Complete text -- "Kenji Miyazawa’s Mindscape Sketches and Science of Resonance shared"

09 October

Kenji Miyazawa’s Mindscape Sketches and Science of Resonance shared

Kenji Miyazawa’s Mindscape Sketches and Science of Resonance

This is a selection from “Cosmological Implication of Fictionality and Consciousness” that discussed Japanese poet Kenji Miyazawa’s activity of “mindscape sketching”, which is also a selection of the first and last chapters of Fantasy as Antifantasy 2, a comprehensive study of The Last Unicorn.

These parts were originally conceived as an argument on the implication of fictionality, against the cosmology based on the idea of oneness supported by post quantum mechanics.

After I published the study, I learned Franco Ivaldi and others have accomplished a persuasive study of the nonlocal structure of the universe and consciousness in their “Science of Resonance”. As I find their achievement will afford a good resource for understanding Kenji’s thoughts, I have modified the part I discussed Kenji’s hyper-scientific speculation/activity with notes on Science of Resonance and relating topics.
11:30:26 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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