Archive for September 2024

30 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 50: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

“Matsubara. I have something to talk about.”
Sota had an idea that he had been holding on to for a long time.
“I thought that I should draw her. So that it looks like the Altair that she created.”
“I understand the situation. But like I said just now, we’re not playing around here. It’s not something that I can say yes to easily.”
“Let’s hear what he has to say.” Suruga supports Sota.
“Anyway, just tell us what your idea is.”

The elapsed time is expressed by the length of tobacco ash.
Suruga likes Sota’s idea. “That’s pretty good, right? You’re pretty funny.
Matsubara says, “You come up with horrible ideas. You scare me. Anyway, try making a character. But I’m not sure about how much I can let your character get involved.”
Japanese “Hidoi” is translated “Horrible” in the subtitle.

Matsubara is calling Sota’s idea “horrible” in compliment.
The content of Sota’s idea is kept under wraps.
“If you put a character like that in, the story would move forward.”
What does Matsubara’s estimation for the factor that improves story making imply as the specifics of fictionality, different from actuality?
The person who represents such a “horrible” idea is Magane Chikujoin.

It is expected that this fictional work Re:CREATORS will reveal a “horrible” aspect.
Suruga says, “Weird things are interesting.”
Japanese word “Hen” is translated “Weird” in Suruga’s line. This word originally means “eerie” but often used meaning “wonderful”.

Selesia is querying the results of the search for magnetic field fluctuations.
“Why did two occur at the same time?”
Meteora answers, “It’s probably an effect of the weakening of the world’s rationality.

“I think the amount of variable imaginative force increased. Also, although it isn’t a clue, there’s something that caught my attention. One of the eyewitnesses of previous Creation that we lost reported seeing a robot, a huge power driver. There is a high probability that the Creation transported to this world is from a robot or science fiction series.”

Here, Japanese word “Genkai” is translated “transport”.
A girl calls to Selesia and Rui, “Um… Is there a police station around here? I don’t know where this is …”
There’s a new character. One of the creations transported through magnetic field fluctuation.

End of episode 14.
In the ending, characters are depicted in 2 heads tall proportion.

14:32:03 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

29 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 49: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

“But if the production of Border World Coliseum isn’t on time, then everything’s over. That would be a waste. Because we start discussing whether we’re going to save the world or not, I don’t want anyone involved to go unrecognized.”

Sota finds Marine in the corridor.
Marine says, “Sorry for stepping out while you were all working hard.”
Marine continues, “Suruga and Yatoji also know we don’t have a lot of time. I’ve never seen their series go on hiatus suddenly. I think they just don’t have any ideas right now.”
Sota says, “It’s amazing. I didn’t know anything about this before. I didn’t know that pros argue like that. I was surprised.
Marine understands both Yatoji’s and Suruga’s way of working. They have never cancelled their duty. But it was unbearable for her to stay in the room with them quarrelling.
“That’s right. Even if other people think it’s silly, the person in question might think it’s something very important. We might have a tendency towards thinking like that. But I think it’s not related to whether someone is a pro or not. I think everyone has thoughts like this. …Something that you can’t give up on, or something that you don’t want to lose in. Something that makes you hate yourself for not being good… Me too. About Suruga. Suruga showed me her manga.”
Marine is very conscious of Suruga’s work.

“I thought that she was really amazing. She could draw such cool drawings so fast. Really amazing. And then I started to think, ‘Hmm.’ I shouldn’t be thinking that. Really.”
“That’s not true. Marine, your drawings are really popular. You have a lot of fans.”
“Thank you. But I … I myself know that I’m not good, so I can’t pretend like I am. In order for me to accept myself, there’s no other way, other than drawing what I can.”
“But, there’s no end to that.”
“But it’s something that’s fun. It hurts, and I feel so hopeless and feel like crying. But it’s still something that’s fun.”

Usually, adults or men of society consider “approval” of the company or of others as the concluding judgement, but they must have the unshakable concern whether it gains their own approval. Where that approval comes to them from will be the most important issue. One doesn’t know one’s own unconscious mind which is the most mysterious thing of all.

Sota seems to have gained some conviction through the conversation with Marine.
Yatoji comes back in the room and hands a slip of note to Matsubara.
“I think we’ll be able to gain more acceptance with this.”

“This …”
The modification of Matsbara’s plan by Yatoji seems to work.
“I told you, it’s no good.”

This line must be translated “You told it’s no good, didn't you?”
As Japanese sometimes has no subject in its sentence, this kind of mistake will sometimes occur.

“It isn’t ‘no good.’ I just thought it’s a little weak with just that. Your idea, I think there’s nothing else that would fit better. I think so too.”
“So, you do compliment people sometimes.”
This line shows the delicate problem in translation. Yatoji admitted that Matsubara’s plan is workable. His attitude is translated as “compliment”, here.
The dictionary translation of compliment gives “to flatter.”
English word “compliment” denotes expressions of praise and also approval, not shallow flattery. The nuance is very delicate.

Nakanogane says, “Yatoji! … That’s good. It looks like you got out of the tunnel.”
“No, it’s her idea.”
Suruga says, “You’re such a classic hot-and-cold personality.”
Japanese popular phrase “Tsundere” is translated very nicely.

14:32:33 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

28 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 48: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

Yatoji calls out the fault on Nakanogane’s plan. Nakanogane gets annoyed.
“I couldn’t think of anything else for the introduction.”
“Hey, I feel bad saying this. Your stories are for kids, so you might be able to get away with stuff like that. But I have no idea how a crossover with the worldview from your story will work out.”
Their common aim is to succeed in the “cross-over of world views”, and what Re:CREATORS is trying to do is no other than that. An instance of “self-reference,”
They are talking of “worldview”. Which is the term usually adopted in Japanese discourse, but in English, it will be better expressed by the word “perspective”, which denotes the internal settings of the work world. Please refer to the article below for the argument of perspective in a fictional work.

The Hypernatural and Supernatural in Madlax: Disrupted Genre Concepts, Manipulation of Perspectives, Intuition, Fictionality and Implicate Order in Anime

Matsubara says, “Whatever you say. I have no idea about the worldview in your story either.
“What? Are you trying to say it’s stupid?”
The atmosphere grows tense. Marine hurriedly escapes out of the room. The interpersonal relationships of the creators are depicted.

“Yatoji, just calm down.”
“The problem is that, right now, the only way we have to counter Altair is to depend on Meteora and summon Selesia and the others to this world. How can we defeat her with something like that?”
“I increased the strength of the characters and had them summon weapons. Maybe that’s not enough. …If I tried to change something deeper than that…”
Matsubara speaks to Yatoji, “Hey, … I had an idea. What do you think? I feel like this would still be able to gain their ‘acceptance,’ just barely.”
“The good part isn’t quite right.”
“Oh, really? Then this is being shelved!”

Nakanogane tries to calm them down.
“I know it’s a silly story, but the fate of the world depends on it.”
Suruga says, “It doesn’t matter. I mean that, no matter what happens to the world, it’s not related at all to what we write.

It is difficult to cross over works with different backgrounds.
The conflict between Nakanogane’s judgment and ones of Yatoji and Suruga. The ethics ruling over creation of fictional works might be different from one that rules over the real world. Which creator do you support, Nakanogane or Yatoji?

“Um… I think that’s not quite right. Ignoring the situation around you? That’s not what a real pro does. A pro coordinates around deadlines and the client’s situation.”
“That’s what salarymen writers like you who work for others say.”

Difference on the understanding of professional work and adult judgment. Does it concern with deadlines and availability of the ordering source?
Here subtitle reads “salarymen writers”. I was rather surprised at this literal translation adopted as natural expression in English.

“Salarymen writers” may not just describe those writers who belong to a production company and is in charge of scenarios in a position where he receives a salary. The appellation may also imply those who don’t have their own decision in creative activities but follow the demand of the organization, reflecting the peculiar conforming living style in Japanese society.

Yatoji continues, “Hey, I don’t receive a salary like you. I put myself on the line when I write. Our work is fundamentally different.”
“No, that’s wrong. Don’t you understand that if you do whatever you want and cause a delay, you cause problems for other people? Your stories still sell because you have an editor who handles those problems for you.”

They are about to fall in a battle. Matsubara intercedes for the clash between Nakanogane and Yatoji. Yatoji goes out of the room by himself.

“There is also the problem of ‘acceptance’.” If we defeat Altair however we want and it’s not accepted by the viewers, then all our work would go waste. I want to avoid a situation like that, so I want to keep trying hard until the end. I’m sure he feels the same way.”
“I understand that. I’m also worried about this problem.”

15:32:48 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

27 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 47: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

As indictment I presented this self check report. Both courses anime study and game study are developed intended for this purpose in mind.

I am planning to give anime subtitle lectures somewhere in America.
Kikuchihara continues, “…that the stories and settings of each character don’t oppose worldviews.”
Matsubara says, as one of the creators, “That hurts to hear.”

Literal translation of Japanese expression goes “My ears hurt.”
Sometimes literal translations go well. Quite often they result in overall failure.

“I want everyone to create every possible setting, scene and lead-in, in order to do that. Well, then, as of this moment, this project has officially begun. This plan and project will be called: Elimination Chamber Festival.

“No one knows when ‘The Great Destruction’ that Altair is working towards will begin. Our world exists on a thin sheet of ice.”
“Tread on a thin sheet of ice” is a common phrase in Japanese. Japanese is abounding of this kind of peculiar idioms. That makes the job of subtitle making very hard. I would like to pick up these instances and discuss in an intercultural interaction class. A few years ago, I had this kind of talk in a event named “Pre Wayora Cafe”.

Examining English subtitles paves the way for scenario study.
As soon as I have processed these teaching data, I will share them on school network and twitter.

Kikuchihara continues, “However, I believe that you will save this world. Let’s begin, for the sake of the world.”

“On January 14th, the Elimination Chamber Festival was announced. The first spin off was a short story for Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier.”
Large amount of background information is depicted through buildings, shops, books, blogs.
Kunika Bulldog, Nissan Stadium

Elemental Symphony
4 main Elements: Spirits, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. Those supernatural beings that represent these elementary factors that constitute the world are also called elementals.

There is also a distinction between elemental and elementary.
The relationship of words is different between Japanese and English. English classes must be run inspecting this factor. But administrative are very reluctant to prepare for these earnest teaching environments. Instead, they try to suppress those teachers who are taking care of those issues in their classes. One of the concrete examples of this is the annihilation of the function of school network.

And then, the main event. It was announced that the production for the animation would be done by TAC Products, the studio that did Monomagia.

“I ask you once more.”
“I said, it’s impossible. If you really want it, then I need 10 top-class producers and screenwriters. How about it? Do you think you can get them?”
“I will arrange for it soon.”
Industry-leading supervision and direction started.

“Don’t underestimate government-sponsored projects.”

The hidden realities of the anime production industry.
Across the industry, there is a limited pool of personnel who can handle tasks such as animation and direction.
A production that cannot gather enough staff ends up failing.
It ends up in what manga industry calls “dropping a manuscript.”

“You guys were saying it’d be too difficult or we’re going to die, but you look like you’re having fun.”
“For Kanoya to abandon the problems in his own world and go to another world, I think the motivation is too weak.”
“Do you think you can still make more time? Mr. Lead Screenwriter…”
“Stop it. I’m just the coordinator.”

The roles of director and producer are important. But sometimes something performed by the series manager plays an important role.

For instance, Mari Okada did a very good job as series manager in the making of true tears and glass lip.
Those are studies of them.……

Sota comes in the office. “I brought what you asked me to.”
“Thanks. Come in, come in.”
“I was feeling a little cramped. Let’s rest for a bit.”
“Where are Meteora and the others?”
“They said there were two magnetic field fluctuations in a row. They all went out searching. What’s this?”
“A rough sketch for the spin-off. The one that will be released tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is only one short story. We’re making several and going to release a book of them right before the event.”
“This is for the third one. I take a lot of time to finish the drawings. So I have to start early.”
“Wow. This is really cool. It has a lot of aura.”
“Hearing you say that makes me feel relieved. Oh, did you bring what I asked you to?”
“Salmon! …Thanks! I need this whenever I take naps!”

Suruga talks to Marine.
“This pen. It’s easy to use. …The way it draws.”
Sota and Marine are much impressed watching Suruga drawing.

Yatoji is not satisfied with the plan.
“It’s too simple.”

11:41:41 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks

26 September

Study of Re:CREATORS 46: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

Below is the lecture notes of Anime Study The Melancholia of Haruhi Suzumiya, developed in the year 2011.

2011 Anime Study Haruhi Suzumiya’s Melancholia

Together with Anime Study Madoka Magika, developed in the year 2012, we have argued on the relationship between consciousness and the universe, expressed in anime works as important main subject.

2012 anime study Madoka Magika a

2012 anime study Madoka Magika b

Re:CREATORS reflects the mindscape of contemporary world which collective consciousness forms, where both knowledge of real world and fictional concepts are widely shared, and “approved”. Kikuchihara states, “We will release this scene at the event. The video will be streamed all across the nation. We will have the audience ‘accept’ the fact that Altair died or retreated from this world.”

It is very interesting that Japanese poet Kenji Miyazawa discovered the same idea as the one kikuchihara is now promoting, as his philosophical and artistic principle of life inspired by the early arguments of quantum mechanics about a hundred years ago.

Please refer to the article below, for the full argument on this.

Speculative Attempt to Integrate Fictional World and Reality

The purpose of their action is focused on this point. But if the conclusion is actually brought about just as they planned, it will not make a good story as a fictional work. The viewers’s interest who are watching Re:CREATORS, will be focused how it is going to be concluded as an “acceptable” ending.

The questions raised by the gathered staff are natural, but will not make an effective plan.
“Can’t we make Altair weak in her character description? If we can do that, why don’t we just make a story where Altair loses?”
“Right now, Altair is a completely independent existence without a Creator. Considering the rule in which modifications to her are determined by the viewers, I don’t think we would be able to gain their acceptance by making a story like that.”

Unlike government official, Kikuchihara has the sense of appreciating good fictional works, though most people in educational position seem to be lacking in it. They quite often violate the creative ethics in their practice of producing didactic educational materials.

“Focusing on making the ‘bird cage’ stronger would increase our chance of success.”
There is a big difference between the educational system does and what creators do in making their works substantial. Real “acceptance” will not be gained in the way students learn to memorize “right” answers education demands them to return in examination. Real creators are seriously competing for acceptance.

“That’s why it all depends on how much we can increase the powers of Meteora and the others before the showdown. The key to victory lies here.”
“So, you mean, we can’t mess with Altair’s character description. Then we should make Meteora and the others stronger than Altair. — That’s what you mean, right?”
“In principle, yes. But is it really that easy?”
“Oh, what do you mean?”

“Increasing the powers of Meteora and the others is necessary for this plan to work. However, sometimes the viewers get disappointed when the creators change the characters on their own. If we do that, we won’t be able to gain the audience’s ‘acceptance’. We have to be careful…”

Japanese “Genkai” and “shounin” are consistently used in the scenario. But the subtitle chooses the easiest translation for the temporary ‘acceptance’ by the viewers, at occasional scenes. Sometimes the result of translation may be different. I have wrought several subtitle study texts focused on this issue.

While the government and universities are trying to extend their policy of keeping the people ignorant and easily subjugated, those will showcase the wholesome attitude of teaching and learning honestly.

Some university administrative look down on English classes and manage them quite irresponsibly. But awareness of the systematic difference of languages must not be underestimated. Their lack of regard for language function is the serious cause of deterioration in education.
Those were made in resistance for this pernicious trend.

17:29:56 | antifantasy2 | No comments | TrackBacks