Complete text -- "Fantasy as Antifantasy: 8 Kiss and Riddle continued"

19 March

Fantasy as Antifantasy: 8 Kiss and Riddle continued

Mr. Darling, who had successfully obtained Mrs. Darling as his wife, was not even aware of the secret of her heart, and this kiss was soon to be given up.

He got all of her, except the innermost box and the kiss. He never knew about the box, and in time he gave up trying for the kiss.
p. 7

 But when Peter came to send Wendy back to the Darling family, he easily made the kiss his own.

He took Mrs. Darling’s kiss with him. The kiss that had been for no one else Peter took quite easily. Funny. But she seemed satisfied.
p. 148

I dare not try to solve the riddle of Peter here. The primary meaning of a riddle lies in the fact that it is a riddle. For the time being, it is enough to confirm the whereabouts of the riddle. Just as words that speak of irony must contain irony, the procedure for talking about riddles is to first amplify the oscillation of the riddle to the maximum. One thing is for sure, that the discursive act of fantasy of speaking of the unrealizable events of an impossible world must be an art of telling lies in that it plausibly speaks of impossible facts, but that falsehood can have a dialectical meaning without degenerating into literal nonsense and delusion, as a peculiar proposition which can never be held in any axiom system, only so far as it functions as a revelatory aporia that threatens the very foundation of the axiom from its roots. If we decide to reinterpret the word “riddle” as a concept that vividly reflects the element of the “supernatural” that seems to exist as an essential condition for the formation of fantasy space, the crystallized factor of the decisive element of unnatural will be manifested as a “riddle”, that destroys the inductive methodology which constantly seeks to construct a higher system, focusing on the microscopic elements that has been thought to lead to the collapse of conventional system as a theory, and make metasystemic modifications to it, just as the natural sciences have done as their norm.

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