Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 48: Lecture 8 continued"

28 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 48: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

Yatoji calls out the fault on Nakanogane’s plan. Nakanogane gets annoyed.
“I couldn’t think of anything else for the introduction.”
“Hey, I feel bad saying this. Your stories are for kids, so you might be able to get away with stuff like that. But I have no idea how a crossover with the worldview from your story will work out.”
Their common aim is to succeed in the “cross-over of world views”, and what Re:CREATORS is trying to do is no other than that. An instance of “self-reference,”
They are talking of “worldview”. Which is the term usually adopted in Japanese discourse, but in English, it will be better expressed by the word “perspective”, which denotes the internal settings of the work world. Please refer to the article below for the argument of perspective in a fictional work.

The Hypernatural and Supernatural in Madlax: Disrupted Genre Concepts, Manipulation of Perspectives, Intuition, Fictionality and Implicate Order in Anime

Matsubara says, “Whatever you say. I have no idea about the worldview in your story either.
“What? Are you trying to say it’s stupid?”
The atmosphere grows tense. Marine hurriedly escapes out of the room. The interpersonal relationships of the creators are depicted.

“Yatoji, just calm down.”
“The problem is that, right now, the only way we have to counter Altair is to depend on Meteora and summon Selesia and the others to this world. How can we defeat her with something like that?”
“I increased the strength of the characters and had them summon weapons. Maybe that’s not enough. …If I tried to change something deeper than that…”
Matsubara speaks to Yatoji, “Hey, … I had an idea. What do you think? I feel like this would still be able to gain their ‘acceptance,’ just barely.”
“The good part isn’t quite right.”
“Oh, really? Then this is being shelved!”

Nakanogane tries to calm them down.
“I know it’s a silly story, but the fate of the world depends on it.”
Suruga says, “It doesn’t matter. I mean that, no matter what happens to the world, it’s not related at all to what we write.

It is difficult to cross over works with different backgrounds.
The conflict between Nakanogane’s judgment and ones of Yatoji and Suruga. The ethics ruling over creation of fictional works might be different from one that rules over the real world. Which creator do you support, Nakanogane or Yatoji?

“Um… I think that’s not quite right. Ignoring the situation around you? That’s not what a real pro does. A pro coordinates around deadlines and the client’s situation.”
“That’s what salarymen writers like you who work for others say.”

Difference on the understanding of professional work and adult judgment. Does it concern with deadlines and availability of the ordering source?
Here subtitle reads “salarymen writers”. I was rather surprised at this literal translation adopted as natural expression in English.

“Salarymen writers” may not just describe those writers who belong to a production company and is in charge of scenarios in a position where he receives a salary. The appellation may also imply those who don’t have their own decision in creative activities but follow the demand of the organization, reflecting the peculiar conforming living style in Japanese society.

Yatoji continues, “Hey, I don’t receive a salary like you. I put myself on the line when I write. Our work is fundamentally different.”
“No, that’s wrong. Don’t you understand that if you do whatever you want and cause a delay, you cause problems for other people? Your stories still sell because you have an editor who handles those problems for you.”

They are about to fall in a battle. Matsubara intercedes for the clash between Nakanogane and Yatoji. Yatoji goes out of the room by himself.

“There is also the problem of ‘acceptance’.” If we defeat Altair however we want and it’s not accepted by the viewers, then all our work would go waste. I want to avoid a situation like that, so I want to keep trying hard until the end. I’m sure he feels the same way.”
“I understand that. I’m also worried about this problem.”

15:32:48 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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