Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 38: Lecture 7 continued"

17 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 38: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

Students’ Comments
 Kanoya’s growth wasn’t depicted much, and I felt like he was growing up before I noticed it, but I was convinced in an instant when he said, “I grew up with no more responsibilities and more room to do what I wanted.”
 Alicetaria also reconciled (?) with the author. I’m glad she was able to do it.
 I thought it would be difficult to do a battle in collaboration. I think I have found many collaboration subjects in school dramas.

 The expression that clothes get dirty due to adaptation to reality is very detailed and interesting. I wonder if she also sets her hair every morning.
 The development of the story was more than expected. I wonder if fans will be convinced of it.

 The expression of “praying mantis glasses” and “the ones in front of the convenience store in spring” was very accurate. It’s really interesting to ridicule those who can’t hold a conversation. The voice of the production side must have been included.

 Addition to the previous comment:
I mentioned that one of the aspects of the creator is a “trickster” element like Loki in the Norse Mythology. Later, I read a literature that said that Loki had an aspect as a god of fire. Just as Prometheus gave fire to man, there are many stories in which fire plays a role in establishing man’s superiority over nature, and I felt that Loki symbolized some kind of artificiality and creativity in this respect as well.

 The setting in which characters from different works fight in a single narrative space is also introduced in movies and video games. However, as each setting requires consistency and balance of power, so as Meteora says, it will take a lot of coordination to strengthen the ally side only. In the course of the story progresses as a fiction, there must be ingenuity needed in settling down to a persuasive description that doesn’t sound cheat.

Sota confesses.
“Someone was probably jealous of her for getting so much attention and started it. There’s no way it could be true. I have to do something. I have to help her. That’s what I thought. But if I post something, I might make things worse. When I thought about that, I felt paralized. In the end, I couldn’t do anything. … And…watching Shimazaki get put down made me feel a bit less lonely about being left behind. Somewhere in my mind, I felt such an ugly sense of satisfaction.

Very serious development as a subject of anime work. Maybe, this heavy motif refrained the work from being accepted light-heartedly by many viewers.

Episode 12

Alicetaria and Blitz talk. Alicetaria cares about Mamika’s death.
“Blitz, it appears that you have no feelings of hesitation.”
“I do not understand what you are saying.”
“Do you not have any thoughts about Mamika?”
“I think it’s a shame.”
“Is that all?”
Blitz is feigning indifference.
“I’ve seen more than enough death in the world I came from. It must be the same for you. Although I do understand that you cared about her. Aren’t you being sentimental?
“For someone who lost his daughter, you speak so coldly. Just as you know of my past, I have also had the opportunity to investigate your story. That is all.”
“Miracles might really exist in this world. I don’t want to admit it, but gods really do exist.”

“But I’m too old for wishes that will never come true.”
“Do you mean to say you have no intention of retuning to your own world?”
“What are you saying? That’s why I’ve teamed up with that girl. Of course I’m going back. But I never imagined that my partner Ryusuke was the main character. I’m worried about him. Oh, yeah, I’ve got to pay my rent.”
“You … your words have a sense of emptiness. I do not sense a feeling of longing for your old world in your words as I did from Mamika’s. You must grow accustomed to lying more. Like the ‘black fox’ who killed Mamika.”

Sota is telling.
“As far as I know, the things people accused Shimazaki of. There’s no way they could be true. They had no evidence. They made a big deal of it just for fun. In the end, I couldn’t do anything. And … And watching Shimazaki get put down made me feel a little bit less lonely about being left behind. I felt such an ugly sense of satisfaction.”
Sota had left the slander against Shimazaki unattended.

Sota received an email from Shimazaki.


“I’ve been going through a lot and I’m confused. Drawing was fun before. I didn’t have a lot of friends, so drawing pictures and writing songs was something that was really important to me. They made life fun for me. But. Lately, I don’t know anymore. I haven’t done any of the things that people say I’ve done.”

16:31:44 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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