Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 49: Lecture 8 continued"

29 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 49: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

“But if the production of Border World Coliseum isn’t on time, then everything’s over. That would be a waste. Because we start discussing whether we’re going to save the world or not, I don’t want anyone involved to go unrecognized.”

Sota finds Marine in the corridor.
Marine says, “Sorry for stepping out while you were all working hard.”
Marine continues, “Suruga and Yatoji also know we don’t have a lot of time. I’ve never seen their series go on hiatus suddenly. I think they just don’t have any ideas right now.”
Sota says, “It’s amazing. I didn’t know anything about this before. I didn’t know that pros argue like that. I was surprised.
Marine understands both Yatoji’s and Suruga’s way of working. They have never cancelled their duty. But it was unbearable for her to stay in the room with them quarrelling.
“That’s right. Even if other people think it’s silly, the person in question might think it’s something very important. We might have a tendency towards thinking like that. But I think it’s not related to whether someone is a pro or not. I think everyone has thoughts like this. …Something that you can’t give up on, or something that you don’t want to lose in. Something that makes you hate yourself for not being good… Me too. About Suruga. Suruga showed me her manga.”
Marine is very conscious of Suruga’s work.

“I thought that she was really amazing. She could draw such cool drawings so fast. Really amazing. And then I started to think, ‘Hmm.’ I shouldn’t be thinking that. Really.”
“That’s not true. Marine, your drawings are really popular. You have a lot of fans.”
“Thank you. But I … I myself know that I’m not good, so I can’t pretend like I am. In order for me to accept myself, there’s no other way, other than drawing what I can.”
“But, there’s no end to that.”
“But it’s something that’s fun. It hurts, and I feel so hopeless and feel like crying. But it’s still something that’s fun.”

Usually, adults or men of society consider “approval” of the company or of others as the concluding judgement, but they must have the unshakable concern whether it gains their own approval. Where that approval comes to them from will be the most important issue. One doesn’t know one’s own unconscious mind which is the most mysterious thing of all.

Sota seems to have gained some conviction through the conversation with Marine.
Yatoji comes back in the room and hands a slip of note to Matsubara.
“I think we’ll be able to gain more acceptance with this.”

“This …”
The modification of Matsbara’s plan by Yatoji seems to work.
“I told you, it’s no good.”

This line must be translated “You told it’s no good, didn't you?”
As Japanese sometimes has no subject in its sentence, this kind of mistake will sometimes occur.

“It isn’t ‘no good.’ I just thought it’s a little weak with just that. Your idea, I think there’s nothing else that would fit better. I think so too.”
“So, you do compliment people sometimes.”
This line shows the delicate problem in translation. Yatoji admitted that Matsubara’s plan is workable. His attitude is translated as “compliment”, here.
The dictionary translation of compliment gives “to flatter.”
English word “compliment” denotes expressions of praise and also approval, not shallow flattery. The nuance is very delicate.

Nakanogane says, “Yatoji! … That’s good. It looks like you got out of the tunnel.”
“No, it’s her idea.”
Suruga says, “You’re such a classic hot-and-cold personality.”
Japanese popular phrase “Tsundere” is translated very nicely.

14:32:33 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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