Complete text -- "Study of Re:CREATORS 52: Lecture 8 continued"

02 October

Study of Re:CREATORS 52: Lecture 8 continued

Lecture 8 continued

“… Considering the impact, don’t we have to include her in the Chamber Festival too?”
There, a report is brought to Kikuchihara.
“The Oji office notified us that they have taken one person into custody under the ‘Special Disaster 105 Measure.’… The person calls himself Naoya Takarada. He has no notable external injuries. The Metropolotan Police Department is confirming his identity now.”
Sota knows him. “The Creator of Alicetaria of the Scarlet…”
Takarada is reading Suruga’s manga Code Babylon.

Blitz’s daughter, Erina, is in a terrible situation.
The scene is reproduced in a retrospection.
A mad scientist says.“You shouldn’t have used an old computational device to try to control the monsters. Your mistake is that you were stingy with money.”
“Where is Erina?” They find her.

Altair said he had lost his daughter Erina.
Blitz’s partner tries to shoot her. “Just give up. Blitz. Your daughter is already dead! When the door opens completely, we won’t be able to stop it anymore. Even the armed police force won’t be able to stop it. And maybe not even the military”
Erina has been turned into a formidable tool of disaster, a kind of evil god or final weapon.

Blitz had shot and killed his daughter with his own hands.
A new character appears on Altair’s side.
His name is Sho Hakua.
“If you guys are his enemies, then that makes you my allies.”
He also has a battle attendant similar to Yuya’s Hangaku.
“This is my Astra Double, Bayard”.
“Astral body” is a term used in Theosophy and theology in contrast to “corporeal body.”
Spiritual entity has been thought to be composed of this ethereal substance.

Hangaku was a female warrior of the Heike clan described in the Azumakagami.
It has nothing to do with Kiso Yoshinaka. I will correct it.
“But that’s just a name given to it by an old man I’m friends with who’s a fortuneteller. I don’t know where the name comes from. If Yuya’s here, then I have to settle things between us, no matter where he is. He betrayed us, and killed one of our friends and my sister.”

Bayard was a French knight who made a meritorious expedition to Italy, and is considered to be the ideal image of a knight.
“That’s a big reason. Well, all of the Creations that came here have big reasons.”
“I heard that we were created by the people in this world as part of ‘stories.’ I heard it from the girl in the military coat. I don’t believe her 100 percent yet, but…”
“After learning the truth, don’t you feel like getting revenge on the gods? Or asking them to grant your wishes?”
“First I have to make Yuya pay for what he did. I’ll think about the rest later.”
“But I think getting your wishes granted comes first.”

Yuya allegedly murdered Sho’s sister and his friend. Is this really so?

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