Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 40: Lecture 7 continued"

20 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 40: Lecture 7 continued

Lecture 7 continued

It is not at the will of the Creator.
Alicetaria continues, “I met a boy in this world who was reading my story, and he said that your work was a story that taught the things of this world how to be powerful, courageous, and righteous. Is my story a world of strength and courage?”
It’s not actually a question to ask the author.

“Probably… I have no idea. I can’t talk about something so embarrassing. How stupid.”
“If you have something to say, say it. There is no one here to listen except the two of us. And I am the hero in your embarrassing story.”
“I get it, it is worth it. Of course I wrote the story to be that way. Why else could I write a story like that?”
“I see. You should be thankful to the boy.”

Authors don’t create stories thinking they are going to encourage people and confer meaning of life. If they did so, the result will be disastrous. It is teachers and politicians who would say such a ridiculous thing shamelessly. Good creators will make useless stories distorting the reality.

Meteora says, “Just as we found out in Yesterday’s battle, Altair is capable of physical attacks, and also has the ability to revise stories.
Selesia says, “That’s right. In that fight with Alicetaria, she changed Sword Rebellion unto a flower.”
Rui also says, “She made a fake of me.”
“How many special moves does she have, anyway?”
Nakanogane begins, “About that. Take a look at this.”

Next, this one.

“It’s the same ability as in yesterday’s fight.”
“That’s right. But that’s not the point. Don’t you see? This isn’t the video that Setsuna Shimazaki made.”

“These were all created by someone who was inspired by Shimazaki’s videos. These are secondary creations of Altair.”
“But Altair’s creator has already passed away…”
“So this is Altair’s formidable power. Through the secondary creations of countless other people, she continuously updates her own powers.”

Hatsune Miku is a fictional character who satisfies the same condition as Altair does. She is also continuously updated with her personality details through countless third-party fanfics and figurine models. There is no original novel or anime in which Hatsune Miku is described. The prototype representation of Hatsune Miku as a fictional character, was generated from the illustration of the package released as music creation software. But vast number of Hatsune Miku drawings and figurines are being produced on countless varying platforms with all sorts of variations.
Both Altair and Hatsune Miku are undefined characters who are not restricted in their specific abilities.

Culture Today Twitter Lectures main

Diverse unlimited qualities are represented by the character Hatsune Miku.
Secondary creations’ peculiarity manifested in various cultural phenomena are discussed in the course Culture Today. In this course, specific feature of archetype is studied through discoveries in quantum mechanics and C. G. Jung’s depth psychology, together with the idea posited by modal logic. Logically, for provisions that are not specifically described, all possibilities can be assumed.

Individuality in Figurines, Anime and Game

“Someone makes a story about her, and that story is added to her as a new power. As long as the supply of stories continues, her powers continue to expand infinitely.”

The ontological implication of secondary creations and the related issue of enlarged identity confirmation is discussed in the articles below, centered on Peter and Wendy.

Identity and Individuality of Derivative Fictions

“People continue to share secondary creations about her online, every day.”
“In other words, … It’s impossible to restrain her from the outside.”
“However, as of now, she can’t use her powers freely. …The ‘restoration power’ of the world is probably still large, and she would be thrown out of this world if she tried to use her powers carelessly. This must be what she’s worried about. So we’re going to use that weakness to attack her.”
“However, unless we have the strength needed to face her, no matter what we do…”

“Why don’t we attack her head-on? The collision of the worlds happened, and that caused the power of imagination to be able to affect reality. Then us creators should be able to use that power. We can make our characters stronger, and things like that.”
“That’s right, Suruga.”
“You’re right. If we can get the readers to sympathize, we can revise the story, and rewrite the story in real-time. But the effect is only temporary.”
“Then we must make that effect last, Matsubara.”

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