Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 47: Lecture 8 continued"

27 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 47: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

As indictment I presented this self check report. Both courses anime study and game study are developed intended for this purpose in mind.

I am planning to give anime subtitle lectures somewhere in America.
Kikuchihara continues, “…that the stories and settings of each character don’t oppose worldviews.”
Matsubara says, as one of the creators, “That hurts to hear.”

Literal translation of Japanese expression goes “My ears hurt.”
Sometimes literal translations go well. Quite often they result in overall failure.

“I want everyone to create every possible setting, scene and lead-in, in order to do that. Well, then, as of this moment, this project has officially begun. This plan and project will be called: Elimination Chamber Festival.

“No one knows when ‘The Great Destruction’ that Altair is working towards will begin. Our world exists on a thin sheet of ice.”
“Tread on a thin sheet of ice” is a common phrase in Japanese. Japanese is abounding of this kind of peculiar idioms. That makes the job of subtitle making very hard. I would like to pick up these instances and discuss in an intercultural interaction class. A few years ago, I had this kind of talk in a event named “Pre Wayora Cafe”.

11:41:41 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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