Archive for August 2024

17 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 10: Lecture 3 continued

Episode 3 opening
The characters are lined up in dizzying shots that switch rapidly.
In addition to fictional characters, there are also new characters in the real world.
Who is the girl wearing glasses?

“You are so pathetic. Oh, well. I never expected we’d ever face off against each other.”
“I hate dealing with girls who think they can get away with things by crying. You're friends with that Military Uniform Kid, aren’t you?”
Confrontation between characters from different works, Yuya and Mamika.
There, one more new character appears.
A lady knight comes and saves Mamika and flies away.
Sota knows her. “From Alicetaria of the svarlet.”
There are various colors of “reds” depending on the pigment such as scarlet, crimson, vermilion, and madder. Many hues are manifested in fictional characters surpassing the limit of real world.

Meteora and Selesia are exchanging information with Yuya at a family restaurant.
“Sorry. Recovery Magic isn’t listed in my character description.”
Meteora is referring to her character setting. It seems Mamika caused huge damage on Selesia, together with the city, including personal casualties.
“Then how about a hospital?” Sota is taking care of Selesia’s condition.
“We’re built a lot stronger than you. All because of our character descriptions.”
It seems Selesia is made stronger than people of real world.
Selesia is now accepting her presence as a fictional being.
Meteora asks Yuya, “I want to know how much you know about the current situation.”
Yuya understands well that he is one of fictional beings.
“I pretty much know what’s going on. It turns out we live in worlds made by other people.”
Yuya seems to be a quick-witted guy who accepts things flexibly, despite his appearance.
“If I told Syo, I bet he’d flip out.”
“Syo?” “He’s back over there. He’s one of my friends.”
Sota explains to Matsubara, “He’s the main character of Exclusive Underground.”
Yuya’s remark of Syo turns out to be a “spoiler” of the game.

Yuya is surprisingly quick-witted and flexible.
He has already made contact with Altair.
“I was transported here a while ago. She came soon after. She looks like a kid, but the way she talks is like she thinks she’s better than you. What a snob. She was with an old guy who really pissed me off. Then we got into a fight.”
It seems there is one more character “transported” in this world.
“I bet she’s the same as us. I mean, no one else in this world can float in the air.”
“That Military Uniform kid… she said that this world is the world of gods. A world where anything can be created with words.”
“If I find the creator of my world, remaking my world would be a piece of cake.”
Yuya declined Altair’s offer.

“But now that I know that we’re just being kept in a cage made by someone else, what’s the point of fixing up someone else’s insect cage? And I like living in the insect cage, in its own way.”
He is taking an existentialist view of the affair. Free will is suggested that is not restrained by the perspective of the world and able to determine its existence as its own. It seems he holds no “resentment” against the creator.

“I have friends and partners, and Syo… I wish those guys were here.”
Yuya seems to accept all the settings of his creator.

“Aren’t you interested in your creator?”
“Of course I have a few things I want to say. The creator created our messed up world, and stuck their hands in our relationships. In the end, that’s what it is. But I don’t care about the creator. The author, or whatever you’d like to call it, is just a normal person, like everyone else you see here. Not a god like we imagine. Of course I want to meet the creator and get my questions answered.”
Altair summoned various beings to the real world, and some responded to her request, and some did not.
What should one look for in a “Creator” with limited authority? It is not necessarily remaking of the world.

As for the relationship between the creator with restricted abilities and the created, there is another anime that depicted an interesting story of gods and demigods. Please refer to the study below.

Now, as Yuya says, here is “The creator and the created in one place.” He asks Matsubara and Selesia.
“Well, have you guys tried it yet?” It is “Revision”. It was what Altair proposed.
Yuya asks Matsubara, “You have the ability to tweak her character description, right?”

12:29:48 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

02 August

Fantasy as Antifantasy conclusion

I have shared the concluding part of my study of antifantasy on Academia.

This is a concluding part of Fantasy as Antifantasy, which studied the inception of fantasy literature, focusing on Peter and Wendy and The Last Unicorn. Fictionality is considered against the background of cosmology of consciousness, where some sort of teleology must be acknowledged, the sign of which working like magic or pilot wave.
11:24:23 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks