Complete text -- "The Last Unicorn 『最後のユニコーン』読解メモ 286"

13 July

The Last Unicorn 『最後のユニコーン』読解メモ 286

Her heir was down, and her feet were bare, and the sight of her on the stair sent such sorrow licking along Prince Lir's bones that he dropped his poems and his pretenses together and actually turned to run. But he was a hero in all ways, and he turned bravely back to face her, saying in a calm and courtly manner, "Give you good evening, my lady."



 対象離反性:“sent such sorrow licking along Prince Lir's bones”の部分は、頼り無さそうなアマルシア姫の姿が“リア王子の骨に舐めるような感触を送った”、と描写されている。“背筋に濡れたものが走る”ようなぞくっとした感触とは、記述対象を突き放したような、醒めた感覚で語られていることが分かる。“dropped his poems and his pretenses”(詩も英雄としての建前も取り落としてしまった)の部分も、かなり意地の悪い、共感に乏しい描き方ではある。描きつつあるものに対する過剰な作者の思い入れは、しばしば“対象癒着性”という欠点に導かれるものだが、ここにあるのはそれとは見事に対照的な、醒めたドライな感覚である。しかしながら作者ビーグルの示す皮肉は、物語世界の鮮やかな瑞々しさを損なうこともない。





The Last Unicorn 『最後のユニコーン』の世界

和洋女子大学 東館9ー2教室にて開催


 Peter Beagle の長篇ファンタシー作品『最後のユニコーン』(The Last Unicorn)では、魔法についての記述に独創的な表現が駆使されており、“あり得ない物語世界”と“永遠の美と真実”というファンタシー文学の中心的主題を効果的に導き出すことに成功している。

1 魔女の語る言葉

Her voice left a flavor of honey and gunpowder on the air.


2 魔女の発した魔法の呪文

There was a smell of lightning about the unicorn when the old woman had finished her spell.

3 魔法使いの唱えた魔法の呪文

Schmendrick took a deep breath, spat three times, and spoke words that sounded like bells ringing under the sea. He scattered a handful of powder over the spittle, and smiled triumphantly as it puffed up in a single silent flash of green. When the light had faded, he said three more words. They were like the noise bees might make buzzing on the moon.

アニメーション映画 “The Last Unicorn”の紹介、



問い合わせ先:英文学科オフィス 0473-71-1375

 映画『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』の原作である『指輪の王』(The Lord of the Rings)は、オクスフォード大学で言語学を研究していたJ. R. R. トルキンが、神話や伝説の伝承知識に加えて、専門の古代言語に関する膨大な情報を活用して創りあげた世界となっている。実はエピソードの各々がいくつもの架空の言語の文法や語法の生成などと密接に関連して語り進められているのである。架空の作品世界の中のこととは言いながら、これらには言語学上の確かな裏付けがあり、実際の学術的考察として読み取ることが可能なものである。

Pronunciation of words and Names
The Westron or Common speech has been entirely translated into English equivalents. All Hobbit names and special words are intended to be pronounced accordingly: for example, Bolger has g as in bulge, and mathom rhymes with fathom.
In transcribing the ancient scripts I have tried to represent the original sounds (so far as they can be determined) with fair accuracy, and at the same time to produce words and names that do not look uncouth in modern letters. The High-elven Quenya has been spelt as much like Latin as its sounds allowed. For this reason c has been preferred to k in both Eldarin languages.
The following points may be observed by those who are interested in such details.

C has always the value of k even before e and i: celeb"silver" should be pronounced as keleb.
CH is only used to represent the sound heard in bach (in German or Welsh), not that in English church. Except at the end of words and before t this sound was weakened to h in the speech of Gondor, and that change has been recognized in a few names, such as Rohan, Rohirrim. (Imrahil is a Numenorean name.)
DH represents the voiced (soft) th of English these clothes. It is usually related to d, as in S. galadh "tree" compared with Q. alda; but is sometimes derived from n+r ,as in Caradhras "Redhorn" from caran-rass.
Note that consonants written twice as, tt, ll, ss, nn, represents long or "double" consonants. At the end of words of more than one syllable these were usually shortened: as in Rohan from Rochann (archaic Rochand).
For vowels the letters i, e, a, o, u are used, and (in Sindarin only) y. As far as can be determined the sounds represented by these letters (other than y) were of normal kind, though doubtless many local varieties escape detection. That is, the sounds were approximately those represented by i, e, a, o, u in English machine, were, father, for, brute, irrespective of quantity.
In Sindarin the diphthongs are written ae, ai, ei, oe, ui, and au. Other combinations are not diphthongal. The writing of final au as aw is in accordance with English custom, but is actually not uncommon in Feanorian spellings.
All these diphthongs were "falling" diphthongs, that is stressed on the first element, and composed of the simple vowels run together. Thus ai, ei, oi, ui are intended to be pronounced respectively as the vowels in English rye (not ray), grey, boy, ruin; and au (aw) as in loud, how, and not as in laud, haw.
There is nothing in English closely corresponding to ae, oe, eu; ae and oe may be pronounced as ai, oi.

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