Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 18: Lecture 4 finished"

25 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 18: Lecture 4 finished

Lecture 4 finished
Meteora states her situational assessment.
“I surmise that she has not yet been able to complete her work. If she only damages the world halfway, then the world’s restoration power might throw her out of this world. I think that’s why she is hesitating to act. We shall have some time left to do something.”
The world has an autonomous function to try to eliminate foreign influences. Similar implicate order of the world is depicted in Mub-Lub Alternative through the notion of “causal conductor”. Please see the article below.

Meteora argues the need for the manifested beings to confront her directly in order to limit extra influences.
“I was concerned that the ‘Creations’ were interfering with each other. However, now that the number of ‘Creations’ here has increased, I think it is more important to suppress secondary damage and to reduce the impact on this world, even if it means we must interfere. In situations that require direct confrontation, in order to reduce impact to the external world, we will do what we can. I would like to ask you to locate and protect the other ‘Creations’ that get transported to this world, as well as their creators.”
Here, Meteora mentions “Genkai” in the original scenario. It is translated “transport” and afterward “appear”. It is better for the subtitle to find some word that may be able to cover both ideas, such as “manifest” or “materialize”.

I would like to discuss this subject concerning translation together with foreign students, making use of Re:CREATORS as text.
Meteora continues, “In particular, the hunt for “her” and the creator who created “her”, is of utmost urgency…. In order to stop people from panicking when a confrontation occurs, I want you to create a cover-up.”
But “cover-up” will be a risky procedure, because as the government people say, “If the cover-up leaks, people will start losing trust in the related organizations. Then the residents wouldn’t believe the information we release.” The government people are depicted as highly considerate ones, which makes the work persuasive. But Meteora has a sound idea on this issue.
“However, shocking the residents directly increases the disturbance inflicted on this world. The more people know the more the ‘repetition rate’ of the cracks increases.

Meteora is pointing out the influence on the collective consciousness of this world.

What Meteora is referring to may be termed as “Collective Unconscious” that Jung posited.
The function of consciousness will make the main motif of this psychological anime.
“One more thing. In order to be able to move around in this world, please grant us legal status.”
“Kikuchihara responds readily.
“We will work with the Ministry of Justice and the National Personnel Authority to issue the three of you a valid Status of Residency and appointments as government officials. We will issue the necessary documents.”
Very concrete specific terms are mentioned in Kikuchihara’s response that will gain effective result in comparison with the extraordinary situation they are facing.
Kikuchihara concludes the conference.
“Based on the proceedings of today’s council, I will draft a proposal to submit to the Cabinet. I request the cooperation of the various ministries in handling this situation. The creators and the creations will be granted the protection of this Council as of today. Excuse me, Sota Mizushino. That includes you.”
Kikuchihara deals with everything related to the proceeding of the council. Maybe, other members are incapable of carrying out these detailed matters, that are beyond the ability of those who has risen through ranks by learning hard. Kikuchihara only may be the capable person in them.

“One last thing. Your worlds have always been fictional. For our entertainment. Just stories. Now that you know that do you still think they’re worth protecting?”
Meteora asserts the significance of saving this world.
“It’s the place where we lived my life as myself. In other words, the world. Therefore, I love the place I used to live and this world too.”
Selesia also says, “We’ve always been trying to save the world. So, I don’t mind trying to save this world too. Fictional beings are ready to establish their raison d’être at any time.

But Meteora says, “The creativity and will of this world has shaped our world.
In that case, the final solution will be creativity and willpower. In the end, your imagination, not ours, is the key to saving this world.”

“If someone from this world told me that I think I would have just laughed. It’s a pretty sad story as someone from this world, which created you.”
“That’s not true. Ms. Kikuchihara. You’re standing here right now.”
“I remember what it felt like when I was first appointed to my position.”
“This is the first time I’ve seen you smile since meeting you.”
“Really? You have a nice smile too.”
Meteora befriends Kikuchihara.

“Anyway, now we have a strategy for how to proceed. We will go around, making sure other ‘Creations’ don’t do whatever they want, and hunt down the Military Uniform Princess.”

“Um…. if you don’t mind, you can keep staying with me. It’s totally fine with me. It feels like a sleepover. I’m having fun.”
Marine is happy to have girl’s night.

Sota is worried about the princess in the military uniform.”

“Why do I know her?”
Sota ponders.
The name of a Star. The girl who Picked up Sota’s glasses.
Sota recalls something. “Shimazaki….”

It was Altair, a derivative character from Divine Comedy Megalosphere.
“That’s why I remembered… No way…!”

Data sharing on Twitter
Complementary Lectures
Anime Study; Re:CREATORS —Fictional Characters
Game Study; Fate/stay night — Summoned Spirits of Heroes

For some reason, we can’t play videos posted on Twitter on the campus network.

End of the lecture 4

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