Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 34: Lecture 6 continued"

12 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 34: Lecture 6 continued

episode 10

Alicetaria directly charges on Meteora.
Magane says, “Ms. Knight, nice!”
Meteora asks Sota, “Sota, contact Kikuchihara!”
Yuya tries to undertake the battle against Alicetaria in place of Meteora.

But Magane takes on the part of the opponent of Yuya.
“Want me to help? Ms. Knight?
Alicetaria refuses her offer.
“I do not need the help of your sullied hands!”
Magane insists, “You have unsettled business with the geeky girl not the bad boy, right. I’ll take care of the bad boy. Why don’t you and the geeky girl get in touch with your girly sides together while you work on killing each other?”

Sota gives a call to Kikuchihara, asking for permission for Meteora to use weapons.
“Meteora and Mirokuji are fighting against Alicetaria. And Magane Chikujoin is there too!”
Alicetaia attacks Meteora.
Meteora intones her magic spell.
“In the name of the principle of Ars Magnas, just as the spirits create structure from Topos, which presides over all creation, the spirits shall refine steel to become the form I desire!”
The phraseology of magic spells is interesting in reflecting the applicational procedure of appealing for the principles of the universe. We are able to further analysis the metaphysical ground by examining how they are translated. Effective examples will be shown afterward. I have tried some of it taking up Fate/ stay night, in the article below.

Existence, Phenomenon and Personality: Summoning Magic and Individuality in Fate/stay night

Alicetaria also calls up her ally.
“Gotz von Berlichingen. Answer my gauntlet’s summon. Knight of dawn… reveal yourself here!”

Yuya fights Magane employing Hangaku.
Magane starts her specific procedure of manipulating conceptual magic.
“What a moldy smelling toy! Is that the only trick up your sleeves?”
Yuya gets frustrated by the cheeky attitude of Magane.

Watching their battle, Sota thinks.
“Even if I go back, I can’t do anything. I’d just get in the way…”

Alicetaria challenges Meteora, “Face me in a fair battle, Meteora!”
Meteora is in a predicament in front of fierce attacks by Alicetaria.
“I shall not let you die yet. You shall pay for the death of my dear friend Mamika!”
Sota intervenes between them. “Wait!”

Magane cleverly lures Yuya into an eerie dialogue.
“I noticed one thing about your doll. Do you want to know what it is? I know a lot of trivia, so that’s why I know this. ‘Hangaku’ is the name of a female general. You always have a girl at your side who can depend on for anything. You have such a fulfilling life. You make me so jealous!
“Me and Hangaku, we’re not like that. She’s a curse.”
Yuya, inadvertently replies to Magane.
“But those kind of curses … Did you know that you can get rid of them?”
“You really are full of lies, aren’t you. If you really think you can get rid of it, then why don’t you give it a try?”

Alicetaria challenges, “Face me in a fair battle, Meteora!”

Magane continues, saying, “What should I do? I might not look like, but actually I get along with ghosts and monsters really well. I’ve thought about it. What if I could get rid of that, why don’t you give Hangaku to me. You don’t make good use of her anyway.”
“What did you say? Give her to you? What a joke!”
Magane’s preparation has been completed.
“It turns inside-out itself, and …”

It seems Magane’s conceptual magic makes use of “utterance effect” instead of “observational effect”. This sort of magical power was often depicted in Grimm’s Fairytales. In the universe where consciousness and meaning construct everything, words of significant implication naturally cause various manifestations of entity and phenomena in the world. It was an idea commonly accepted before scientific thought expelled the previous belief, oriented by magic principle.

Alicetaria is about to put an end to Meteora, but Sota stops her with a determination to die.
“Alicetaria. You were fighting Unterwelt. I know who you are.”
“I am sure you do. My world is entertainment for your people. Was it fun? Watching my people get tortured and killed?”
“It’s not fun at all! I … Watching the people in your town die… made me sad. When the village of Magratz was attacked by the armies of Unterwelt, I was hoping that you’d be in time!”
“You were just someone watching from the outside. It was just a story to the people of this world like you.”
“If you’re going to say it was ‘just a story’, then do you mean that everything I didn’t see with my own eyes was ‘just a story’ to me? Whether it’s real or a story it doesn’t matter. Many people know about your fight. Many people watch and support you! Do you know why? Seeing you risk your own life, fighting for the things that are important to you brings hope to everyone living here! Alicetaria. We know what you stand for and what you’re fighting for! We watch you continue fighting because we look up to your virtue. We hope someday we can become like you!”

From Alicetaria, a fictional being, Sota was given a reason to live.
“You speak too highly of me. I am not the person you believe me to be. The important things always slip through my fingers. I tried to be a knight. In order to save my world… I risked my life and fought until now. However, my world was a lie created on purpose for entertainment. I tried to save Mamika. But in the end… I couldn’t prevent her death. Ridiculous. A knight? I am nothing more than a scarecrow in a fictional world. How am I supposed to save the world? However, even if I am a scarecrow, I am still a knight. So… Step aside, boy.”
“I will not.”

“It is not my intention to involve you in this fight.”
Alicetaria mocks herself, learning that she is a puppet made for entertainment
But as Sota points out, fictional works are not actually just viewed and read for entertainment, as teachers and parents will often say. In the most serious region of consciousness, they are actually more substantial than things in the real world.
It must be questioned which has a deeper meaning, fiction or reality?

“Step aside.”
“I am not moving.”

“The Alicetaria I know would do the same thing! So that’s why I’m doing this too!”
Meteora stands up and takes hold of Sota’s hand from behind.
“Step down. … Alicetaria and I must talk until we reach an understanding.”
“Do you repent of your actions now?”
“Alicetaria, I will speak honestly. No matter what happens, I would never hurt Mamika.”
“Even now, do you still try to deceive me with your sophistry? Mamika was determined and departed from before me! She tried to propose a reconciliation with you. But the negotiations failed, and her murder was the result!”
Sota says, “No! It’s one of Magane’s lies!”
“Silence. Please. I have lost everything I believed in. My world, and my ally … I do not know where the truth is anymore. However, even though I may be an empty shell, I may still be granted a knight’s honor, then in the name of my honor, I must have revenge for my fallen friend. That is the only purpose I have left to me now!”
Alicetaria charges. Meteora. tries to cover Sota and is thrust away by the impact.

“Why?” Alicetaria is not able to understand Meteora’s action.
Selesia appeares.
Kikuchihara gets in touch with Sota.
“I sent Selesia and Kanoya! We’re on our way too!”
“What about Gigas Machina?!”
“Kanoya is waiting in the sky. We can’t let him land in the city. Using him is our last resort.”
Meteora is heavily wounded.
“Look what you did! A weak little magician is the only one you could defeat?”
Selesia is furious.

09:52:48 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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