Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 66: Lecture 10"

19 October

Study of Re:CREATORS 66: Lecture 10

Lecture 10

Alicetaria confronts Yuya.
“You’re no match for a big enemy like that, girl. Anyway, I have to pay you back for the other day.”
“Girls don’t like men who hold grudges.”
“So you learned how to tell jokes.”
“It’s all thanks to you.”
Alicetaria learned to tell a joke. Maybe it’s the result of the coordination power of real world.
“I have one more thing to add. I am not the one you should be meeting with. The one you should be dancing with is him.”
Yuya seems to be astonished. “No way.”

This phrase may not be one you learn during English classes in Japan, but watching anime it’s quite often you’ll find it in them.”
In front of Yuya, Sho Hakua, the protagonist of Exclusive Underground - Dark night-, appears.
“I finally caught up to you, Yuya. Let’s do it!”
Rui Kanoya ejaculates “Darn!” during battle.

darn=damn: May God damn ~
An Optative sentence, used in prayer, meaning, “May the curse of God be upon you.”

Alicetaria is signaling to Gigas Machina.
“Young boy, wait until the time is right. You understand, right?”
What will Alicetaria do next?

“Okay, I’m really going now.”
Sho summons his astral double, Bayard.

Sho Hakua was the hidden weapon prepared by Altair.
She has summoned the main character from the same work as one Yuya is described.
Sho challenges Yuya. A special battle skill is used by Sho. He smeared his blood on a piece of broken glass. The reflection on it turned to Bayard.
Is there any precedences for similar battle skill? There was no specific explanation.
But it seems it is enough to gain acceptance from the viewers.
There are some conventions in fictional works shared by plural titles.
Materialization or transportation gained by making use of reflected image.

It seems to be the policy of this anime not to bother with needless explanations.
If there are any similar instances, please notify us.

“Right, right. That’s what yours is called. I’ve been over here so long I almost forget.”
The battle scene between Yuya and Sho has garnered a great deal of support from the girls in the audience.

Meteora chaunts a spell.
“Inimitable key that will never rot through the depth of time. You shall surpass even the dark river of Styks. Time freezes in your dominion, never ending change shall turn to nothingness and then become infinite.”

The degree of acceptance is rising.
“Our game of tag is over.”
“I know what you’re up to!”

“Gotz von Berlichingen!”
“What’s wrong, little boy? If you’re able to save the world even though you’re so weak, the settings for the Ione in your world must be really weak.”

The invading electromagnetic parasite that appears in Infinite God Machine Monomagia is called “Ione”.

“Look who’s talking, knight. My world. My friends. Who do you think has protected them this whole time?”
The battle of them is developed in a bird cage, which is an enclosed space.

“I’ve been waiting for you. I was hoping you’d come.”
“Yuya. I didn’t know Kuronagimaru could do that. And why aren’t you using Hangaku?”
Sho is pointing out that Kuronagimaru did not have such power as Yuya is displaying now. That means Yuya has grown up in his abilities in the real world.
“It’s a long story. Well…”

Marine is much impressed by their conversation.
“Wow, this conversation! This is so adorable!”
“Don’t ask me.”
Yatoji is at a loss to be asked to join in her praise. Maybe it demands a BL feeling.

22:39:34 | antifantasy2 | | TrackBacks
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