Archive for 26 September 2024

26 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 46: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

Below is the lecture notes of Anime Study The Melancholia of Haruhi Suzumiya, developed in the year 2011.

2011 Anime Study Haruhi Suzumiya’s Melancholia

Together with Anime Study Madoka Magika, developed in the year 2012, we have argued on the relationship between consciousness and the universe, expressed in anime works as important main subject.

2012 anime study Madoka Magika a

2012 anime study Madoka Magika b

Re:CREATORS reflects the mindscape of contemporary world which collective consciousness forms, where both knowledge of real world and fictional concepts are widely shared, and “approved”. Kikuchihara states, “We will release this scene at the event. The video will be streamed all across the nation. We will have the audience ‘accept’ the fact that Altair died or retreated from this world.”

It is very interesting that Japanese poet Kenji Miyazawa discovered the same idea as the one kikuchihara is now promoting, as his philosophical and artistic principle of life inspired by the early arguments of quantum mechanics about a hundred years ago.

Please refer to the article below, for the full argument on this.

Speculative Attempt to Integrate Fictional World and Reality

The purpose of their action is focused on this point. But if the conclusion is actually brought about just as they planned, it will not make a good story as a fictional work. The viewers’s interest who are watching Re:CREATORS, will be focused how it is going to be concluded as an “acceptable” ending.

The questions raised by the gathered staff are natural, but will not make an effective plan.
“Can’t we make Altair weak in her character description? If we can do that, why don’t we just make a story where Altair loses?”
“Right now, Altair is a completely independent existence without a Creator. Considering the rule in which modifications to her are determined by the viewers, I don’t think we would be able to gain their acceptance by making a story like that.”

Unlike government official, Kikuchihara has the sense of appreciating good fictional works, though most people in educational position seem to be lacking in it. They quite often violate the creative ethics in their practice of producing didactic educational materials.

“Focusing on making the ‘bird cage’ stronger would increase our chance of success.”
There is a big difference between the educational system does and what creators do in making their works substantial. Real “acceptance” will not be gained in the way students learn to memorize “right” answers education demands them to return in examination. Real creators are seriously competing for acceptance.

“That’s why it all depends on how much we can increase the powers of Meteora and the others before the showdown. The key to victory lies here.”
“So, you mean, we can’t mess with Altair’s character description. Then we should make Meteora and the others stronger than Altair. — That’s what you mean, right?”
“In principle, yes. But is it really that easy?”
“Oh, what do you mean?”

“Increasing the powers of Meteora and the others is necessary for this plan to work. However, sometimes the viewers get disappointed when the creators change the characters on their own. If we do that, we won’t be able to gain the audience’s ‘acceptance’. We have to be careful…”

Japanese “Genkai” and “shounin” are consistently used in the scenario. But the subtitle chooses the easiest translation for the temporary ‘acceptance’ by the viewers, at occasional scenes. Sometimes the result of translation may be different. I have wrought several subtitle study texts focused on this issue.

While the government and universities are trying to extend their policy of keeping the people ignorant and easily subjugated, those will showcase the wholesome attitude of teaching and learning honestly.

Some university administrative look down on English classes and manage them quite irresponsibly. But awareness of the systematic difference of languages must not be underestimated. Their lack of regard for language function is the serious cause of deterioration in education.
Those were made in resistance for this pernicious trend.

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