Archive for September 2024

20 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 40: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

It is not at the will of the Creator.
Alicetaria continues, “I met a boy in this world who was reading my story, and he said that your work was a story that taught the things of this world how to be powerful, courageous, and righteous. Is my story a world of strength and courage?”
It’s not actually a question to ask the author.

“Probably… I have no idea. I can’t talk about something so embarrassing. How stupid.”
“If you have something to say, say it. There is no one here to listen except the two of us. And I am the hero in your embarrassing story.”
“I get it, it is worth it. Of course I wrote the story to be that way. Why else could I write a story like that?”
“I see. You should be thankful to the boy.”

Authors don’t create stories thinking they are going to encourage people and confer meaning of life. If they did so, the result will be disastrous. It is teachers and politicians who would say such a ridiculous thing shamelessly. Good creators will make useless stories distorting the reality.

Meteora says, “Just as we found out in Yesterday’s battle, Altair is capable of physical attacks, and also has the ability to revise stories.
Selesia says, “That’s right. In that fight with Alicetaria, she changed Sword Rebellion unto a flower.”
Rui also says, “She made a fake of me.”
“How many special moves does she have, anyway?”
Nakanogane begins, “About that. Take a look at this.”

Next, this one.

“It’s the same ability as in yesterday’s fight.”
“That’s right. But that’s not the point. Don’t you see? This isn’t the video that Setsuna Shimazaki made.”

“These were all created by someone who was inspired by Shimazaki’s videos. These are secondary creations of Altair.”
“But Altair’s creator has already passed away…”
“So this is Altair’s formidable power. Through the secondary creations of countless other people, she continuously updates her own powers.”

Hatsune Miku is a fictional character who satisfies the same condition as Altair does. She is also continuously updated with her personality details through countless third-party fanfics and figurine models. There is no original novel or anime in which Hatsune Miku is described. The prototype representation of Hatsune Miku as a fictional character, was generated from the illustration of the package released as music creation software. But vast number of Hatsune Miku drawings and figurines are being produced on countless varying platforms with all sorts of variations.
Both Altair and Hatsune Miku are undefined characters who are not restricted in their specific abilities.

Culture Today Twitter Lectures main

Diverse unlimited qualities are represented by the character Hatsune Miku.
Secondary creations’ peculiarity manifested in various cultural phenomena are discussed in the course Culture Today. In this course, specific feature of archetype is studied through discoveries in quantum mechanics and C. G. Jung’s depth psychology, together with the idea posited by modal logic. Logically, for provisions that are not specifically described, all possibilities can be assumed.

Individuality in Figurines, Anime and Game

“Someone makes a story about her, and that story is added to her as a new power. As long as the supply of stories continues, her powers continue to expand infinitely.”

The ontological implication of secondary creations and the related issue of enlarged identity confirmation is discussed in the articles below, centered on Peter and Wendy.

Identity and Individuality of Derivative Fictions

“People continue to share secondary creations about her online, every day.”
“In other words, … It’s impossible to restrain her from the outside.”
“However, as of now, she can’t use her powers freely. …The ‘restoration power’ of the world is probably still large, and she would be thrown out of this world if she tried to use her powers carelessly. This must be what she’s worried about. So we’re going to use that weakness to attack her.”
“However, unless we have the strength needed to face her, no matter what we do…”

“Why don’t we attack her head-on? The collision of the worlds happened, and that caused the power of imagination to be able to affect reality. Then us creators should be able to use that power. We can make our characters stronger, and things like that.”
“That’s right, Suruga.”
“You’re right. If we can get the readers to sympathize, we can revise the story, and rewrite the story in real-time. But the effect is only temporary.”
“Then we must make that effect last, Matsubara.”

“In the revision we did last night, Marine did a test illustration, and Matsubara added an improvised story. We got the readers to sympathize temporarily, but that story was never released to the world. Therefore that power was displayed at only a limited level. This is my hypothesis.”

Fundamental implication of fictionality and secondary creation must be reconsidered, including the case plural members are involved in a creative activity for the production of anime work. The relationship of consciousness that perceives various qualia and the function of delusional description of reality must be reconsidered metaphysically in teleological cosmology.

“In other words, if we take the appropriate steps we can maximize the effect of that power.”
“We have the support of government institutions, and have communication lines with the creators. We have everything. If we use these, we can create a story world for confining Altair. We can push her in there, and suppress her influence on the real world. And then we maximize our own powers through revision, and directly face off against her in the story world.”

Meteora proposes to create a narrative hyper space that is able to confine Altair, in order to suppress her influence on real space. Altair’s aim is to introduce interferences of the fictional worlds beyond the elastic limits of the real world, that will cause great destruction.
Meteora considers the relationship between reality and fictionality, in order to protect the reality world. But the psychological and cosmological implication of fictionality is not yet included in her hypothesis. This anime may be demanding it to its viewers.
“If this story is accepted by the viewers, then we can win.

Alicetaria releases Takarada.
“You may return. Until the finale arrives, you may draw whatever you wish.”
“You don’t have to tell me. That’s what I’ll do anyway. The only thing I’m scared of is getting canceled.”

11:27:42 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

18 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 39: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

But I don’t want to talk back and fight about this. But still, it hurts just a little. I feel like drawing is bad. Sota …Do you think it’s all right if I draw? Is it okay if I want to draw?


“There was no reply…. After a long time, I realized that I got a message from her on the website.”

Dear Sota
I had a lot of fun at that event we went to together. I hope you don’t mind me saying this … That was the best memory from my life. I was really happy. Thanks. This is my new story. As I explained before, I named her after a star. This will probably be the last one. I hope this girl will be loved. Well, then … Goodbye.

“I stopped contacting her after that. I didn’t know what to say to her. And… Her words gave me such an ominous feeling… I didn’t have the courage. But after this started, I remembered. That I do know her. I know Altair.”

Sota had a phone call from Setsuna’s mother.
“Is this Sota Mizushino?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“I’m sorry for calling you suddenly. This is Yuna Shimazaki’s mother.”

“And then I found out … what happened to Shinazaki....From my computer, from my phone… I deleted everything related to her. Her number, her SNS address, logs… Everything. I wanted to forget. My memories, the records… I wanted to make it all disappear. I was scared of what I did, and couldn’t stand it. I ran away.”

“That sounds bad. Sota. If I was in your position, I might have done the same thing. However… What you did … I can’t say ‘don’t feel so bad about it.’ If you were the type of person that didn’t feel guilty about it at all, then I wouldn’t want to talk to you.”
“You’re right, Matsubara. What I did to Shimazaki was horrible. I think that Altair was probably created out of her despair. And now Altair is trying to make Shimazaki’s wish come true. So, I…”
Meteota asks, “Do you regret it? Are you determined to accept the responsibility?”

It has turned out that this story is deeply concerned with Sota’s own doing. Sota was not one of the bystanders. New perspective is now added centered on Sota, that brings very disconsolate atmosphere in this anime. This kind of innovative convention breaking is the characteristic of some new anime works, of which Mari Okada has achieved several influential trials as producer.

I have studied some of Mari Okada’s manipulating methods of fictionality, applying the idea of “hypernatural presentation”, taking up two works, glass lip and true tears, in the Anime Study course. Below are the lecture notes of the course.

“I understand. More than anything else, that is what your soul needs.”
“I want to stop Altair.”
“Of course. We must stop her. She was saying that this world is “the land of the gods. Even if we face off against her using power that surpasses logic, the power of the gods would win…. There is only one way.”

Takarada, the creator of Alicetaria is kept in captivity.
“Where is this place? ... Looks like the lights turn on. I have no idea what’s going on. I can’t draw in a place like this, ...Are you stupid? Oh, I should put that in the next episode. I’ll write a note.
Alicetaria comes in and takes him away.
“Takarada. …I cannot believe I was created by such a fool. Just as Selesia’s creator demonstrated. Where is your love for the story you created?”
She asks Takarada, “Creator. Answer my questions.”
“What? What is it?”
“My world, which you created. Is my world dear to you? …Do you have any intention of saving my world? That is what I ask.”
“I’m not the one who’s supposed to save your world. That’s up to you. You’re the only one who can save your world.”
“Because you’re the hero.”

20:18:29 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

17 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 38: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

Students’ Comments
 Kanoya’s growth wasn’t depicted much, and I felt like he was growing up before I noticed it, but I was convinced in an instant when he said, “I grew up with no more responsibilities and more room to do what I wanted.”
 Alicetaria also reconciled (?) with the author. I’m glad she was able to do it.
 I thought it would be difficult to do a battle in collaboration. I think I have found many collaboration subjects in school dramas.

 The expression that clothes get dirty due to adaptation to reality is very detailed and interesting. I wonder if she also sets her hair every morning.
 The development of the story was more than expected. I wonder if fans will be convinced of it.

 The expression of “praying mantis glasses” and “the ones in front of the convenience store in spring” was very accurate. It’s really interesting to ridicule those who can’t hold a conversation. The voice of the production side must have been included.

 Addition to the previous comment:
I mentioned that one of the aspects of the creator is a “trickster” element like Loki in the Norse Mythology. Later, I read a literature that said that Loki had an aspect as a god of fire. Just as Prometheus gave fire to man, there are many stories in which fire plays a role in establishing man’s superiority over nature, and I felt that Loki symbolized some kind of artificiality and creativity in this respect as well.

 The setting in which characters from different works fight in a single narrative space is also introduced in movies and video games. However, as each setting requires consistency and balance of power, so as Meteora says, it will take a lot of coordination to strengthen the ally side only. In the course of the story progresses as a fiction, there must be ingenuity needed in settling down to a persuasive description that doesn’t sound cheat.

Sota confesses.
“Someone was probably jealous of her for getting so much attention and started it. There’s no way it could be true. I have to do something. I have to help her. That’s what I thought. But if I post something, I might make things worse. When I thought about that, I felt paralized. In the end, I couldn’t do anything. … And…watching Shimazaki get put down made me feel a bit less lonely about being left behind. Somewhere in my mind, I felt such an ugly sense of satisfaction.

Very serious development as a subject of anime work. Maybe, this heavy motif refrained the work from being accepted light-heartedly by many viewers.

Episode 12

Alicetaria and Blitz talk. Alicetaria cares about Mamika’s death.
“Blitz, it appears that you have no feelings of hesitation.”
“I do not understand what you are saying.”
“Do you not have any thoughts about Mamika?”
“I think it’s a shame.”
“Is that all?”
Blitz is feigning indifference.
“I’ve seen more than enough death in the world I came from. It must be the same for you. Although I do understand that you cared about her. Aren’t you being sentimental?
“For someone who lost his daughter, you speak so coldly. Just as you know of my past, I have also had the opportunity to investigate your story. That is all.”
“Miracles might really exist in this world. I don’t want to admit it, but gods really do exist.”

“But I’m too old for wishes that will never come true.”
“Do you mean to say you have no intention of retuning to your own world?”
“What are you saying? That’s why I’ve teamed up with that girl. Of course I’m going back. But I never imagined that my partner Ryusuke was the main character. I’m worried about him. Oh, yeah, I’ve got to pay my rent.”
“You … your words have a sense of emptiness. I do not sense a feeling of longing for your old world in your words as I did from Mamika’s. You must grow accustomed to lying more. Like the ‘black fox’ who killed Mamika.”

Sota is telling.
“As far as I know, the things people accused Shimazaki of. There’s no way they could be true. They had no evidence. They made a big deal of it just for fun. In the end, I couldn’t do anything. And … And watching Shimazaki get put down made me feel a little bit less lonely about being left behind. I felt such an ugly sense of satisfaction.”
Sota had left the slander against Shimazaki unattended.

Sota received an email from Shimazaki.


“I’ve been going through a lot and I’m confused. Drawing was fun before. I didn’t have a lot of friends, so drawing pictures and writing songs was something that was really important to me. They made life fun for me. But. Lately, I don’t know anymore. I haven’t done any of the things that people say I’ve done.”

16:31:44 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

16 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 37: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

“In Episode 6, you were sulking around and destroyed the base.”
“I don’t know which events were part of Episode 6. That’s right, that’s why! It’s fine to reflect on things but sulking and regretting things like you? It’s useless! If you’ve seen my anime, then I’m sure you must know. As you know I used to be like that. So I get really mad when I see people like that.”
“How can you just…”
“I don’t care If you think it’s selfish. After I came here, I got away from those duties and responsibilities that I never understood, and do whatever I feel like. Now I finally time to think.”
“Kanoya. If you could go back, what would you do?
“Hm… Well… I think I would fight anyway. … When I was in that world, I was really mad that the executive branch of Energia forced me to fight. And I was really mad that Yuina talked down to me. After coming here, I realized that the only person who can save that world is me. So now I think that those things aren’t so bad. Sota. Create the things that only you can create. Instead of mourning for the past. It’s better to create. It’s more constructive, right?”

The relationship between Rui and Sota somehow reminds of one between Misato and Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Rui has established a new external viewpoint through his experience of objectively looking at himself in a fictional work.

“Kanoya. I didn’t know your character had such cool lines.”
“You can be really rude sometimes.”
“But … I think it’s not true. I’m not a ‘hero’ like you guys.”
“What are you saying? You’re not just a ‘hero’, you’re a ‘god’! There’s nothing you can’t do.”
“You misunderstand what a ‘god’ is. I’m …”
“No, you’re the one who doesn’t understand, Sota.”

“I understand that this is a complicated world. I know that this isn’t a world where everything you wish will come true. But for characters like me from stories, whether they’re good or bad, our purposes have already been decided and we can’t escape them. Mirokuji said that he didn’t like feeling constrained, but for me, I don’t mind that much. Having a clear mission makes things easy. Thankfully in the world of a story, people aren’t forced to do things they aren’t meant to do. But that kind of thing happens all the time here, in your world.”
“That doesn’t sound encouraging at all.”
“What I want to say is that, unlike us, you guys can decide where you go by yourself. It might not be easy, but you can choose it and create it for yourself. Just like you created us.”
“But isn’t that just hard?”
“But, Sota, it’s really amazing. You can write your own story just for yourself. We might have the power to save the world…”

In “the land of the Ancient Gods”, according to Altair’s words, there is richness of information and freedom. And the collective consciousness accepts and embodies the content of the works of creators. This anime tries to contrast between reality and fictionality as possible worlds.

“We might have the power to save the world…but we don’t have the ability to do anything else.”
“Isn’t that enough?”
“People who save the world exist because there are worlds that must be saved. Who’s going to make those worlds, Sota?”

There’s a call from Kikuchihara. Meteora has recovered.

“Thanks, Kanoya.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Let’s go back.”

They gather in a conference room.
Meteora starts, “Previously, I said that if we could discover who created Altair, we could make a lot of progress. However, it has become necessary to alter this strategy. …That’s …”

“It’s because Altair’s creator is already dead.
Sota talks about his relationship with the Altair's creator.
“I knew about Altair from the beginning. The reason is Altair’s creator, Setsuna Shimazaki is … my really dear friend.

“And I’m the one who killed her. Back then, I didn’t have a lot of friends. No, it’s not that I didn’t have anyone to talk to. But I didn’t have anyone close by to watch the same shows and laugh together with. That’s what I mean.”

“I loved Shimazaki’s drawings. For some reason, she liked my drawings too. We exchanged emails and started writing to each other.

“I don’t remember who asked first about where the other one lives. I think it was Shimazaki, but it might have been me.”
Sota got a mail from Shimazaki:
“On the 30th there’s going to be a Hakoniwa meetup. It’s a big festival for social networking sites. The creator of Megalosphere will be there. I really want to go but I don’t know anyone who’d go with me. So if you’re interested … Let’s go together.”

Sota and Shimazaki met at HAKONIWA MEETUP 2016.
“I’m glad you’re just like I imagined you’d be. Nice to meet you. I … I’m Yuna Shimazaki. Sota, is that your real name?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s a boring name.”
“No, that’s not true. I … um … simple things make me feel the most comfortable.”

“Wow! How can he draw so well without a rough sketch…”
Shimazaki is about to tumble over the railing. Sota barely detains her from falling.
“I’m glad. It would have been really bad if you fell!”
“Amazing. … This is an adventure. An adventure, isn’t it?”

But Shimazaki has lost her glasses. She tries Sota’s on.
“How do I look?”

“We continued talking to each other after that. Meanwhile, Shimazaki kept posting new drawings. Before long, she became really famous on the site.”


“I’m going to make a video with that famous producer, Shimashima! I’m a big fan of his, so I am nervous but he said let’s do our best!”
“I started to feel a lot of distance between me and Shimazaki. So… I stopped trying to contact her…. But then, I saw a post.”

Slanders on the net.

“She copied the design.”
“She is so full of herself.”
“Because she’s working with Producer Shimashima.”
“I started a wiki about Setsuna’s plagiarism. Spread the word. The link is here.”
“She’s so shameless.”
“But as of now, she’s only copied from ‘Iroha Cycle’, I’m sure we’ll find more if we dig into it.”
“Setsuna, you should kill yourself. Don’t get so full of yourself drawing stupid things.”
They were accusing her without proof. Someone was probably jealous of her forgetting so much attention and started it.

12:16:27 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

15 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 36: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

“When I go back, I can’t tell everyone that our world was made for entertainment.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it. But you’re right, there might be people who think of it as entertainment. But for me, I didn’t write it just for fun. For me writing your story is proof that I lived.”
An understanding is gained between the creator and the creation. Is the purpose of creation of fictional works only for entertainment?
The created sometimes bear gratitude and sometimes harbor resentment against the creator. The relationship between the god and the human was interestingly depicted in Ergo Proxy, adding one more perspective in the performance of “creation”.

4 Science, Science Fiction and Cogitation: God, Man and "Self" in Ergo Proxy

Rui Kanoya talks to Sota who is sunk in despondency.
“I heard you were feeling down. Cheer up. Want to eat some?”
“Where did you buy this?”
“At the store downstairs. I also have these. Look.”

“Can you eat all that?”
“Piece of cake, piece of cake. The food is so delicious. I don’t get fat, so I end up eating a lot. Anyway, I was so surprised yesterday.”
“Fighting Gigas Machina with Gigas Machina? I never imagined that would happen! But mine is the original. Of course I’d win. Next time, I’m going to beat that Altair with one hit.”
Rui is drinking POCARIUS.
“Altair is really strong. ”
“What do you mean? My Gigas Machina is 55 meters high. Compared to that, a human is just a doll. No matter how strong they are. I’m sure I could beat her with just one kick.”

“But things aren’t looking good. Selesia and Meteora were beaten really badly. And I never imagined that Mirokuji would end up like that. … Oh, sorry. Don’t worry about it. I heard about it from Mirokuji. So you were threatened by that girl named Magane? I also read that light novel or whatever it’s called, that Magane appears in. A disgusting girl like her wouldn’t hesitate to stoop so low. And you, you’re not from a world like ours.

Rui Kanoya also has read the light novel in which Magane Chikujoin is depicted, and has deepened his understanding of the way the other characters are described as fictional beings the same as himsef. Rui also has gained an elevated perspective departing from the framework of the original setting and begins to grow up adapting himself to the real world.

“I should have told everyone sooner. Then Selesia and Meteora would be … And maybe even Mamika…”

Rui has got the opportunity to re-examine himself and the world around him on an expanded perspective.
A character in a fiction has experienced multi-faceted sensations in the real world and constructed compound awareness, that is different from one usually established by growing old in the real world.The readers of manga and viewers of anime have similar experiences through appreciating and comparing various fictional works. The function of fictionality that enables the consciousness to take a speculative bird’s-eye view of the world structure must be re-examined, as an apology for fictionality. Fiction is not meant for entertainment but for speculative cogitation.

22:44:57 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks