Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 19: Lecture 5"

28 August

Study of Re:CREATORS 19: Lecture 5

Anime Study Re:CREATORS lecture 5

Episode 6
Conditions for manifestation of a fictional event

Sota searches the internet and collects data on the name of the Military Uniform Princess.
Her name is Altair, the name of the star in the constellation Alpha Aquilae.

The character of a secondary creation of Eternal Wars Megalosphere. The author is Setsuna Shimazaki.

Derivative work World Etude from Eternal Wars Megalosphere

Sota now understands. “That’s why… that’s why I remembered.

Character of a secondary creation
Selesia comes, but for some reason Sota doesn’t tell her about his discovery.

Distorted feeling of a being in real world.

Meteora is working with Kikuchihara to search for new Creations. Her strategy is to find the Creations before the Military Uniform Princess does, and get them to cooperate with them.
They monitor the manifestation of other fictional characters by observation of radio interference and magnetic field anomalies.

“Oh, if that’s a side effect of Creations appearing in this world…
Again, in Sota’s line, “Genkai” is translated “appear”.
What would the most appropriate English translation of Japanese word “Genkai” be, that covers both “transport” and “appear”?
“She said she’d let us know if she detects anything abnormal. I got this from her. The devices of this world are so easy to use.”

Selesia’s mobile and Desktop Icons’ design.

“I like this one. Hey, let’s exchange numbers.”
Selesia Upitiria adapts herself well to the handling of machines.
For some reason, Sota does not report his discovery of the name of the Military Uniform Princess.

New character appears.
“This must be Japan. No, it’s different from the Japan I know.”

Make a note of your own judgment and subjective impression on her personality.

“I can still use the same money here and everyone here understands Japanese. Then, then, everything’s good for now. Yes, good, good.”

It seems she is positive and carefree but her personality may have some problem. Can she be compared with Sojiro Seta from Rurouni Kenshin or Nanachi from Made in Abyss?

There was a title of the work she appears in the opening, “--Demon Record”.

The work Magane is depicted is Night Thought Ogre Record.
Opening information gets more legible.

“It’s dangerous for a girl to walk around alone at night like that.”
“Since you’re here, I have nothing to worry about.”
Alicetaria befriends Mamika camping in the field.
“Is the world you’re from similar to this world?”
“I think they’re almost the same. The place I’m from is also ‘Tokyo.’ But a lot of things confuse me here.”
Mamika is growing up since she came to this world. That shows the world’s adjustment function.

“Hey. We haven’t found that new person that the Princess was talking about.”
“I’m sure this neighborhood is where that new person appeared though.”
“Genkai” is again translated “appear”.

“I wonder what that new person is like.”
“I would appreciate having someone tough and with high offensive capabilities.”
“I hope it’s someone who’s a good person.”
“I do not care about the personality. But I do not wish to fight alongside someone with different aims.”
“If it’s a good person, even if that person had different values. I’m sure that person would become a strong ally for us. That’s something that’s much more important than whether that person’s goals are correct. That’s what I think.”
“I have been mistaken. Mamika, I have misjudged you. I see. So that is how you are. You understand the role of justice.”
“I’m not really sure what you’re saying. Was that a compliment?”
They understand each other and improve spiritually.

How the new character behaves they have been talking?
Shoplifting at a bookstore.
“In this book, on page 196, there’s a note written in pen.”

The Hounds of Tindalos

“The Hounds of Tindalos”, a short story written by Frank Belknap Long.
Introduced in H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos

“Thanks for falling for my lie, old guy. The setup for my magic trick is a lot of trouble. A lie about a lie, and it turns inside-out on itself.”

Magane’s speciality was a Logic Magic or Conceptual Magic.
Please refer to the study of Fate/stay night, for my argument of informational beings and conceptual magic.

15:54:25 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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