Complete text -- "Sue MathesonのThe Last Unicorn論6"

13 June

Sue MathesonのThe Last Unicorn論6

More importantly, when the quest is completed, the land itself changes. The "sign of unicorns" is everywhere. Signified by the arrival of spring, the renewal of the land also involves the renewal of its inhabitants; even the "small creatures [call] to one another" (235). As before, Beagle carefully underlines the symbolic meaning of a natural event. Molly realizes that "spring" has also come to her, "late but lasting" (235).
In Beagle's text, psychic renewal is not a straightforward process; it rests on the symbol's ability to evoke powerful and contradictory emotional responses. When one encounters archetypal figures such as the Red Bull, it soon becomes apparent that one is reading what D. H. Lawrence terms "a compound work." The Red Bull is certainly not limited to one meaning; it has what Lawrence would call "meanings. Not meaning within meaning: but rather meaning against meaning" (295). Traditionally the figure of a bull represents the masculine principle, heaven and the father. A lunar and a solar animal, however, the bull is linked not just with death, sacrifice, self-denial, and chastity, but also with rebirth and fecundity. In all palaeo-oriented cultures, a bull expresses the idea of power (Cirlot 33-36). Not surprisingly, in The Last Unicorn, the Red Bull is also many things: "the Bull is real ... a ghost . . . Haggard himself ... It is the devil, to whom Haggard has sold his soul. It is the thing he sold his soul to possess" (Beagle 50). Living beneath Haggard's castle, the Bull evokes the legend of the monster in the labyrinth of Knossos; leaving the castle, his humped shoulders and sloping back in the ocean recall Zeus's rape of Europa.

 ビーグルのテキストにおいては、心霊的な再生は単純な作用としては描かれない。この主題は象徴の、強力でありながらしかも相反した情動的反応を喚起する能力に深く関わるものである。レッド・ブルのような原型的存在を目にする時、D. H. ロレンスが“複合的効果”と呼ぶものが描かれていることにまもなく気付くことになる。明らかに、レッド・ブルはただ一つのもののみを意味している訳ではない。それはロレンスの呼ぶところの“ミーニングズ(多層的意味)”である。つまり「意味の中にある意味ではない、意味に反する意味である。」伝統的には牡牛という存在は、天や父親などの男性原理をあらわすものであった。しかしながら、月とも太陽とも関連を持つ動物として、牡牛は死と犠牲と自制と貞節のみではなく、再生と多産性とも結び付けられるものである。あらゆる原始指向的文化において、牡牛は権力という概念をあらわしている。『最後のユニコーン』においても、レッド・ブルが多様なものであり得ることは驚くに当たらない。「レッド・ブルは実在する、ノ幽霊に過ぎない、ノ正体はハガードである、ノ実は悪魔で、ハガードは魂をこれに売ったのだ、ノハガードはこれを手に入れるために魂を売ったのだ。」ハガードの城の地下に潜んでいることから、レッド・ブルはクノッソスの迷宮に住む怪物の伝説を思い起こさせる。城から出た後の、海に身体を没する時の盛り上がった肩と傾斜した背中は、ゼウスによるヨーロペの陵辱を思い起こさせる。






Evoking contradictory responses, texts that contain archetypal figures and settings express the constantly changing structure of the psyche itself. Because it expresses the shifting nature of the psyche, the novel is constructed like a labyrinth. One might even say that The Last Unicorn, concerned with the autonomy of symbols, is a labyrinth of language when one considers its juxtapositions of meaning against meaning. Fantasy, according to Jacques Lacan, is conceived as a construct that allows the subject to come to terms with the lack of meaningfulness in language produced by the modem rupture between signifier, the spoken or written word, and signified, the concept which the word represents (Sarup 58). The Last Unicorn, however, proves to be an exception. Because of their ability to generate emotion and hence understanding, symbols and archetypes in this text make language a meaningful activity, thereby challenging Lacanユ s theory that the symbolic order has a traumatic element -- the separation of the signifier from the signified -- at its very heart. Throughout, Beagle places a great deal of importance on the nature of language. At the beginning, the Unicorn supposes language to be meaningful and the function of language to join signifier and signified. At the beginning of the narrative, this function appears to have broken down. As the Unicorn searches for "her people . . . she [finds] no trace of them" and "in all the tongues she [hears] spoken . . . there [is] not even a word for them anymore" (Beagle 7). Because words link the natural world and that which transcends it, the Unicorn knows "beyond both hope and vanity that men [have] changed and the world with them, because the unicorns [are] gone" (9).



08:42:02 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks

DkRWMjvPT0XA wrote:

Paula, foi uma honra poder participar do sucesso que foi o evento, mérito de vocês!! Ano que vem estaremos juntas, com certeza. Fico feliz que gostou da caixinha e do meu treialho…Baijbnhos e até terça.
03/14/17 00:18:52
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