Complete text -- "Peter and Wendy 『ピーターとウェンディ』読解メモ 69"

24 January

Peter and Wendy 『ピーターとウェンディ』読解メモ 69

 "John, there's the lagoon."
 "Wendy, look at the turtles burying their eggs in the sand."
 "I say, John, I see your flamingo with the broken leg!"
 "Look, Michael, there's your cave!"
 "John, what's that in the brushwood?"
 "It's a wolf with her whelps. Wendy, I do believe that's your little whelp!"
 "There's my boat, John, with her sides stove in!"
 "No, it isn't. Why, we burned your boat."
 "That's her, at any rate. I say, John, I see the smoke of the redskin camp!"
 "Where? Show me, and I'll tell you by the way smoke curls whether they are on the war-path."
 "There, just across the Mysterious River."
 "I see now. Yes, they are on the war-path right enough."
 Peter was a little annoyed with them for knowing so much, but if he wanted to lord it over them his triumph was at hand, for have I not told you that anon fear fell upon them?
 It came as the arrows went, leaving the island in gloom.
 In the old days at home the Neverland had always begun to look a little dark and threatening by bedtime. Then unexplored patches arose in it and spread, black shadows moved about in them, the roar of the beasts of prey was quite different now, and above all, you lost the certainty that you would win. You were quite glad that the night-lights were on. You even liked Nana to say that this was just the mantelpiece over here, and that the Neverland was all make-believe.



 stave:船の舷側に加工して穴を開けること。“a boat with her sides stove in”だから、“両側面に穴を開けてあるボート”のこと。
 beast of prey:“猛獣”である。“prey”は捕獲される獲物のこと。“bird of prey”なら“猛禽類”となる。

◆「最後のユニコーン」に関するSue Matheson氏の論文の解説等を行っています。
◆ アニメーション版「最後のユニコーン」における視覚表現についての解説を公開中です。
◆ ピーター・ビーグルに関する書誌データを公開中です。




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