it’s like this. Because of something you were actively involved in you can’t see her anymore physically. And because it’s related to this situation and because you’re the person that Meteora needs that’s why you talked to her about it. You don’t want to hide anything from Meteora. But you don’t want to talk about it no matter what. Right?

Oh, I love contradictions! Oh, so let’s get to the main point. I want you to be my messenger. …How should I put it. You know that girl named Selesia, right? I want you to tell that Meteora is the one who’s a traitor, working with the enemy. … Meteora is working with Altair, and they’re staging a rigged game.”

Sota is astonished. He is not able to understand her purpose.
“Telling lies like that. What are you trying to do?!
“It doesn’t matter whether it’s a lie or the truth! I just want you to do that for me. And so, you have something you want me to keep quiet about. I think it’s mutually beneficial for both of us. Do you have a problem with it? … I see. Do you need something to make it more convincing? Mamika found out about the conspiracy and went to see Meteora to learn the truth but she died after a single blow!”
Magane shows Sota blood-stained Mamika’s clothes.
“Is that Mamika’s? Mamika is dead?”

Magane intervenes in the situation from her own standpoint. She asks Sota to cooperate with her lie. Though she is sharp and clever, her intention is incomprehensible.

“Yeah, she died, she died. She was bleeding a lot. She was so small, but she had so much blood inside her. And Alicetaria, that idiot hotheaded knight. She knows too. If you think I’m lying go ask her. Ask her who killed Mamika. I’m sure she’s going to be pissed and going to answer ‘Meteora!’”
“No. Did you kill her? Did you kill Mamika?
Sota is able to detect the lie, but is not able to guess the truth yet.
“Stop lying! Who else would kill people other than you?”
Sota is determined. “I’m not going to listen to a liar.”
Magane answers, “I see. No, no, you’re right. I tell only lies. “Whenever I say anything, it’s all lies.”

Is her line above, true or false?

“I have a question for you. Then am I lying now too? What do you think? You don’t know anything, do you? Justice, the truth, do they exist? Those things don’t exist. Those things are made. Just like you guys are doing. You could even say that we are all liars. My god was someone without guts and ended up dying. Stupid. So Sota, who do you think is the one who killed the magic girl? The reason she died is a chemical reaction due to someone meeting someone else…If you dig into it, you’ll uncover an inconvenience truth. You still don’t get it? A certain conversation at a certain place that connects me, the magical girl, and you, Sota.
“Altair. I see, it’s Altair. Mamika was killed by Altair. Mamika believed in me that Altair is trying to do something bad. And then Mamika …”

Magane understands the truth in her own way.
“So you were the trigger!”

“You did it! Congratulations! Your hit count has went up to two! What? Are you shocked? About killing someone without realizing it? No problem, no problem. You don’t need to get depressed. It happens all the time. You’ve got to be optimistic. Use positive thinking!”
Magane, herself is positive at all times.

Sota asks her, “Why? How can you do something like that?”
“Because it’s fun. Watching people do what I set them up to do is really fun! I never have negative emotions like hate and resentment. There are no bad feelings involved when I’m having fun. How shall I put it? I have a noble heart. Don’t worry, Sota. What was her name, Aluminum Foil. Oh, Altair! I’ll lay a landmine for her too and make sure it explodes!”

Like a fiction maker, Magane twists reality in a way she thinks most interesting.

Yuya Mirokuji appears.
“Hey, I feel bad to ask, but could you stop trying to fool Sota?”
“Hey, Sota. I bet they told you to listen to other people when you were a kid. But people like her, they take advantage of nice people like you. They use you until you destroy yourself.”

Magane speaks back to Yuya.
“That was so mean. Watch your words, boy. Do I look like such a bad person?”
Yuya is relentless.
“You’re not a person. You’re just a laughing piece of skin hanging over a bunch of lies.”
“Oh, what a cool compliment.”

Yuya attacks Magane, who runs away. There, Meteora appears.
Sota apologizes her, “Sorry. Sorry, Meteora. I did it again. Why didn’t I do it earlier? I didn’t help Shimazaki.”

11:56:08 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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