Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 9: Lecture 3"

16 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 9: Lecture 3

Anime Study Re:CREATORS Lecture 3

We can see the feet of the approaching magical girl.

“She’s real. This is not Halloween or a cosplay event.”
Meteora has a good understanding of the behavior of the people of this world.

Magical girl appears
“Hey, look. Mom. It’s Mamika.”
“Everyone here knows my true identity.”
“It’s Magical Slayer Mamika.”
She is looking for the three.

“What was that again? Se—Seleju—Soluju—”
“Are you trying to greet me? I can’t believe you came without remembering our names.”
“I came to try to convince you guys. I’m Mamika. Mamika Kirameki. In order to defeat Akumarin, who steals the power of smiles… I received the power to transform into Magical Slayer. The person who gave me that power is the Fairy of the Land of Eternity, Mirimiri.”
Infantile and self-righteous character

“What’s going on? Magical Slayer Mamika?”
“What? Even old men like you know who I am?”
“What’s wrong with an old guy watching the show?”

“So? Mamika. What do you want?”
“I heard about it. From the Military Uniform Princess. She said that this world is the place making our worlds. The people in our worlds who are in trouble or in pain… can be saved with the power of the people in this world.”
“I can imagine what kinds of things she said to you… but it’s not as simple as you think.”
“Why? Isn’t your world… a terrible world where everyone is fighting? I can’t forgive gods who would create a world like that.”
“I agree with you about that much. I’ll decide for myself about what kind of a person our god is.”
“Why? … Why can’t you understand me? Magical Dolce Patissiere!”
Magical Slayer Mamika’s transformation.

Mamika and Selesia’s battle scene commences in the air.
Each of the characters is able to fly according to her own ability.
The principle supporting them may cause considerable interference to the world.

Effective omission of the process.
What will it make if we supplement their exchange of words leading up to this?

Severe personality description of Mamika.
Outside of her world, Mamika has to betray her infantile self-righteous behavior.
The gap between fictional worlds is effectively depicted.
Mamika administers her special attack; “Magical Splash Flare” against Selesia.
Mamika is appalled by the consequence caused by her own actions.
They might have killed hundreds of people in this world of reality.

“Are you okay? Did it hurt?”
“Of course, it hurts.”
“That’s weird. No way. Usually there’s no blood.”
“In your world. But in terms of pain… this place is similar to the world I used to live in.”
But Mamika knows no means other than ones undertaken in her own world.
“Do you understand now? If you do understand…”
“You’re going to beat me up and make me beg for forgiveness? Continue. In your story… that might not have been part of the plot… my story is different. If you’re going to do it in the name of justice, don’t chase idealistic fantasies. See it through to the end with force. Make up your mind”
Collision of principles between the worlds of Mamika and Selesia is manifested in the world of reality, which is a hyper-space containing manifold world axes.
Selesia’s surprise attack caused an appalling sensation on Mamika because it ripped her costume.
Characters from multiple fictional worlds come together in Re:CREATORS.
The gaps between those worlds are cleverly depicted in this anime.

Try to describe how the defeated villains will suffer in Mamika’s world.

“Your story was probably filled with reasonable people. Remember this one thing. If you use force to serve justice… no one is going to follow your idealistic scenario.”
Selesia’s remark makes an objective criticism on the show Magical Slayer Mamika. The worldview of the show is quite self-righteous, and the protagonist Mamika also reveals the trait. Now it is pointed out by a character from other fictional work.
“No one’s going to agree to that.”
“Stop! I don’t mean to hurt you. I don’t want to fight if it means having to go that far.”
“Don’t be so spoiled.”
“Please, just listen to what I have to say. Or else…”

Mamika’s behavior directly reveals the principle of her world.

“Magical Splash Flare!”
New character appears.
“Why does everyone have to say their names… in your story? Sacred Tree Kuroganemaru.”
Is it the name of his weapon? It seems he is a boss enemy character of a game.
“And this is…”
What he summoned up was a servant, a persona or a stand?
In Fate, it is servant that is summoned up. In Persona, persona will appear as a character’s double. Though they seem to share a common pattern, the details differ according to the settings of each work.

“My companion. I don’t like to use this against girls… but I’m not the type of guy… that would stop himself from using this to smash your brain. I’m warning you, I’m strong. In the world I used to live in… apparently I was the final boss.”
He understands that he is a character in a fictional work, like as Kojirou Sasaki in Fate/stay night does.
There are still more characters summoned up from their works by the princess in military uniform.
“Did he come from “that one”?
“That’s … If I remember correctly… That’s Yuya Mirokuji. He’s from Exclusive Underground — Dark night.

“Exclusive Underground” reminds of the “closed space” in The Melancholia of Haruhi Suzumiya.
There are some shared ideas commonly assumed. “Tacit assumption” suggests the existence of a collected consciousness, that is assumed in the notion of Carl Gustav Jung’s depth psychology.

“The main character’s rival.”

The end of the “avant” of the 2nd episode.
Episode title is displayed. “Dynamite and the Cool Guy”

17:51:01 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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