Complete text -- "Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Mechanics and Eternal Regression"

03 July

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative: Mechanics and Eternal Regression

Game Study Muv-Luv Alternative:
Mechanics and Eternal Regression

Prerequisite knowledge that forms the basis of the subject presented by Time Warp and Parallel Worlds

In the scientific philosophy represented by Newtonian mechanics, all phenomena that generate in the world are caused by the motion and arrangement of individual particles, which are the basic units that form matter. If an Almighty God-like being were to grasp all the particles of matter that exist in the present world, their positions and motions, then everything in the future would have exact results according to his prediction. This is a form of perception of reality called the “deterministic view of the universe.” Furthermore, if the size of the world is finite and the number of particles that form the constituent units of matter is also finite, then it is natural to expect that the number of permutation combinations, no matter how enormous, will take on a certain finite value. This means that the world after experiencing all the divergences of possibilities is bound to repeat the same state that it experienced before. In the eternal flow of time, each of the worlds and its components has no way of escaping the loop of unchanging repetition in the process of choosing its own manifestation. This is considered to be a cruel doctrine that shows the reality of a frigid, objective world that completely denies the meaning of existence and action itself, and it is also considered to be the most abominable form of reality recognition imaginable for a conscious subject who is aware of itself as an “individual will.” Nietzsche called this idea “Ewig Wiederkehren.”
What are the laws of physics that govern multiple universes in which the leaps to other parallel worlds and regression to the past are accepted as a result of modification of the premise of Newtonian mechanics, as in the case of Muv-Luv?

In Newtonian cosmology, while adopting the fundamental principle that all matter attracts each other with a force proportional to the amount of their intrinsic mass (universal gravitation), the possibility that all matter in the universe, as a natural consequence will be attracted to each other and aggregated at a certain point was excluded based on the assumption that everything will be suspended in the infinite expanse of space. In fact, it was a false hypothesis. The Christian doctrine of 7,000 years of finite time with a beginning and an end was already an obsolete fallacy for intellectuals in the 18th and 19th centuries. As long as we accept spatial and temporal infinity as a premise, a deterministic view of fate that follows mechanistic causality would be asserted as indisputable. It can be said that the Big Bang cosmology that introduces the existence of a beginning and an end, which is currently dominant, is an idea involving an “unscientific” factor that rather positively adopts a “singularity” that “scientific thought” in the strict sense of the word refused to accept. Just as there can be a connection to a different dimensional space in the maximum and minimum “singularities” in space, it is already a natural perception of space-time in the current world to anticipate the existence of an equivalent singularity in the temporal dimension. If matter particles as mass points are the basic units that make up the world, it is natural that all beings are governed by gravitational force, as Newton postulated. However, the existence of “elementary particles” as a partial unit constituting “atoms” that had been thought to be the core factor of “matter” was newly recognized with such properties, and when the “elementary particles” were accepted as something that do not have a specific “mass” like atoms, but sometimes they behave as factors that give mass to atoms, or they function as constituents of atoms even though the mass they hold is zero, and furthermore, when it became possible even to predict the existence of “elementary particles” with negative mass, it became necessary to reconsider the concepts of “gravity” and “mass” themselves.
In other words, the existence of a fundamental “information” (meaning) that grants mass the attribute to be mass must be newly acknowledged. In addition to the condition that the coordinates of individual entities are maintained as an extension of the time axis, or that they are a mass that maintains spatial continuity without break as “extension”, it is conceivable that there are “identification conditions” at a more advanced interface in which the individuality of existence is judged as “identical” through conditions such as “implication”, “shape” and “nature”. Takeru Shirogane’s lover Sumika Kagami’s “identity” peculiarities would later appear in this video game, demanding reconsideration of the concepts of existence, phenomenon and personality.
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