Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 42: Lecture 7 continued"

22 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 42: Lecture 7 continued

It is an attempt to create political, economic, and cultural guidelines, that suggests a teleological concept that most education and politics have abandoned. Presently, the government and other institutions present only pettish purposes such as becoming rich, solution of resource problems etc.. Hitler had it, as a totalitarian dream that can be shared by all, but failed. What Meteora is now showing is this kind of all-encompassing government-led cultural event.

“Please, grant our request.”
Kikuchihara answers, “Government-initiated events never go well. Are you going to entrust me with a huge event with the destruction of the world at stake?”
Kikuchihara seems to be interested in this project.
Meteora says, “Yes. Saving the world is no small task.”

Matsubara says, “So we just continue our stories as before?”
“I want the creators to write spinoffs from the current stories. In those spinoffs, I want you to prepare for creating the cage. In the cage, several unrelated stories will be linked. I want you to write foreshadowing for that.”
Kikuchihara assures, “I will handle any tasks related to the companies.”

“In the end, we’re going to enter the cage and fight too, right?”
“One big attack.”
“Earning approval, making the cage appear in the gap between fiction and reality, and luring her in. It’s something that only the creators can do. When the final battle begins, everything will proceed adlib.”

It is not a phony event such as Olympic Games and World Exposition, but a serious enterprise centered on the common enemy Altair, involving creators and collected consciousness.

Episode 13
A compilation episode with a metafictional twist.

“In order to defeat Altair, we’ll need a much stronger plot and story progression. Let’s set a limit of six months and start working on it. Kikuchihara, we need your help and the help of the government. Please, grant our request.”
“Government-initiated events never go well. Are you going to entrust me with a huge anime event with the fate of the world at stake?”
The translation of Kikuchihara’s line is a little different from the previous subtitle.

Meteora says, “Yes. Saving the world is no small task.”
Matsubara says, “So we just continue our stories as before?”
“I want the creators to write spinoffs of the current stories. In those spinoffs, I want you to prepare for creating the cage. In the cage, several unrelated stories will be linked. I want you to foreshadow that.”
Kikuchihara assures, “I will handle any tasks related to the companies.”

“Earning approval, making the cage appear in the space between fiction and reality, and luring her in. Inside the cage, multiple unrelated stories will intersect. Setting up the foreshadowing for that purpose.”

What will the hyperspace called “cage” here, be defined physically and psychologically?

Changes in avant style are observed. The main part will look back on the events so far from Meteora’s viewpoint.

“Earning approval, making the cage appear in the space between fiction and reality, and luring her in. It’s something that only the Creators can do. When the final battle begins, we’ll need to improvise.
“That’s right. No one knows how the story is going to end.”

Expository comment by Meteora.
“And with that, the situation proceeded to the next stage. The fuse has been lit in the explosive story of us and Altair.”
“That description may be a little inaccurate. However, let’s sum things up, at least the beginning. The curtain has been opened, on a new chapter in the story of the battle between us and Altair. My name is Meteora Osterreich. This is a record of the battle fought by us Creations.”
There is some change observed in Meteora.

And this is me, Meteora Osterreich. The librarian of the Kunst Wunderkammer, the sage of the End of the World, from the Last Tableland in AVALKEN of Reminisce. I use the Book of a Thousand Truths, which shines light throughout the world,

18:51:54 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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